Chapter 137 - The Escort

It's now or never, we need to make sure that bulldogs will win th fight. Are you ready guys?, Miles shouted and gave each and every member of the team inspiration that they can do it. Yup…all said, looking at each other and pulling their selves together.

 VOF Battle between Bulldogs and G-Force Hawks will be awesome, spectatorsm bystanders and home bodies said when they saw the commercial for the bout on T.V., media, Giga net, virtual promotions, etc. 

 Denise has survived vice-leader Cen. He let him touch her body to his heart's content and secretly pinched a sleeping potion on his wine. That now Cen is sleeping like a baby in the bed. Tina/Denise in her two piece took photos from her digi cam corder ring and as she flips the leader's documents for his businesses in real estate and hotels she is getting the gitters for once the leader sees her doing this, she's dead meat for sure. But since he is drugged there's no way he could stop her from checking into his affairs.

 Sir, Vice-leader, are you awake?, Mida called out repeatedly but the leader is still sound asleep which made him anxious and worried. Tina/Denise slipped into her suit and opened the hotel window. She pulled her small back pack which the mediator hid under the leader's bed. They already arranged everything from the moment the leader touched down Monaco and checked in on Monte Carlo hotel. Thanks Frank!, Tina/Denise whispered and pulled a parachute. Tina/Denise jusmped out of the window pulled to open the parachute and landed n the back side of the hotel where a big bike is waiting for her to ride on.

 Mida and the body guards managed to open the door by asking reception for password key then searched for the escort named Denise who is already gone when they got to the vice leader who is sleeping. Mida called the doctor and rescued the vice leader who was given a sleeping potion that would only last for three hours. Cen woke up and asked what happened. Mida explained everything when the leader got hold of him self. He was given first aid by the hotel doctor and advised to rest. That girl, she is not just an ordinary escort. Go and check on her profile, quick. Ahh….they don't know who they're messing with now!, Cen added and gripped on his fist like he wanted to punch someone and he did by hitting his body guard from his left who endured the pain silently. Yes sir, right away!, Mida said and hurried to check on Giga net for Universal Elite Escorts and found out nothing about the girl's background nor affiliation. Then it means she is a secret agent and this Denise is just a front and all, Mida thought and breathed calmly. Then…it's all up to me!

 Tina rode the bike as fast as she could to a port where a yacht is waiting for her to aboard back to base. Frank ordered her to report immediately since she needs to survey VOF bout tomorrow. Mida and his men found out from the DGTV cameras about the girl and how she looked like. Unfortunately, there are hidden cameras on every corner of the suite that one digi cam is on vice-leaders ear implanted so that if the physical cameras fail they can still monitor where or what is happening to the vice-leader everytime. This Denise was seen on the camera and did what she needed to do then jumped off the window with a parachute. Mida was surprised when the girl gave a f*ck you sign before jumping. Since they couldn't see where she went or what happened to her it's hard to trace her whereabouts now. Sheesh….damn that girl!, Mida said then smiled shaking his head.

 Yes, Frank, I'm on my way!, Tina said while maneuvering the ship to her destination towards the orange and red beautiful sunset.