Chapter 208 - Krosko

God, Lena, why did you use it when I specifically ordered you and Dan not to meddle with it without proper testing! Haa….we needed those soldiers at the War Front! But what is the status of the Sentinels and their legions!?, Violet scolded.

 We were able to destroy 40,000 of the ships and maybe about 10,000 or more are about to cross War Zone by now. How was the Flighters and the other fighters from the universe going?, Lena said.

 They are on their way to War Front. Home Military Cruises, soldiers, DOGS Flighter teams, TOVs, IF, UASA, NASA, UGP, etc. are on our side so they would be at the Front by now!, Violet cried confidently. Thank you Lena and don't forget to say hello to Dan for me. I need to go somewhere. Take care and keep safe!

 Okay, you too!, Lena said and tears are falling down her cheeks. Dan saw this and moved to comfort his woman.

 20,000 Sentinels (20,000 ships that has another 1,000 cyborg soldiers in them), about 10,000 enemies short unlike in the past. We will definitely win this. If not, I need to have a back up plan! Michelin contact Governor Pache, now!, Violet said and thought of something to help out in the war that is about to happen in war front outside space.

 There are about 5,000 Flighters along with TOV's, UGP-G-Force Police Officers, Military Soldiers, Combat, Sea Farer/Deep Diver Soliders, the Navy, etc. are up and about to help at War Front. We still need more but with the high skilled, extreme fighters, shooters and soldiers we have in our academies, organizations and military camps, we belive that the quality of our fighters are better off than the enemies Sentinels. We will prevail and I'll make sure, Eco, Yuri, Ava and other friends of mine will help us in the Save Earth feat!, Violet thought.



Sepa ak tun! (What is it?), a Sentinel with a bigger built, strong, masculine and honorific looking different among the many soldiers in a ship called Schlors told the other soldier approached to talk to him. The huge Sentinel didn't look at the soldier but still holding his gaze on the monitors.

 Gakpona Kroska (General Kroska), wi ka por pan sona pana pra mundo Earth! Po rata amis? (we are now approaching planet Earth, what is your order?)..

 Ke ork mis por avi mano koro! (That's good that we are here) Amis mi sa, Leto mako tehere sapire! (My order is, let's make them suffer!), Kroska said. Yasi Gakpona!, Prensesa!, the soldier said, giving the General a salute then bowing to the girl beside Kroska and left the room.

 Oka, wa wod ya da tet? (Uncle, why would you do that?), a young woman also wearing an armor befitting a soldier asked Kroska. She was beside the general, we just didn't see her since it's not that well lighted inside the master control of the ship.

 Shota apa, Claudia! Jas prepa da Dodba en tu mareke tu da mundo! (Shut up, Claudia! Just prepare your 'Doodlebug' and march to the planet! (Doddlebug is an old type of small car which the huerts developed in the 1800-1900's but didn't make full use of its wonders as a vehicle. Years ago, Sentinels built a private ship which they called Dodba to partner with Sentinel robots that just like Mobile Skims they are manned by pilots but in private and it flies and fires bullets or missiles), Kroska added and walked out of the room.

 Haa….Oka asa sa togas hedo! (Uncle is so stubborn) Hmm…!, Claudia thought and looked at the coordinates of the Earth. They are near Jupiter and have been adviced to march to the planet which she didn't want to invade in the first place but visit in a more delicate way, not by force.

 Father would disagree, if he was here! I was told that Xerxian is a powerful man yet when they invaded Earth twenty years ago, they failed. Uncle presided the throne and papa moved to somewhere we don't know really yet I heard that he is at Tres planet. I tried to contact him but he doesn't pcik up his phone. I just stopped trying to communicate to him since then. Uncle Kroska was so angry at him because he left Omega to live with a girl named Violet, I think. Mom who is a priestess in our religious clan begged him to stay and not trouble himself invading Earth. But he still continued yet failed again on his second attempt. And now Uncle want to take revenge since huerts and ospians connived together leaving aliens like us suffer from torments of inequality and seclusion from the universe, most especially from thir supreme leader Violet. But I still believe that huerts and ospians are nice people. I have classmates at school who are kind and loving. And my friends whom Sentinels imprisoned because they are huerts or ospians are heart breaking. I want to go back where humans and aliens here in our world loves and is at peace with each other.

Haaa…how can I make a difference then!?, Claudia thought and told the pilot of the ship to advice everyone to slow down a bit. Don't let her uncle notice the difference. If he scolds them, tell him that there had been solar storms or data clouds that have been interfering with communications and that the other ships which are about 20,000 of them can't receive any info from them as of the moment. That's the reason why the ships have been taking hours to leave Jupiter, Claudia's idea worked after all. 

 Kroska is now impatient. It's been taking too long to travel towards Earth and he already ordered the ships to swerve and march to the War Zone. But as if the ships have stalled and datas of their course of actions, their location stopped coming in from the main data center of Schlors. Haa…why is it taking this long? We left Omega a couple of hours ago and the Wormhole seemed legit that we were able to arrive at the coordinates in perfect timing and sync to the recorded data here. Yet, we are still late. What's wrong Desmon!? (Deimon). The contrl center command AI talked and said that the coordinates are correct but as if the pilots of their ships have kept their distance and sloed down for an hour now!