Chereads / Strike the Blood: The 4th Primogenitor / Chapter 11 - Witch of the Void

Chapter 11 - Witch of the Void

Third Person PoV

After studying for a bit at the library Kojou bid Himeragi goodbye and came back home.

Entering inside he found both Asagi and Nagisa waiting for him, sitting on the couch.

"So I assume that you met that girl again?"

"Which girl? Asagi-chan, is Kojou-kun already expanding his harem. It hasn't even been a month and he is already tired of us?"

"No, Nagisa. She is supposedly an observer from the Lion King Organization. She is to watch me and eliminate me if I am a threat."

"There are two things wrong with that, Kojou. Why supposedly and how is she supposed to eliminate you? You are immortal, can she even hurt you?"

"Well yeah. She is too naive for an observer. As for hurting me? If I am caught off guard then maybe. Eliminating me? Not possible."

"So what do you think?"

"That she is a diversion, there is another observer somewhere around us but hidden."

"Yes, anything else?"

"What else? Did I miss something?" Kojou pondered but both Nagisa and Asagi sighed.

"Kojou-kun, was that girl cute and beautiful?"

"Well, yes she was. Why does that matter though."

"Really Kojou? A cute girl, who is also a spirit medium and she was sent to observe the 4th? Isn't there anyone older or a man to do that?"

"Wait, are you saying that this is a honey trap?"

"Yes, it is quite obvious when you think logically."

"But why? If that was the case couldn't they send someone more, you know, mature and older, experienced."

By the time that Kojou had completed his sentence both Asagi and Nagisa were glaring at him.


"Anyways Kojou, what do you plan on doing? As far I think she is sent here to become your blood servant. If she does that then you can be influenced by her. As the LKO may need a Primogenitor for protection."

"Even if that is what they want, I as of now have no reason to turn her. Even then, whether or not I want to help is my decision,no?"

"Yes, I think the LKO was thinking you would just follow their order through the girl. But now their plan has failed, they might take up some drastic measures. Wanna talk with Minamiya-sensei about this?"

"Not yet, if things get dicey then maybe."

"Wait, Natsuki-chan?"

"Yes, Nagisa-chan, she is an attack mage, famous too. You didn't know?"

"I didn't."

At that Kojou said

"Well that makes sense. I only knew because of my special condition. If everyone knew she was an attack mage, then it wouldn't be right."

"Yes." Asagi commented

"Then how did you tell her about yourself?"

At that Kojou started to tell Nagisa the story of how he told his english teacher about him being the 4th Primogenitor.

*Flashback no Jutsu*

Sometime before Kojou's identity as the 4th Primogenitor was revealed to Nagisa.

Currently Kojou and Asagi were on the roof of their school, eating lunch. Nagisa had packed them with bento.

"So, Kojou. I was thinking, do you think that Minamiya-sensei knows about you being the 4th Primogenitor?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe she does. With all the absence in classes and missed tests, she still lets me do stuff pretty easily."

"Good point. And also she is a famous attack mage, so it would be even more suspicious if she didn't know about you."

"Let's talk to her today." Kojou said abruptly.

"Sure." Asagi agreed but eyed Kojou suspiciously. After all, why did he want to talk with Minamiya-sensei so suddenly?

'My guess is that she is here due to someone telling her about me and my condition. Now as to who the question is?'

Kojou wanted to know who knew about him and if it happened to be his parents. There really won't be anything left for him to consider.

Because even after knowing his condition and worse, Nagisa's condition, they still were busy doing stuff he didn't know where.

And his mother was near them and still didn't think that it was necessary to tell him? There would be nothing left for his parents.

But he still had hope that all this was a misunderstanding and his parents were not keeping him in the dark.

Asagi and Kojou were standing in front of the room of Minamiya Natsuki, as depicted by the nameplate that hung on the door.

Kojou knocked twice, and waited for a response. He had checked the timetable and currently, the person inside had no classes to take.

He and Asagi were ditching their own though, it didn't matter. Kojou could pass easily, by cheating off Asagi and well, Asagi was Asagi.

"It is amazing that Minamiya-sensei has her own office even above the principal's office. And it surprises me that this is the first time i came here."

"Yeah, I was amazed too."

"You have been here before right? For your behaviour."

Asagi said while snickering.

"Isn't she taking too long?" Just as Asagi said, the voice of a mature woman came from behind the door.

"Come in."

Kojou opened the door and was always surprised that the voice one thought belonged to a mature onee-sama came from the body of a middle schooler.

"Good afternoon, Natsuki-chan!"

And a fan found its way to Kojou's forehead.

"Don't address your teacher with 'chan'!"

"Hai-hai!" Kojou said half-heartedly. Rather than hurting him, this fan throw had become a gesture of talking between him and Natsuki-chan.

"So why are you two bunking classes here? I expected Akatsuki to do this, not you, Aiba."

"Minamiya-sensei, this is something important, how do I ask this?"

"Do you know that I am the 4th Primogenitor?"

Asagi was looking at Kojou with a flabbergasted look on her face.

'Does this guy have no tact?'

Even the famed attack mage looked stupefied by this, but quickly regained her calm demeanour and said

"Yes, I know, Akatsuki. You have been quite generous with the amount of magic you released in the eastern subfloat."

"You knew?" Now it was Asagi's turn to be confused.

"Why are you so surprised, Aiba. That idiot was way too revealing. I can easily track him and teleport to the place after you two left."

"Yeah, I only remembered that you were an attack mage after sometime."

"So why do you need to ask me, or do you two just wanted to check with me?"

"If you knew about Kojou being the 4th, why Didn't you help him? He was in so much-!"

By then Asagi was stopped by Kojou taking her hand in his.

"Then can I ask who told you to observe me?"

At that again the void witch was confused.

"Observe? I am only here because Akatsuki Gajou asked me to. And one another reason. Don't think too highly of yourself Akatsuki, someone like me would never become a teacher just to observe you."

The English teacher said in an arrogant tone. And Kojou knew she was correct. If her name and the magic in the room were to go by, she was a fairly strong one.

But Kojou focused on something else.

"Dad, knows about this. Right?"

At the blue eyes of Kojou turned red and after along time, the witch of the void was feeling threatened.

She was about to transfer all of the people present to her to her dream world, when all of a sudden the hostile intent from Kojou vanished.

"Then do you know about what happened two months before on this island, during the blazing banquet?"

"I can't say that, it is for the people personally involved in it to speak."

"I see. Then I will apologise for disturbing you, Natsuki-sensei."

Kojou said with a calmness in his voice which unnerved both the women present in the room.

He then took Asagi's hand and started to move out of the room.

"Akatsuki, if it helps your parents did try their best."

"Maybe they did Natsuki-sensei, but it was far from required for Nagisa."

He then walked outside, again to the roof. Ditching his second class after lunch break too. He dragged Asagi with him too.

And now the witch of the void looked tense.

"Let's hope things don't go south quickly, Gajou, or your already broken family may become completely dysfunctional."

*Jutsu Over*

"Wow! Natsuki-chan is so cool! She even talks like a real mage."

"You aren't worried by the revelation that mother and father knew about your problem, Nagisa?"

"I would leave such things to chance, Kojou-kun, we do not know the exact situation during the banquet. So until I hear the story either from someone involved or father and mother, till then I will not say anything. Also Natsuki-chan, did say they tried their best."

"You are too kind, Nagisa." Kojou said with a sigh.

"That she is, but I expected you to be angry with Minamiya-sensei. But you aren't."

"Asagi, she is one of the few people on the island who is honest to me and doesn't treat me differently even after knowing my identity, just because she hid one truth from me, that too due to some reasons. I will not sour my relationship with her just over that."

Well now that is decided, I need to give my makeup test tomorrow and also the summer holidays are ending."

"Yeah, Kojou-kun." "Indeed, Kojou."

After that the three went to sleep.

Next day

Kojou walked down the stairs of his apartment. He planned on eating a little on the way and then giving his makeup test somewhere around afternoon.

But to his surprise he found Himeragi standing near a pillar, besides the gate.

"Good morning, Himeragi. Have you been standing here since morning?"

Himeragi, in her school uniform with the backpack containing her weapon, bowed and greeted him back.

"Good morning to you too, senpai. And yes."


"I am your observer."

"Are you joking?"


Kojou at this showed a smile.

'So she can joke around.'

"So the real reason?"

"I was waiting for my things to be delivered."

"New home?"


Just the truck pulled up and Himeragi told him her room number.

"Please move them to room number 705."

'705, isn't it on my floor? Really they moved out poor Yamada-san just so she, my so called observer could stay near me. I should have brought all the room in the 7th floor and merged them!'

Kojou mentally clicked his tongue. After that he followed Himeragi to her room, she didn't show much surprise on finding herself just near his room.

"You don't have much stuff, did you live in a dorm by chance?"

"Yes. I plan on buying the bare required stuff, but I can't leave you as I am your observer. "

'I need to know more about her.'

"I can help you buy some other important stuff also, after my make up test."

"I don't think it is necessary. I can sleep anywhere, I also have cardboard boxes."

"What are you some kind of hikkimokori?"

At that Himeragi was embarrassed. Hence she reluctantly nodded her head at his suggestion of buying some stuff.

Saikai Academy was currently empty but inside class 1-B, Natsuki Minamiya was sitting on top of the teachers desk and checking a test paper.

Dressed in her Gothic Lolita dress of maroon color, she looked like a child trying to act cool.

But Kojou knew that she is 26 years old, or atleast claims to be. Kojou is still skeptical about it.

Kojou was looking at her.

"Very well. You have passed."

Kojou sighed in relief.

"By the way Akatsuki, some bat released his familiar near the shopping mall. Do you happen to know about it?"

"Ehe, I happned to be near. But I didn't see anything."

"It that so." The eyes showed a different story though.

"Then what about the attack on demons in the south island?"

At this Kojou raised his eyebrow, as he was not informed of this.

Seeing that he did't knew about this the witch sighed and told Kojou to forget about this.

"Anyways don't anything that can reveal your identuty as The 4th."

"Of course, Natsuki-chan."

The fan of the english teacher found its target at his head again.

"Don't address your teacher with, 'chan'!"

"Sorry! Natsuki-sensei."

"And Akatsuki, if something happens or comes up. Tell me, I can help."

"Yeah sure."

Kojou was currently very frustrated by the lack of knowledge possessed by his so called observer.

'If she can't differentiate between weapons and golf clubs, and between flamethrower and pressure washer, then only God can help her!'

"I learnt about this in the LKO."

"That's just detergent!"

"Hai, but if i combine it with this then it creates poison gas!"

"It doesn't, and if it does then don't do that."

Kojou was more tired today than he was the entire summer vacation under the sun.

'Please provide her some common sense, to any power up there!'

Just as they were returning from the hardware store. Asagi was also coming back using the monorail.

She managed to see the two of them walking.

"Is that the girl?"

Asagi had only seen her in camera videos hence she was intrigued.

Kojou also sensed someone watching him and raised his head to find the blonde haired girlfriend of his looking at him from the monorail.

He nodded at her and by then the monorail had moved forward that couldn't maintain eye contact.

AN:- New chapter!! A little bit of change from cannon that Kojou dosen't know that Natsuki-chan know about his condition.

More chapter incoming!! Give me them reviews!!!