Chereads / sounds of lightning and stars / Chapter 19 - monster attack

Chapter 19 - monster attack

After getting cleaned up and dressed I made my way to the human palace Elise stayed behind because she wanted to talk with Amelia about their businesses

I still get a weird feeling looking around from inside the carriage the 1800's clothes everyone was wearing plus the building architecture it still gave me a surreal feeling like I traveled back in time and I would believe if it wasn't for the slight steam punk feel of it too i also feel out of place because of my clothes they are obviously not normal I get weird looks a lot but I wouldn't change them for anything I love my lighting coat and neon purple accented black shirt and pants

When I finally get to the it was a bit disappointing to see that it was just a normal generic stone castle at least on the outside inside it had the same feeling as the rest of the city I was being led by a butler I meet when I first arrived to the castle

We arrived at the throne room there wasn't any big doors to push open you could just walk into it the butler bowed deeply then left there was only one throne the king was sitting on it there was no one else except for a few guards with a man standing behind the king " welcome ghost I hope you are having a good morning "

I bowed slightly " I am your majesty I got your letter so i came to see what it is you could want" the king looked at me for a few seconds " it's impressive that you could tell I wanted to ask you for something " I keep a straight face trying not to laugh because I never saw the letter Elise just told me it makes sense she could tell she is a future queen after all

" let's get straight to the point then" he motions for the guy behind him to come forward hand me a big sack of gold coins

" this is a portion of the gold you won from the tournament now on to a more important matter there has been a monster attack on a town not to far from here of some goblins and ogres it was pretty bad only a few survivors made it too inform us I would like you to go there and wipe them out I would have sent the city guard but there have been other attacks as well you have proven you can handle yourself against great numbers I would ask you to deal with this"

I think for a few minutes " I don't mean to sound rude but I would like to ask for a reward for doing this " the king looked pleased I didn't turn it down " of course what is it that you would want "

I had something in mind I hope it helps " I want less restrictions on my fiancée's businesses plus they will be able to pay less taxes to the kingdom " I say to him I not hundred percent sure if it will be good for her or not but I'm pretty sure st the very least it means more money the king though for a few seconds then nodded " I can do that so it's a deal then I will have someone come to you in a little bit with a map to where you need to go and the rest of the gold for the tournament "

I nodded and bowed slightly then stared to leave on the way out of the throne room I felt a bit of pain in my head but I just shook it away continuing back to the carriage


Back in the throne room the king had a slight frown on his face " what did you see where you able to do it" he asked the man in front of him he was the one who handed ghost the gold he was shaking covered in sweat with a knife stabbed into his leg and blood dripping down his nose" no your majesty I wasn't able to break his love towards the elven princess " the man said panting the kings frown deepened " why couldn't you what did you see in his head "

The man flinched remembering what he had saw it almost killed him He took a deep breath trying to calm down " a demon chained in place its skin was dark as night almost looked like shadows it had markings all over it with weird languages I have never seen in a dark red color almost like blood it didn't have hair or horns but it had four eyes with runes I didn't understand in them burning bright like the sun as if hot lava was flowing threw them it looked at me with a smile that could make the craziest man look sane in comparison " he said shivering as he told what happened he continued" it taunted me while I was there then when it had it fun it tried to kill even though it was chained it always felt right on me eventually it was to much I had to bring myself out or It would have killed me just by being in its presence"

the man said

" this is more trouble than I thought I just wanted that boy to break up with the princess so my son could marry her not this" the king thought to himself


..4 hours later.. I was riding shadow to the town that got attacked before I left I told Elise what happened she seemed happy about the deal I made with the king except for me having to fight things she just told me to be careful and to teleport away if it gets to dangerous I promised her I would then left on shadow so I'm faster

We were arriving outside the small town it was still burning a bit most were out now though I went through the town on shadows back there were corpse everywhere with the blood to match it made me a bit sick even more so when I came across a child then when I got half way into the town I noticed dragging marks and I followed it for a little bit they led out of the town into a forest I stopped before leaving I went back to find any survivors there wasn't any so I went to follow the trail that led into the forest

After a while of following the trail we stopped a bit away from a cave with a ogre standing guard munching on what seems to be a human leg the ogre was about eight feet tall

And really big with beet red skin it had a club nearby but it never got a chance to use it because space warped above its head and I grabbed on to it flicking my wrist as my hidden blade came out I stabbed it into the ogre's eye Killing it i looked around no one else was here

I made my way inside the cave as I walked down the tunnel there was a terrible stench after a little bit I noticed some blood and some bits of flesh ignoring it I continued down the tunnel until I came to a open leading to a big open area but I could see the othe end of the open area there there was no exit though as I looked around I noticed the area was just a big circle

Near the other end of the tunnel I saw ten ogres standing in front of about twenty goblins it seems there was a argument going on there was a goblin woman holding a baby surrounded by the goblins crying it looks like they are trying to protect her

On a throne of bones behind the line of ogres there was another ogre slight bigger then the rest with what looked like baby skulls on his head like a fucked up crown had enough got up angrily then came over to the goblins smacking most of them out the way then yanked the baby out the mothers hand a goblin next to the mother hit the hand with a rock they had but just got swatted away like it was nothing the ogre brought it hand to its mouth tossing the baby in like it was a candy and started to chew it went back to its throne of skulls and sat down with a satisfied look on his face as the goblins wailed in sorrow

Seeing this I threw up with tears in my eyes it may not have been my baby or a human one but that still hurt to see happen I can feel there sorrow and pain I looked at the dark blue and silver staff with a dragon accented in gold coiled around from bottom to top I felt like the dragon up top was looking at me with its bright blue eye staring at it for a few seconds

I pulled my mask over my face Then I gripped the staff tightly taping one of the runes on it pouring my mana into it with a gush of steam blades popped out of the ends of the staff I enhanced the staff and I

as lighting crackles around me I threw my staff like a javelin it flew threw the air faster then most arrows the ogre sitting on the bone throne with a smug expression on his face suddenly shot his hand in front of his face to catch the staff that was about to hit him his eyes widened no matter how much strength he put into stopping it felt like he was wrestling a dragon the staff pierced his head pinning him to his throne kill him

The ogres and goblins were stunned by this development before anyone acted I appeared in front of one ogre stabbing my hidden blade into its knee it plop down to one then I stabbed my other hidden blade into its head it fell over unmoving the other ogres started coming at me at this point I retracted my blades and held up my hand

The staff moved it started coming to me spinning fast horizontally it cut four of the ogre's head's off and embedded itself into the back of the fifths head which fell in front of me I pulled it out facing the other four

They charged me I charged back the first to reach me raised its club to swing it down at me but I slid under him cutting the back of his knees with a spin of my staff it fell to its knees while I used gravity to slam its face into the ground shadow appeared from the darkness taking down one of the ogres that was about to hit me ripping its throat out as that happened I threw my staff again piercing the head of the ogres beside it teleporting to my staff I pulled it out before jamming it into its eye making sure it's dead the last one behind me was swinging at me while I was still on the ogre

I jumped of it as the club smacked into the ogre just barely missing me I poured more mana it the rune that had the blades come out another gush of steam happened the blades started to vibrate extremely fast I twisted mid air slashing the ogre in half as I landed with a roll and a twist to get on my feet quickly I looked back in time to see the ogre split as it's guts, brains and everything else spill out I shivered a little at the scene glad it did get on me I spin my staff making sure there was no blood on it even if it may have been unnecessary I looked to the goblins they all flinched back seeing this