With some basic supplies acquired, we move to meet our next goal: the labyrinth.
This is, apparently, completely different from the ruins we traversed a bit ago, because this one was purpose-built, with magic.
"The map in my head is kind of fuzzy on the labyrinth." Lucas sighs. "I know where in the labyrinth it is, but I'm not too sure how to get there so...I guess we'll wander..."
"Lucas...how do you plan to navigate an unfamiliar, possibly changing, dangerous location full of monsters with no plan?!" Celeste gasps out. "Is that really going to be okay...?"
"Er, it's fine!" He blurts. "I've got it all under control! Just need to feel my way through the vibes of the dungeon...! Like I said! No worries!"
Roland huffs quietly at my side.