The time of day was around afternoon, just about an hour past high noon, and it was just a normal every day for everyone else within the capital of the Re-estize kingdom.
It was during this normal day that a cloaked figure walked the streets of the capital, eliciting states and exclamations of amazement from the citizens.
The strange individual wore a cloak, but it did nothing to hide her face, and the citizens were able to see the ethereal, otherworldly beauty of the individual.
Her beautiful pale skin resembled porcelain, and her beautiful eyes portrayed an indifferent gaze that saw the regular folk as nothing; all who saw her could by her gaze mattered little to her.
There were exclamations of amazement and appreciation of the beauty that walked the streets of the capital, with a few already comparing the beauty of the current Queen to this new stranger.
Antelene made her way towards the Royal castle of the Re-estize kingdom; she wasn't in a hurry. As such, her gait was calm and poised as she walked; there was no underlying anxiety or paranoia of being attacked as she was confident in her power.
Zesshi had no intention of hiding her identity. However, she still wore the cloak anyway, mostly to hide her ears; she no doubt believed her ears would be met with the same disgust in this kingdom, similar to the Slane Theocracy.
Her belief would not be wrong; the Theocracy's human supremacist thought has affected the Re-estize kingdom severely. However, the demi-human hate is split about 60/40, with the majority being mostly ambivalent to demi-humans.
It didn't take long before Zesshi was close to the castle; however, before she took a step, she halted and thought.
"Hmm, what to do?"
She questioned herself; the point of her journey was mostly to test Arthur and see if he had what it took to help her in her quest to kill the Elf King; however, now that she was close, she reconsidered her approach.
The approach is to attack him, find out he's strong enough, and then have baby-making sex with him.
It was simple and straightforward; however, perhaps it might not be the best approach. Not to mention that he probably has a grudge because of last time.
"Well, if he does have a grudge that just means he'll go all out"
She concluded and continued to move towards the castle.
Renner was steadily walking through the halls of the royal palace; she wasn't going to any particular location or room but instead was taking a break from the paperwork with Arthur absent. She had much work.
"You are aware that it is entirely unnecessary for all three of you to accompany me everywhere"
She expressed to the three individuals following her.
"Forgive us my Queen, but this is an order from his majesty, we cannot disobey"
Gazes answered from her right; Arthur had gone off to the Azarlian mountain range in search of a gold-hoarding dragon; she wasn't worried about his return or danger; however, she did underestimate how protective he would be.
"So I must be constantly surrounded by your three everywhere I go until he returns"
"So says the king, we're just following orders"
Brain countered and caused Renner to sigh in frustration. It's not like they made things difficult for her or impeded her from doing anything; however, she did feel that Gazeff alone would be enough.
"If I'm being honest, I've been following you around since I pledged my allegiances to him, so this is hardly a change in routine, although I've never had to follow you to the restroom."
Edstrom gave her thoughts on the matter, she was trailing a few steps behind the group but was still close enough to make conversation.
Gazeff gave the woman a glance; the distrust in his eyes was obvious; he had only recently been informed about Edstrom's former occupation and allegiance.
It was due to that knowledge that he felt apprehensive about trusting; however, he never voiced his opinion and chose to trust the King's judgment.
"Am I not your queen? Shouldn't you follow my orders as well?"
She asked in an attempt to make them feel conflicted. The conversation itself wasn't really important to her as she was simply talking with them for the sake of it; what really bothered her was the fact Arthur departed with Lakyus.
She would have much rather he go alone instead of with that woman and now Renner cannot know what the two will get up to in her absence.
'Lakyus is certainly pushing her luck'
She thought in mild displeasure, however her thoughts were quickly interrupted as sounds of a group of knights walking towards her direction reached her ears.
Her three guards were the first to react, with Gazef and Brain quickly moving in front of her, they shared a silent look as they both held their weapons.
Her group was already headed towards the exit door of the palace to get some fresh air as it was easy to tell the knights coming towards their direction came from outside.
They waited and just as predicted, a group of Re-estize knights rounded the corner and was met with Renner and her entourage.
"Men, what's the meaning of this?"
Gazef questioned, with Brain taking a step back and covering Renner from view, while Edstrom got close to Renner and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Apologies General, but there's a guest who was insistent on entering the castle"
Gazeff was quick to spot the individual the knights were surrounding with some having their sword pointed at the person.
"Let us see this guest then"
He commanded and the knights parted and revealed the petite figure of the individual. The moment they laid eyes on her, their bodies tensed up, and they drew their weapons immediately; Edstrom quickly grabbed Renner and opened the distance between herself and the other two.
"Who are you?!"
Gazeff questioned as Brain stood at his side, both were quick to understand that they were outmatched and would need to work together to have a chance at defeating this individual.
"No need for alarm, I'm not here to harm anyone, but I am looking to meet your King"
Brain and Gazeff shared a look, the two men had easily picked up the woman's strength from just a glance and were able to determine she was dangerous; however, letting her meet with the king was out of the question.
"What business do you have with his Majesty?"
Gazeff asked, his brows furrowed and stance ready to fight.
"Nothing you need to concern yourself with, can I meet him?"
"Sorry little lady but the King doesn't have time to meet with random people just because they want to"
Brain answered and Zesshi frowned in displeasure, and the tension in the hallway became thick, forcing both men to tighten their grips on their weapons.
Zesshi hadn't wanted to use violence against people who were completely uninvolved in her business; however, she wasn't above using it.
"I'd rather you not force me to use violence, neither of you has the power to stop me, just let me see your king"
She demanded.
"There's no need for that, as Queen, I can speak to you in his stead"
Renner spoke loudly as she removed Edstrom's hand from her person and walked towards the guest.
"My Queen, please stay back."
Gazeff warned; however, Renner did not heed his warning and continued to walk towards their position.
"Our guest here, has stated she does not wish for things to get violent, let's give her the benefit of the doubt"
She expressed, reaching Gazeff, walking past him, and standing before Zesshi, giving her a scrutinizing gaze.
"Sorry but I have no interest in you, just direct me to your King"
Zesshi voiced with slight frustration, she wasn't here to waste time talking.
"I'm afraid you can't, as he isn't in the Palace at the moment however as Queen you can discuss your business with me"
She explained once again; however, by the looks of things, their guest was not willing to share what she wanted with Arthur, which was a bit frustrating.
"Where is he?"
Zesshi asked, her voice carrying a threatening tone; she regretted at bit letting one of the knights hold onto her scythe; it would have made threatening a lot easier.
"I'm afraid that is not how negotiations work, tell us something in exchange for the information you want."
"Oh, sorry, my mistake; this is not a negotiation. Either tell me what I want, or I force it out of you; how about that?"
It was here that Gazeff and Brain thought to attack; threatening the queen was enough grounds to retaliate. However, Renner quickly signaled them to stop.
Renner was always the type to prefer having an advantage; this meant she never went into a negotiation without having a sort of trump card to ensure she got what she wanted; however, at present, there was no advantage, nor could she gain anything aside from probably being killed.
'Arthur can handle her on his own and with Lakyus's help this woman should be easy to handle'
She reasoned.
"Very well, The Azarlian mountain range you'll find him there or on his way the–"
Before Renner could finish her sentence, Zesshi disappeared. She took her scythe, and in an Instant, she was gone.
"Was that a good idea, your majesty?"
Brain voiced while putting his sword in its sheathe and heaving a sigh of relief.
"No but Arthur can handle himself, She would have killed both of you and everyone here, it was pointless trying to negotiate with her"
Renner explained and as much as the two men didn't wish to admit it, The queen was correct they would have died if they fought that woman