I stare at him hard enough I might be able to drill holes through his physical form, given enough time.
...I'll probably change to something more physical than a glare for that, actually.
He jerks upright and forces out an awkward laugh.
"Okay. So. The guard...the one who betrayed me, learned something."
He runs his fingers through his hair, offering me a smile I'm utterly unconvinced by.
"A few months ago I got sick. Sick enough to be talking about things a person shouldn't. We were on the road when it happened, so he was there for it."
He sighs, and shakes his head. "He started acting strange after that night - I kept catching him in the cart, rifling through things, looking for something. Finally...I guess he decided if he took the whole thing he'd get it."
"...The map to the Angel's Tear."
I stare at him. "The map to the Angel's Tear," I repeat, very calmly.
Extremely calm.