Futa/GLReincarnated from the hero princess to an nine-tail fox

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First chapter of old version

{Author- heys I just want to let you guys see the variations between the old and the new version of the story I would love to know what you guy's think about the the two as the new version will be still have it reminiscence of the first one all the up to chapter ten of the old one as the fans that has read it know the first on only has ten chapters.

After the tenth chapter is when you will start to see the new arc of the story and I would love you guys telling me what you think of it.

Thank you guys for reading my stories that I have wrote and the ones I have not come to finish yet especially the one's that has been with me reading my stories from the start to until now I hope you guy's will stay with me on this journey and I appreciate the new ones that has decided to give me chances despite my flaws I hope you all will enjoy my stories that are to come and the current ones.}


(Start of the chapter)

You know it's a good thing that I have been able to live despite being reincarnated as a hero princess from once being a highschool boy.

My life as the hero princess of the Kingdom of Lenora was very stressful from constantly fighting in wars to cold wars and finally coup d'etat which led to my death.

But it wasn't all bad I had my good times too my parents loved me very much and my two younger sisters who were very cute even though I may have spoiled them but my family loved me and I loved them too.

I was also blessed by the gods and goddesses which helped me become the hero princess.

So I was more than glad to kill that bastard that helped my dad and us build this kingdom.

(Present time)

Which is why I am in my final moments I am in my parents room on their bed with my mom,dad, and my two younger sisters around me with my eyes closed.

That bastard poisoned me when our swords clashed for the last time with my sword going through his heart and his being coated in the world deadliest poison botulinum toxic I only had a few more moments of life left.

I can hear my younger sister Ashley wailing no no no no this can't be why..why is this happening this can't be BIG SISTER!

With our youngest sister her name coming from the kingdom Lenoir softly crying with her hand holding mine.

Mom is trying to comfort them but she's also crying saying my daughter..my beautiful daughter why are the gods delivering this cruel fate to us.

Dad is standing with his head on his arm covering his eyes as he's leaning on the bed pillar saying Kristen why...why you, you blessed by the 4 gods and goddesses why would they let this happen.

I should curse the gods and goddesses and remove their sanctuaries from our kingdom.

That's when I open my eyes and say father you should not do that this is not the fault of the gods and goddesses without them I wouldn't have this loving family and we wouldn't have our loving kingdom that we have.

We fought tooth and nail with the other 2 kingdoms to claim this land so please do not invoke the god's wrath but praise them that I was able to live this long and stop that bastard from killing my family and built a kingdom with all of you.

Did we not go through enough to get this far please do not throw all our hard work away.

Dad falls to his knees in defeat as all his will and determination leaves him and he turns pale saying why my noble and precious daughter why...why do we have to lose you like this.

I put my free hand on Ashley's head and say Ashley, Lenoir will you let your failure of an older sister see your faces one more time before I go.

Ashley lifts her head along with Lenoir and Ashley says as she jumps up and hugs me.

You are not a failure of an big sister I will not allow you to say anything else disrespectful about yourself that takes away what you have achieved.

I smile at her with a weakened expression when Lenoir says she is right big sister as she wipes her tears away Ashley makes room for her as she hugs me too.

You are our idol you have set a bright future for us we will always have you in our hearts and minds.

That when loud cheers can be heard from outside Long Live the Hero princess Long live the Hero princess.

Mom says do you hear that my precious daughter you will not only live on in our hearts and minds you will also in our citizens lives too.

There will be a statue made in your honor as she kisses me on the forehead.

That's when a bright light shines in the room making everyone cover their eyes and my family jumps over to protect me.

When it is clear there are 4 beginnings that have a light glow around them.

After my family gets up and I can see my eyes widen and I say the gods and goddesses I try to get up but Ashley pushes me back down and the gods say no need for that Kristen stay laying down.

Dad says it's our honor for the 4 of 8 gods and goddesses to bless us with their presence but forgive us for not bowing for as you can see.

Mom, Ashley and Lenoir make way as Athena, Ishtar, Artemis, and Poseidon walk over to me.

Athena sits and says we know you guys have a little hatred in your hearts for us but do know we truly do love Kristen and if we could have stopped what happened we woulda but...

Mom says don't tell me one of the other gods were able to use their power to make this happen out of your view.

Artemis answers yes they had distracted us and blinded our view weakening our connection to Kristen.

Poseidon says it is my fault I should have been able to get rid of the pests a lot sooner but I...I.

Ishtar cuts in saying it isn't your fault we did not expect a god to do this other god's do not interfere with others especially with Beelzebub weakened no other would interfere with other gods business well that what we thought.

Dad says so..so then with hope in his voice you can bring her back right beginning that this is not a natural death as he walked closer to them wanting to grab one of them but even he wouldn't go that far as to touch a god.

They remain quiet until Artemis speak we cannot interfere with death regardless of how it happened that is an unspoken rule among all gods and goddesses not even Beelzebub would dare to break it.

Realizing what she meant by that dad fell to his knees again and says so we really are losing our daughter.

The gods close their eyes and clenching their fist say sorry.

With each breath I take getting weaker and weaker everyone notice and comes to the bed I say it is not your fault you the god of the vast oceans, the goddess of law and justice, the goddess of love and fertility, and the goddess of Chasity and the moon. You have looked over me and my family along with our kingdom sense the time you had gave me your blessings when I was young you have nothing to apologize for.

I let out one last weak breath and started to close my eyes I heard my family say Kristen!

Artemis says do you have any last request before you go the other gods nod in agreement as saying they will grant it as long as it's in their power.

I say I would love to be reincarnated with my loving family again in their next lives.

As my family cried hearing what I said the gods nod as I close my eyes just before I'm consumed by darkness I hear BIG SISTER, KRISTEN as my last breath leaves my body.

(Right after Kristen has passed away)

Artemis says she has passed as she intertwines my hands together and gets up.

Dad asks the gods will our precious last wish be granted.

Ishtar says it will be but being that she wants to be with you her family it will be granted when you all have passed.

Dad lifts his head and asks can we add our own requests on to hers.

Ashley still crying runs up to Istar falling to her knees bowing her head.

Please goddess please let us as she grabs the bottom of Ishtar dress.

Mom tries to remove her hands saying now Ashley you know we are not meant to touch the god's.

Ashley says but...but Kristen is as Ishtar puts her hand gently on mom's and she looks at her an shake her head.

Letting go Ishtar crouches down and hugs Ashley letting her cry even more.

Artemis gets up and says yes you may, dad gets up and says thank you.

Athena says it is only right beginning that you have lost a loved one and it also breaks our heart to lose her beginning that we loved her dearly too.

Dad bows and says please wait we have to announce the passing of our daughter.

After he gave his bow he goes to the balcony trying to look the best he can before the people as my mom and his two youngest follow him.

The gods decide to go too they stop behind dad as he is at the front of the balcony where the knights and citizens can see him and his family alongside the god's.

Dad says my beloved citizens our beloved hero princess has just passed away.

You see some knights drop their weapons and drop to their knees.

Some citizens are on their knees crying shaking their heads saying no no and some are comforting each other.

Dad raises his hand and the citizens bring their attention back to him as he continues to say we may have lost our hero princess and our daughter but what she has done, gone through, and achieved for us will always be with us she will live on in our hearts and minds.

We will build a Statue in her honor and we I'll change our royal symbol to her face so we can carry her alongside us into battle.

Dad moves to the side making way for Athena when she is in front she says our beloved princess had made one last request we can not say what it was but do now this she wishes to still be among you to protect you.

As they all leave you hear chants Long live the princess Long live the princess.

Once back inside mom closes the doors that lead to the balcony and dad says know about our requests.