Chapter 127 - Work & Play

It's crazy to think that we can practice our MS here, Ericka said. Dunea is walking to check on the rink while Hayley and the others are changing to their Mobile Skims machines. Haa…the area is damp and I don't think we can train today. Look the maintenance team said that there was some kind of an accident here…, Ren added and seeing the wet and dirty rink. The gang were disappointed while the bout committee apologized for the inconvenience. Miles and Cecilia were already on their MS when Hayley radioed them to go back in their lockers since the rink is impossible to use at the moment. Miles thought that it's a good time to practice their moves especially when the rink can be damp due to rain or accidents like today. Cecil and the others thought that it is true and so all went out to the rink to train. The bout committee advised the team to use the VOF rink but they insisted to train in the area where it can be fun and a useful experience for them in the future. The bout committee just shrugged and said that kids nowadays are crazy.

 Yahoo….it's so cool sliding on the damp rink, the wetness is not pleasant but it is fun to play around and slide waaahhhh here I come Akhmed, haha!, Yogi added and Akhmed seconded an hmm, yeah!

 The kitchen at VOF Rink Dome is already busy for the welcoming party food. It's a buffet of delicious food and desserts. Chef Combo is all fired up to cook sumptuous and unforgettable meals so the participants of the bout and guests would not forget him and his team forever. That is always his motto, "tasty is unwasty'. Whatever the heck that means. Anyway, let's go.

 Chop, Chop….fix this damn it!, you have been adviced by the chief to prepare the veges and meats properly. How come you are all dilly dollying now?, a skinny and short man said, He straightens his glasses when the chief chef came in to check on his team.

 Eherm!, thank you Milano for that inspiring introduction! Alright, so we are cooking for the participants of Victor of Fire game. It is seldom I have asked to cook for such amazing and powerful people so please don't embarrass me and so…work…work…work!, Chef Combo added and all chefs moved to their proper places and own jobs. From preparing the ingredients, cooking to plating, all needs to be perfect.

 Chef Combo took turns with his head chef and tasted every dish according to his preference and liking. Hmm…this is interesting but…!, do it again…again…again…..haaaaa….!, Chef Combo said to a newbie who is now struggling not to cry from frustration and fear of disappointing chief. Sir, Chef, I can take over from here, Tina is a bit slow and since inexperienced she wouldn't be of mush help to us. If it's okay I advice she be put to prep our desserts. As long as you agree, I know she will be able to do it perefectly. She is good in baking and frostings, a young man said and bowed in front of Chef Combo. Alright, thank you Gary, so, go now girl and make me proud!.

Tha…thank you sir!, Tina said and bowed to the chief, Gary and the others. Every one continued their work and Chef Combo moved to check on plating the meal for the guests.

Gary looked staright into Tina's eyes and pointed his head to go in the next room for the job assigned to her. Not that she needed to work on the desserts but on servailance and watch for the etrance of supreme leader Violet D'Mundo. She is reported to attend the welcoming party and as the opening ceremony starts, Violet will make a short speech and all that.

Tina hid her self on the baking room and called someone. I'm in place boss, yeah, it's confirmed that the supreme leader is attending this event. Alright, affirmative!, Tina replied and when she placed tiny microphone gadgets in every corner of the kitchen, rooms and halls of the dome. You have within thirty minutes tops to finish placing the cams on designated spots. Ready…go!, a man said on the other line. Got it!, Tina said and started running then sommersauting and throwing tiny magnetic cams/mics with all might and skills.

Tina has swiftly finished her task. She was jumping up and down avoiding DCTVs, guards, in and out of rooms to the rink to place the cameras/mics for surveillance. Tina did everything without even being caught, a real master of her (ninja) own craft, indeed..

Excuse me, Ms. You need to…ahhhh, where is that stupid girl?, Milano thought while not seeing Tina at the dessert area.

Hello sir, I was just inside the baking room for these cupcakes, Tina replied while coming in all of a sudden with the tray of styled cupcakes on her hands. Agents already prepared this tray of cupcakes earlier and so it was going perfectly according to plan. Since the chief wanted something special and different I made vanilla frosting cakes!, hihi!, Tina reacted and watching how surprised but happy Milano was seeing her and her cakes, she almost got busted since an earphone wire is still sticking out of her jeans back pocket under the apron. Whew!, Tina thought while drops of sweat are seen on her forehead and cheeks. That was so close, f*ck! Thanks guys!

Huh…she made them in thrty minutes tops? Amazing!, Milano thought and when he turned around to look back at the girl, Tina quickly straightened her stiff body up and smiled at the man. Tina can feel the aching musles now since she needed to do her stuff quicker than her usual gigs. Damn..this mission is so cruel!