Chapter 138 - Fire Fighters

Set A, Bout 1, between Hayley from DOGS Academy 'Bulldogs' and Emil from G-Force Hawks.

 Tina is already somewhere inside Victor of Fire rink since you can see surveillance digi cameras with mics in every corner of the dome including the comfort rooms. Frank ordered Tina to take a close look on each and every participant since one of them is a terrorist wanting to to try to take a hit on the players as well as the officials. Supreme Leader Violet D'Mundo has officially gave a specific order to protect her daughter Ericka and her friends along with the VOF challengers and heads. This is a critical challenge for the fighters since the winner for this match will serve the country and the universe as our official soldiers and protectors.

 Tina doesn't really know exactly how she will identify the dummy soldier but she will know it for sure once she sees the person on screen and in person. She also adviced the VOF board of directors and panel of bout judges to get to know each participant. To have a clue, a sure idea of the culprit up close and personal. But due to time constraints, the officials only gave me one weekend to interview the graduates and question them. That is definitely a needle in a haystack but I'll take my chances and catch the terrorist before it blows the dome to kingdom come. Haaa….Frank, you said this is important and risky, but come to think of it, I think I know why the terrorist would blow up the dome. As I can see from the spectators view the people up front are numerous known, famous celebrities or politicians and rich business people who can afford the gold, silver and platinum seats.. The average and let's poor viewers are on the middle, top and last or out the back seats. However since the supreme leader addressed the issue on equality, there are still those rich who didn't want to allow those who can afford though not from the upper or A class be seated with them. Making the bout officials mix and match seats just to cater to the likings of the hypocrites of societies. And until now, these devils still exist thus I now longer why terrorists after terrorist would bomb or kill even innocent victims just to save time and be cold about it since they feel and believe the leaders of the universe don't really care about them.

 Yahhh….., Hayley shouted while punching Emil of the G-Police Hawks Mobile Skims. She managed to dodge Emil's kick and maneuvered her skims to jump, swerve and side kick the man now gropping to the ground.

 Winner, Hayley from the Bulldogs!, VOF announcer said. I am Cid Crest with my ever funny and cute assistant AI Gail. See you next bout from Victor of Fire, Galactic Dome. Good night and mwahhh!!!!, Cid said and waved goodbye. Gail moved to and fro to check on the moving and gliding cameras. There are even flying cams all over the place that even the spectators outside the dome is seen waving and shouting out loud. It is always fun and exhilarating when bouts on VOF happens every year.

 Cid, you managed to get the lines right but what the f*ck are you looking at?, the director said. Ah, I thought I saw something unusaula but heck I was pretty handsome out there huh?, Cid added while looking at the mirror and his make up artist is taking off the colors off his face. Thank you my dear!. And who might you be?

 Agent Tina, from UBI. I bet you heard about the organization. So what did you just saw out there? A man, woman or what? Just to make sure that everything is going smoothly for VOF and the participants? Sir?, Cid?, Tina said.

 Ah, it was nothing!, Cid lied. Move and I want to go to my yoga class, or would you want to 'escort' me to the gym?, Cid added and made a questioning note of the word escort.

 Sure! You are the boss of the show and without the ever famous Cid Crest, no good can ever come from VOF, right?, Tina cried and moved out of Cid's way. By the way, have you visited Universal Elite Escorts, I heard that you pay so much money for the same guy, ahmm..I think his name is Gerardo, ooopss. Is that a secret!? My bad….see you around!, Tina added and smiled leaving the guy dumbfounded and called someone on his cell phone.

 Good job Hayley, one down, ah yaiks, twenty-five to go? Oh, my God, how can we beat them for the next six f*cking weeks?, Yogi said and Akhmed just smirked. Well, we can, I think there is a Set A and B, so they mixed the fighters up. We are in Set A and the others are on Set B. That's just swell, so Hayaka is on Set B, then? I think so, yup, she is according to this booklet. Look it has holograms in it too. The pictures move and like have a mind of their own. Amazing huh!, Hayley said while Ren is prepping her girlfriend to head to the shower. Proud of you babe! Thanks, I'm glad we had the first win. There is one more bout after mine, ah yup, it's between Internationl Elite Flyer's Johanna from Set A and an unknown fighter from TOV Flyers, ah her name is Freda, a Russian fighter, wow, she won a gold medal from Olympics just like Ren. Pretty tough, Hayley said while showering. Huh…Well we will see because even if you lost this round there will still be eliminations and every fighter has a chance to redeem themselves up until three fights I think. Then, once qualifying rounds are done, we will move to semifinals then finals and the much awaited champion bout, Ren added. Ah I see….anyway, where is Ericka and Dunea?, Hayley asked.