Chapter 128 - Giga

Wow! this place is awesome!, Jon said while staring at the hotel Hayaka and her are staying. I didn't know that we will be paired to stay in the same room. VOF Dome has quarters for the bout participants and it's a hotel that fighters from universal and local organizations will stay on for two months.

No, not again!, one girl said and then another, a man passersby complained as well. Data storms and giga net fluctuation or suspention have been happening since the 21 st century. And in 30.000 A.D.E., digital storms which are uncommon, are now usual, people tend to ignore the fact that they can't use it and just shrug their shoulders when giga net fluctuates or eventually won't work anymore in the near future.

 Elderly people aren't affected by it but only those who depended on Giga for their businesses, jobs and future transactions. Everything, everyone depended on the internet or the World Wide Web that is now called Universal Giga Net. Since the 21st century we used and abused the power of internet connections for economic, political, scientific, engineering, art, music, showbiz and personal businesses, etc. But now that Giga is connected even outside space, planets or universe, it is unlikely that data and digital storms occur since the scope of inet which is giga and wider than usual, it's scary and more dangerous.

Our universe is so vulnerable now to piracy and hacking that anyone can do illegal acts online and all. If before there are thieves and criminals who con people online and hack accounts, now it's worse since anyone can clone or even use other people's account as long as they know the user's registered phone, system or email address. However, USN and UASA alogn with UGP (Universal Guild Police) make sure that every citizen has control of their account and personal application systems which UBI (Universal Bureau of Investigation) tracks and protects until the present and forever.

The only problem with digital data storms is that not all users are affected by it. It depends on the weather conditions or the frequency of a user's internet connection. So the better the Giga net or highly protected the system is the lower the risk of user theft or what we call hacker-free access. Hackers won't be able to access and even log in to a user's system unless one clones it or create another twin or identical identity for that user. Clones are so popular these days that a hacker can create the same person using the same account, identification that traces back to the person's past, present and future. But who says clones are not famous, they are in this era. In the 21st century, cloning are just done and used for plants, vegetation and fruits for better agricultural results. Nowadays, cloning people is so familiar Miles is one of them, but the only difference is he was human when he became a robot or when his body, mind and heart were converted to artificial intelligence.

But since Miles has his heart and mind, he is still in control of his body, feelings and thoughts, but with clones, they are identical to the original person but the only difference is he or she can't think on his or her own that's why they tend to deviate from the norm or the original person's identity or ways and be their own person that complicates things for the original person's sequences due to he or she has been copied to be real as the host. The host body, mind and heart are far different from the clone that both can't be identical at all. Yet, sometimes since companies can now freely make clone prototypes of a person, law had been very strict in allowing clones to pass evaluations and can only happen once in a person's lifetime or era. But since some hackers and illegal organizations can access registered personal datas or home systems, one or two clones can happen in a year and that is already serious.