Chapter 209 - Claudia

Kroska is furious and knew that Claudia has maybe ordered the pilots of his ships to halt a bit so they arrive on Earth not on the given time and let the enemy prepare for the attack. Silly girl! I will strangle you right this very minute!, Kroska added and moved to the master control room but she isn't there. In fact she is nowhere to be found so Kroska ordered every soldier to find the princess and seize her.

 Mother, if you're only here I wouldn't have to follow Uncle's orders instead I would gladly follow yours. You are still the queen of Omega after all and I would assume the throne someday as per the royal courts rule. If only you are alive I would be free and be able to follow my heart to live and study on Earth someday! Maybe I can come there now and ….haaa…! I am an enemy to them, why would they believe me, anyway! But it's worth the try!, Claudia thought and boarded Dodba then started the engine and disappeared automatically.

 When Dodba appeared it is already in Jupiter's grid. Dodba disappeared again and now Claudia is near war front checking the premises. Haa…the MS and RS are all over. How can I slip through the guards and soldiers swarming like bees at the Front?, Claudia thought hard but she can't think of anything to get out of this mess.

 Who are you? Get out of the ship and show yourself!, a loud robotic voice called out for Claudia to introduce herself to the soldiers who are already surrounding her ship at the moment.

 I am a friend and I don't mean any harm!, Claudia said when she opened her ship's hatch and walked slowly out of the Dodba. This is a Dodba and I am Claudia, plesase to meet you!, the girl said as if in an AI's translatory voice..

 Belinda received a call from the higher-ups to bring some of her students to join the interrogation panel in DOGS Flighter Center for Scientific and Technology Studies laboratory. The Flighters who seized an alien prisoner was sent to the center to be interrogated.

 Belinda agreed and went to the center with Tala and another student of hers called Ringo.

 At the War Front

 Bonnie, Bones and other flyers from outer space and other military home based cruises like Persius and Promethius went all out with the use of their Robo Skims' to battle against the Sentinels. Mibile Skims are what DOGS and professional Flighters use now since General Ava made the suits more pliable, stronger and heat/fire or saber/bomb proof. The Skims are so strong that even Sentinels can't match it's dense and light weight material, strength that is twice or thrice than the enemies robotic suits.

 Now two thousand TOV's, Intl. Flyers and UGP officers are fighting against the Sentinels which are amounting to 10,000. About two hundred Flighters headed by Lt. Jax with Menace, Slash and Mirel are are flying off to war front to join the battle but Eco with Bela who are staying at the academy office sent a message to stay for a little since Lloyd's team is just about to head to DOGS Flighter Center to question a presumed alien named Claudia. Belinda and Tala are already inside the building where the girl was held in the interrogation room. They are already standing at the back of the Glass Cube where here they can see an alien girl with Team Supervisor Lloyd accompanied and protected by Dunea and Ericka. Claudia is presumed an alien since she has ears just like of a fox but facial features of a huert and an ospian.

 We have destroyed the ships inside the wormhole. It was the most difficult task a Flighter was ordered to do. I thought I would die in there! Haa….it's so horrifying that every one seemed lost and about to die but we made sure that if we did, we die with those monsters. And sure enough, we killed them and their ships of almost 50,000, by smashing each CRAWL to the majority of ships that are interlocked inside the hole, a bloody Flighter with decapitated leg and arm said while being medicated with his injuries and bruises. He will undergo surgery in a couple of hours since his arm and leg needs to be taken off due to the melt down which is the believed to be after effects of wormhole's radiation do to huerts or ospians bodies.

Robo Skims does have pliable and malleable material but this is the first time that Flighters and our team at Gateway Lab have tried to enter the Shaft and travel using a Wormhole so we didn't exactly know what the outcome was, until now. When we use time warp and time lapse when traveling to Milky Way it is just a couple of hours time before we enter faster than the speed of light of continuum experience and it's like a journey with only one or two or more ships in a wormhole. But we haven't tried a battalion or a group of ships to travel or teleport at once and this is indeed a breakthrough. With more research and tweeks of the systems functions we might make it and send even a military home cruise for battle in another world through the Shaft, Aoi thought while pitying the man being tended by a nurse at a nearby hospital near the lab branch where the Shaft is located.

 There are about twenty Flighters who survived out of the three hundred they sent with the 10 CRAWLS. Only three CRAWLS returned and it was a sad day for us. Many have already offered their lives to protect the world and the universe, thus more will surely die since the battle isn't won yet. But there would have been more soldiers at risk if not for the Shaft and the Flighters who destroyed the Sentinel ships inside the wormhole. This made Earth's advantage higher and possible. What a loss! But it was also a gain since 50, 000 or more Sentinel ships were destroyed using the Shaft! Thank you Flighters, you saved us on this round!, Kaori said and held on one of the CRAWLS metal railings.