Shikari's Heart
In a world where emotions wield supernatural abilities, Surata's lonely, everyday life gets taken from him after having a near-death experience with a murderous lone wolf named Koroki. Without any explanation, they were forced to live together and become "brothers."
Surata's one dream is to become a Shikari, a licensed hunter who harnesses their emotions into supernatural abilities. There's just one problem: he can't awaken his powers.
Despite being forced to live with him, Koroki slowly accepts Surata as his new family. His dream is to live a peaceful life, free from war. But the world is about to turn against them.
Years after their altercation,16-year-old Surata gets kidnapped by a group of ex-Shikaris. After being physically tortured and mentally defeated, he was effortlessly saved by Koroki, who also uses no abilities.
Rumors start to form about Koroki's existence, slowly unveiling a tragedy that will soon ruin their world.