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What makes a good "Chosen One"?

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Ichimaru won the war. But the victory felt empty in his hands as his remaining allies left him behind. There was no family, no friends, waiting for him to come home. There was only the pain of a broken soul and a body that was quickly dying, so when Keisuke offered him another chance, he took it with open hands. This time, they would stop Bonnet before the man destroyed everything they loved.

Chapter 1 - The Snake and the Fox #1

"They say that soulmates finding each other is celebrated by the Heavens. Destiny and love joining to create a perfect moment… Our moment was indeed romantic, perfect in every way, a fateful encounter under the sakura with the moon shining over us, but the heavens would not rejoice about it taking place. No, when our eyes met and we fell for each other, the Heavens cried. The Earth shook. The King himself trembled in fright at the sheer catastrophe that our love was meant to become." — Memories of Akihibara Tomoe, Captain of the King's Guard. 




  [324 years before B.B.]


When the summon to the main house came with a silver butterfly, Kisuke shivered.

Not even all the training in the Silver City could avoid his strong reaction. The scars, physical and mental, engraved in him after the last time he stepped into the Achebe Mansion were heavy on his soul. He couldn't believe Shuri would be so cruel as to drag him back after all she had done to save him from the last Head's displeasure.

Yet, the summons were clear.

And he was to obey. Loyalty to the Achebe demanded it; his concern for his best friend's well-being only added urgency and he was moving before he could think about exactly how bad this idea was.

Keisuke could deal with the Elders' fury any day but would never forget himself if he failed Shuri when she needed him.

"Hiso is honored to serve." Kneeling at her feet was a new experience for all Keisuke had been bonded to her from the very beginning.

"Ugh. Stop it." Shuri grimaced and Keisuke was happy to not be the only one who found this entire thing unnerving. "I didn't call you here to send you on a mission, Keisuke. Now, get up. I want to see your face."

"It's been a while, isn't it?" He drawls, playfully. 

"Maybe. I've been busy stepping up as Head of the Clan and with all those elders nagging me all day! They're been trying to convince me that I should get married, can you believe that? Me, the Goddess of Lighting, married!" Shuri snorts unattractively. "Like that would ever happen. If I want a child, I will be getting a concubine at best!"

Keisuke keeps quiet.

He knows better to offer his opinion when Soifon is in the room. Of course, it also helps that Shuri doesn't want an answer as much as she wants to vent her frustrations. His best friend had never outgrow the phase of her teenage years when she ranted about everything.

Shuri's eyes narrow at him, lips sketching a feline smile that Keisuke has long ago learned to fear.

"Maybe, I will marry you. That will surely shut them up!"

"Lady Achebe!" Soifon's outrage is funny; it would be more funny if marriage wasn't being discussed and Keisuke didn't want to puke all over the floor at the idea.

"Please don't joke about that." He rushes to plead. 

"Tch. You party pooper." Shuri shakes her head in mock disapproval. 

"My apologies, my princess." Keiske manages with a small smile that does nothing to hide his horror at the idea. Although in his defense, he quickly shifts into a more dramatic air to cover his faux pas. "I'm afraid I'm too old to be fun. All the fun left me when I turned three hundred, I'm an old man now. Oh, maybe I should be fussing about your marriage as well?"

"No, thank you." Shuri scowls, "I enjoy being single too much and have no desire to hold hands under a sacred tree to produce an heir. Aa, aren't we too young to be worrying about that in the first place? I mean we're only two hundred and sixty-five. Well, sixty-two, in your case."

"...I'm not sure." Keisuke admits. "Age isn't really consistent for souls. You're an adult woman and have been for a while. Soifon looks like a little kid, and we're not that separated in age."

Shuri hums, ignoring the squawking denials that came from the aforementioned girl.

"Huh. If you ever find an answer you must share it with me, Keisuke. This is actually an interesting topic."

"I will, my princess."

Shuri was right, of course, it was an interesting topic. Maybe Keisuke should put it a bit higher on the list of subjects he wishes to study? Yes, it sounded like it would be fun. Now, should he put it above the dissections? Or below them? Mm, surely higher than the talismans…

"Oi, Keisuke. Keisuke! Silver City to Keisuke! Hello? Is anyone there?"

Kisuke snapped off his thoughts and gave Shuri a sheepish smile.


"Really, what am I going to do with you?"

"I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, yeah. It's not like I'm not used to it."

Fortunately, it seems like Shuri is in a good mood. Otherwise, this could have ended with him begging to be left out of the next drinking session. Keisuke repressed a shiver successfully, keeping the daunting images out of his mind.

"Anyways, while I didn't summon you here to give you a mission, this is not a social call. Today a member of the Kagemori will visit. I'm unsure of what's the true purpose of the meeting and it would make me feel better if I had you by my side."

"I understand. This one will serve."

"Good. The Kagemori envoy should be arriving soon… Soifon, make sure you escort them properly."

"As my Lady commands."

The moment Soifon leaves, Keisuke allows himself into a more relaxed stance. They're not alone, of course. But at least these shadows know how to keep their mouths shut. Truly, Shuri pampered Soifon way too much.

Imagine thinking that you were irreplaceable.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kisuke tilted his head, imitating a bird, a tell-tale of genuine curiosity.

"Of course."

"Why are you so nervous? I thought you had a good relationship with the scion of the Kagemori."

"I do." Shuri agreed, "But it's not Isuke-chan who is visiting but the second child."

"The one they stole from the Yagami?"


Kisuke could see the problem; Kagemori Tomoe was rumored to be a natural talent that should be envied, a true treasure in this day and age.

His backstory was unknown, his new grandfather used all his power to suppress nasty rumors and guaranteed most people thought it better before mentioning the boy's name. The Yagami's silence in the matter didn't help much either.

"And you don't know about the reason behind his visit?" He insisted, just for clarification.


"How curious."

"Tell me about it," Shuri sighed, allowing herself a moment to show how tired she felt. "You see why I want your presence here, right?"

Keisuke nodded.

"Do you want me to do something specific beyond listening?"

"Nah. The kid is a graduate. He's also young, if rumors were to be true, it wouldn't do for us to scare him too much. Just… be prepared, alright?"

"Of course."

They exchange a smile.

And for a little moment, everything was good. Then, as she tended to do, Soifon ruined the moment by returning. Her steps were more silent than most but both of them twitched at the concealed noise, it was way more annoying than the heavy and confident ones that followed her.

Keisuke sent Shuri a pained look.

She grimaced, mouthing 'I know.' Which made the entire ordeal worse but thankfully that wasn't his problem, Kisuke limited himself to sending Shuri a sigh-of-disappointment and moved to kneel at her left side.

He peered from behind his long white lashes, trying to get a good look at the second son of the Kagemori.

The boy looked like a carbon copy of the actual Head of the Yagami, the only differences being his hair and the two inches less in height. The unusual shade of orange sparked something in his memory, he had seen this person before.

They had met briefly during a celebration but at the time, he remembered clearly now, the boy had almost fallen into the pond and Keisuke had saved him.

Keisuke suffered a whiplash as the dots connected, his mind refusing to believe what was now apparent.

The boy with the bright shade of orange that was only made more eye-catching by the golden hairpins carefully braided in, owner of bright chestnut eyes and handsome features that were accentuated by the formal kimono in dark blues and silver details, could not be the natural talent the clans were interested in.

There was no way. Absolutely no way. Not when the boy had such a mediocre presence; a slight breeze that made the smell of fresh roses pop and the feeling of the sun grazing his skin, a welcomed warmth after a long winter.

"Lady Achebe, Captain of the Second Squad and Leader of the Secret Corps." Soifon introduces.

"Kagemori Tomoe, scion of the Kagemori Clan." One of the servants answered in the same haughty tone. 

"A pleasure to meet you again, Achebe-dono." The boy added, a charming smile gracing his lips as he bowed his head respectfully. 

"Ah, I remember now. Yes, we met during the New Year's celebrations, didn't we?" Shuri returned the nod. 

"We did." Kagemori said enthusiastically, "It was my first event after being adopted into the Kagemori."

"I wouldn't have guessed! You did so well, I was utterly charmed."

"Achebe-dono is very kind," Kagemori laughed.

Keisuke cringed, pleasantries between nobles were a nightmare to witness. The next five minutes lacked any substance and were something he would gladly pretend that never happened.

"Being sincere, my visit is a little more personal. I'm here not as a Kagemori scion but as a graduate."

"As a graduate?" Shuri was understandably confused. The Kagemori were synonymous with the Sixth Division, every scion of the family was designated to it after the traditional one-year leave and that family was known to be stubborn and married with their traditions.

"Indeed, Achebe-dono."

"What is exactly what you're asking from me, Kagemori-dono?" Shuri's eyes were hard, her smile predatory.

"A spar-match."

"...a spar-match?"

Keisuke shared her uncertainty; that one sentence made no sense at all. His disappointment grew as he considered if the boy was truly this stupid.

Kagemori laughed.

"Allow me to explain: As you know my time to enter a squad is near. This, unfortunately, is a complicated decision. As a scion of the Kagemori, tradition dictates that I serve on the sixth as you may know, yet, that would make things awkward between Isuke and me. It would also put Grandfather into a difficult position."

"Difficult position?" Shuri asks, leaning forward with evident interest. The resemblance with a cat examining her new toy was not lost to anyone in the room.

"I would be a lieutenant by the time Isuke graduated."

Kisuke almost chokes on thin air.


"You're arrogant." Shuri notices, arching an eyebrow.

She sounds as disappointed as Keisuke feels, this level of hubris was appalling! How could he speak like that towards the family that had taken him in?

"It's the truth." Kagemori shrugs, "Grandfather knows it too. This is why he arranged appointments with every captain in the Guard. He's letting me choose what squad fits me better. I decided to start in order, thus, here I am." He laughs again, "I'm also very curious about the Secret Corps, especially about you. Isuke says you're a very irritating cat."

Soifon hisses, angered in the name of her Master. Keisuke knows better than to feel offended in her name, after all, Shuri is fond of Isuke. Coming from the Kagemori's scion, those words are more a compliment than an insult.

As expected, Shuri chuckles.

"So, you want a spar with me?"

"No, no." Kagemori raises his hands in surrender. "I'm not that dumb. You would absolutely crush me in combat, Achebe-dono. But I do want to measure myself against one of your people if you agree. I think it would be an educational experience for me."

"Mmm, why not? It sounds fun." Shuri smirked. "Soifon, you're up."