Chereads / sounds of lightning and stars / Chapter 32 - to be free once again

Chapter 32 - to be free once again

Elise and I were near a hill at the moment it has been about a day since we said we'll deal with it "do you think we can do this with just us " I asked Elise while we were spying on the mansion she looked at me with a raised brow " you think we can't do it that would be a first " I shook my head no it's not that i just wanted your opinion so I could see what you were thinking "

She smiled " I think we can deal with the mansion we can get it done easily " saying this she stood up. smirking at her " your very confident " I say standing up too " that's because I know we can handle it they only have a couple people how can use there element let do this quickly I'm missing our little one already"

I Smiled at her " you really fell into your role as a mom I'm glad it is helping you my love" she smiled slightly too" I've been meaning to apologize for what happened after the fortress I shouldn't have ignored you" shaking my head at her " you have nothing to apologize for you went through something terrible if anything I'm sorry for being a bad husband unable to comfort you when you needed it" she leaned towards me and we kissed " I guess we are both a mess then " I nod at here " maybe but your a beautiful mess" she just shook her head giving me a quick kiss on the lips

" Alright enough talk I'm sure ou daughter is waiting for us let's go " I look away rolling my eye " bet she's too worried about her little crush to think of us " I whispered suddenly feeling Elise's burning gaze on me

" it seem I'm not the only one who fell into there role has a parent "saying this she held out her hand for the past couple weeks I have figured out how to pass my enhancements with lightning to someone else

Lightning started crackling around me as I put my hand in her's lightning crawled up her arm over the rest of Elise's body if you looked close you could see a small magic circle under the back of her left ear the circle had runes on it but these weren't runes from this world they were runes and symbols from all across earth from Norse to Egyptian and all others weaved together in a beautiful magic circle

We didn't waste time after that i pulled down my mask then we both took off after images trailed behind us as we ran around the fortress killing the guards before making our way inside....I started clearing the floors while Elise took the rooms staying back to take care of the any beastmen we find and kill any stragglers I may have missed

I twist swinging my staff into a man's chest after dodging a spear thrust he slammed into the wall cracking it "DIE" another man yelled down the hall as he raised both his hands as a bright red torrent of flame flies down the hall burning everything I ran forward to grab a servent standing in the hall I pulled them close as I raised my other hand gravity twisted around us and so to did the flames we didn't get touched

But the hall was set on fire we were surrounded by flames the man was stunned to see we are ok a pulse of gravity was released from my hand putting out the flames sending the man flying as well before he hit the ground he suddenly got pulled back down the hall

his eyes widened seeing blades come out of my staff vibrating " no please dont " I swung vertically slicing his body in half as it flew by me his two halfs fell to the floor as it's contents spilled onto the floor I looked at the beastmen I saved she was terrified shaking I felt bad she looked about ten with mouse ears on her head and a tail match near her butt " I'm sorry we are not here to hurt you we came to help my wife will be here in a couple seconds just stay here"

I turned towards the final door at the end of the hall some how it was still standing I made my way to it a couple guys came out of the rooms I deal with them on my way to the door I looked back down the hall to see Elise just coming up the stairs pointing at the door

She nodded at me to go ahead I pushed open the door just as i went inside a metal ball flew at me followed by a loud bang as it was about to hit me it stopped just floating there

" cute " I said looking across the room at the man who just shot as he dropped the flintlock in his left hand quickly picking up another he points both pistols in his hands at nearby beastmen he was having fun with " you came for these animals right let me go or ill blow there brains out " I looked at him with a smile on my face not sure if he could tell because of my mask

" go ahead do it " I say he looked at me in shock then got very angry " you bastard think I won't do it " he said pulling the trigger just as he did I clutch my hands crushing both barrels causing them to miss fire he looked at the pistol in confusion then quickly dropped them to pick up new ones before he could thought I teleported behind with a spin of my staff I hit him sending him flying into a nearby wall

But he was ok it seems he has strengthened his body with a potions that can be made at least it means he cant use elements if he had one the man got back up after falling from the wall he spat out some blood " I guess I'll just have to cut you up instead " I say spinning my staff slashing at him

The man quickly grabbed the sword on his waist bring it out to block we clash a couple time as I swing at him eventually his blade get cut in half and so to does the body behind it he coughed a bit of blood as his body split in half sliding of each other I cut his arms off so I don't have to worry about him walking away to let him die slowly

Going over to the beastmen " sorry for telling him to go ahead I wouldn't have let him kill you I'm here to help get you all out of here Wolfgar sent me" I say as I got close to them ....they looked at me for a couple seconds before calming down a little bit

" are you ok my love " I hear Elise's voice behind me nodding to her " yes I'm ok dear wife of mine let's handle the stragglers before we round up everyone " she nods We both made sure there was no one else before leading all the beastmen out there was fifty-five of them being held there

" do we have to walk back " the little mouse girl asked after we got everyone out and they snapped out of there surprise of seeing all the bodies around the fortress " no little one" I said then looked up to the sky " icarus " I yelled....a few seconds later a beautiful phoenix descend she landed a bit away because she was already gigantic

We loaded all them onto icarus before taking off a few were scared of the flames but after they saw it didn't hurt anyone they got on too it took half a day of fly constantly for us to reach the base when we came down the tunnel rede was shocked and happy to see so many coming down the tunnel

When we got into the town where the kids were playing a few of them came running over into there relatives arm's that also includes our daughter she came running over to us jumping into Elise's arm's

" welcome back " she said hugging Elise pulling me in too we stayed like that for a little

" Alright I'm sorry my little one but we have to go talk to Wolfgar you stay here we will be back ok " Emily nodded before letting go and running back over to play with Shane and friends I grumbled a little Elise elbowed me lightly " stop it be happy she is making friends be good and we may be able to do something tonight " I perk up a bit here this

Elise grabbed my hand before make our way to the place we met Wolfgar before outside kana was there she walked in with us when we got the map room the big wolf beastmen was there with a half smile showing one of his canines " I'm impressed didn't think you would be able to pull it off alone not fully at least thank you for getting all the people you could out"

We both nod " of course it's why we are here " Elise said....there was a pause before he nods " yes it is but that fortress was just one of many there are more things to deal with then just them as well but having you two will be great help take a day to rest and be with your daughter I'll need you on the Frontline I'll have my son show you were you can stay " Elise and I stared to walk out going to spend time with our daughter before we have to leave