Chapter 17 - Invitation

Third Person PoV

Few weeks later at Kojou's house.

Kojou had just woken up, opening his eyes he was greeted by the familiar ceiling of his house.

With a blonde tuft of hair present on his right. Last night like always, had been a blast. He gently pried himself from the hands of his loving girlfriend and went to brush.

After brushing he went in the dining room to find breakfast, by this time Nagisa was usually up and was busy getting ready with school.

He was greeted with an enormous amount of food on the table, the variety was enough to make a professional chef blush.

"So much food? Is mom here? Isn't she supposed to come next week?"

Kojou's drowsy mind was jolted awake at the information that his mother is home. Too much has happened in the last month and he didn't want to meet up with his parents just yet.

He moved near the door of the roomin which his sister resided, when she wasn't in his.

"Nagisa, is mom home?"

And he opened the door. He came to see a very beautiful sight, one which would tickle the fantasy of many boys his age.

Yukina was standing, in her pink underwear. She was changing, evident from the shirt still in her hands.

Seeing that Kojou didn't give much of a reaction except roaming his eyes over her figure in appreciation.

His vampiric nature can sometimes come off as rude, but Yukina was here for his title as the 4th Primogenitor, so she shouldn't mind very much or so he thought.

"What are you doing here, Himeragi?"

Yukina looked at her body, then at her shirt and then at Kojou, who was raising his eyebrows.

Then with eyes tearing and face reddening, she launched a spinning kick at Kojou's face.


Kojou, unfazed at the kicking speed, caught her ankle with his hand, making Yukina hang upside down, and then chucked her on the bed.

"Don't try that next time! And before you start calling me a pervert and lecher, this is my house, you didn't lock the room and didn't say anything when I asked from outside. This is not my fault."

Yukina's comeback was stuck in her mouth as she was just about to call him a pervert. But then her face became even redder

As he was still shirtless and only wearing pants, Yukina after getting a look at him while getting lectured was embarrassed.

Kojou maintained his body well, eight pack abs, lean body maximised for speed and strength. It was quite obvious the any hormonal teenage girl would drool at him.

He ignored that and went out to find Nagisa, who was sitting at the table along with Asagi.

"What was that scream?" Asagi asked. She was wearing a Kojou shirt and only panties.

Nagisa was dressed in her school uniform. Kojou sat down on the chair and looked at Nagisa while taking his toast and spreading butter on it.

"Imouto-san here didn't think it was good to inform me that Himeragi would have breakfast with us, she was changing clothes, I walked in, she kicked, I caught and threw her back."


"It was too fun to pass up, Kojou-kun!"

Just then Yukina walked in, ready for school. She wanted to apologise to Kojou for trying to kick him, but her breath was hitched when she saw the clothing of Asagi.

Asagi didn't let the opportunity go to waste and capitalised.

"Ah! Yukina-chan! Come have breakfast. You know I am quite famished due to Kojou helping me enhance my endurance last night."

Yukina blushed at that, while she also felt envious of Asagi. But she couldn't just put her finger on why she felt that way.

But she sat down and kept her eyes on her plate and managed to get the apology out of the way.

"I am sorry, senpai for trying to kick you!"

"Apology accepted. And why are you here?"

"We were taking measurements for the ball game tournament! Me and Yukina-chan are going to be cheerleaders!"

"Himeragi too?"

"Yes, all the boys prostrated themselves and asked her to do it, and she accepted!"

"I couldn't bring myself to refuse them, when they were being so serious about it."

Asagi, who was quiet till now, spoke up.

"Well she is kind so I guess that would have worked on her. Kojou, what event are you taking part in?"

"Me? I asked Rin to put me in the easiest one! I can come home quickly this way!"

"Really? Well too bad we are going to be partners for the doubles badminton event."

"Is that so? How do you know?"

"Either they did that, or I will make them!"

"There goes my plan to be lazy."

Hearing that Yukina was even more depressed, but the weird feeling she couldn't put her finger on was now starting to annoy her.

It was at this time she missed her sensei or friends at the High God Forest, they surely would have helped her.

But Nagisa caught on that and said

"Kojou-kun, do you want me and Yukina-chan to cheer for you too?"

"It wouldn't be bad, having two cute girls cheering for me personally."

Kojou said intrigued by the idea.

"Then it is decided!"

"Ano-" Yukina tried to say something but was interrupted by Asagi.

"There is no need for that Nagisa-chan, he will be motivated enough with me!"

Yukina was finally overcome with her jealousy and spoke up

"I don't mind cheerleading for senpai!"

Asagi smirked at that, she was successful in getting the fish caught.

A quick monorail later, the group of four reached the school, Nagisa and Yukina went to the middle school building and the couple went to the high-school building.

Entering the classroom, with the badminton equipment bought by Asagi a day prior, Kojou was greeted by the board filled with the participants of the tournament.

And as Asagi had predicted, he and she were paired for the mixed doubles.

"What did I say?"

"Fine you win!"

Yaze and Rin seemed to understand the meaning behind those words and merely smirked.

Asagi was changing her clothes alongside Rin.

Looking at the skirt she said

"Isn't this too short?"

"It is the size you requested for, don't tell me you grew in certain places thanks to Kojou?"

The tone of her voice getting dramatic during the later part.

"Oh, shut up Rin, I am not getting embarrassed now. Smaller skirt means Kojou will look at my long legs more!"

"You really have such nice legs."

Rin said in envy watching Asagi change her clothes.


"Time is up, Kojou-kun is waiting!"

Rin ran away before Asagi could retort.

"Mou! Rin!"

Asagi exclaimed before eating ready and started going towards the training hall.

While Asagi was getting changed, Kojou was already ready to practice. He came inside the hall to find Asagi but didn't see her here.

His classmate seeing him asked

"Akatsuki-kun, where is Aiba-san?"

"She must be running late, start without me. I will be doing some stretches, we will come when she is ready!"

Kojou walked away to the vending machine. He lied about doing stretches. His body could work fine enough without them.

On his way there he found Asagi coming. Seeing her in a new dress was nice. Pink shirt and white short skirt made her quite appealing.

Her changed hairstyle also made her look sexy. He changed his mind about practice.

'Now that I think about it, I have never done with her in the school, perfect chance everyone is in the training hall.'

Kojou reached near her and took her hand and moved near the vending machine, there were enough spots to hide around there.

"Kojou, where are we going? That is opposite to the hall?"

"Vending machine, Asagi. We both will get something to drink."


"Just follow me, it will be fun."

Asagi relented and followed him. Just as they reached near the vending machine Kojou looked around finding no one he was about to sit on the bench, Asagi falling onto his lap.

It happened in a split second, for Asagi she didn't feel anything until it had already happened.

Just as Kojou was about to sit, his instincts flared signalling danger. He jumped and shielded Asagi with his body.

And his instinct proved correct as the bench blew up due to being twisted by some unknown force.

Just as he released Asagi from his hand, he felt arrows coming towards him. He caught them with his left hand and crushed them immediately.

By now Asagi knew that they wer being attacked and was ready to summon her familiar if required.

But the attack stopped. Kojou remained alert regardless, he was with Asagi he can't let his guard down.

And it was correct two lions, one gold and one silver appeared on either of his sides.

"Shikigami?" Asagi said.

"Most probably!" Kojou said now visibly relaxed.

If it was just these two he could win with ease. Now that the shikigami had appeared, it was unlikely for the real attacker to come.

As in the first place they used the shikigami to hide their identity. Shikigami were primarily used for sending messages or assassination.

So there was next to no chance that their real controller will come out to fight him. It must be due to the fact that the perpetrator wanted to hide their identity due to some reason.

The gold lion jumped at Kojou ignoring Asagi.

'It's after me?'

Kojou sidestepped the beast and punched it hard in the jaw. The beast flew up. Before Kojou could finish it off the silver beast also leaped at him.

Kojou jumped on its face and and pushed it down, and used the altitude he gained by the stepping he managed to catch the golden lion and and smashed it head first into the ground.

The smash destroyed it, the silver lion used the smoke raised to attack Kojou, but was blocked by a shield.

Asagi for the first time has used her familiar in battle. Although it took her way too long to act up.

Kojou deliberately left his back open to check if Asagi can use her familiar. Satisfied Kojou rushed the beast and with an axe kick to its head, it was entirely crushed too.

By then both Asagi and Kojou turned around to find Yukina running towards them in her cheerleader costume, with the Schneewalzer in her hands.

"Senpai, and Aiba-senpai!"

"Woah! Himeragi, are you trying to pass off as a cosplayer to hide your identity? Nice one."

Kojou said looking at her white sleeveless top with a miniskirt of matching colour. The shirt only came up to a little below her breasts, revealing her midriff. She looked every bit the cheerleader she was to be.

"Please don't look at me!"

"So I should close my eyes when talking to you? Do you hear yourself, it is stupid."


Asagi as always was having fun watching Kojou shoot her tsundere antics with cold logic.

"Anyways, how did you know I was attacked?"

Yukina raise her hand and lifted a finger, and on it a blue glowing butterfly landed.

"My shikigami detected a hostile magical power nearby."

"So that's a messengers shikigami? Then this means that the one Kojou destroyed were used for assassination?"

Asagi deduced.

"Most probably!" Yukina agreed.

Just then Kojou found a black piece of paper on the ground. He lifted to find out that it was a letter.

"Oye, what is this? Can shikigami be both an assassin and a messenger?"

"They can be used as such, but only few people have the skill to do so!"

Yukina explained her side.

"So this letter is for me?"

Both Asagi and Yukina looked at the seal on the letter and were shocked.

"Kojou, don't tell me you don't remember this seal!"

"There is too much to remember, I forgot okay?"

"Honestly, that is the seal of Warlord's Dominion."

"The 1st Primogenitor? It is an invitation to a party hosted by Lord Ardeal, or some guy. It says to bring my partner too!"

"Lord Ardeal, Dimitrie Vatler. He is a direct descendant of the Lost Warlord."

"Well Asagi, do you have a dress?"

"No, Kojou. Do you have a suit?"

"No, we are going shopping right now. Screw this badminton practice."

"What?" Asagi said at Kojou's proclamation.

"We will win, I promise. So let's go!"

"After school." Asagi put her foot down. Kojou had to accept that.

"Ano-senpai, you are taking Aiba-senpai?"

"Ah, yes. I wanted to take Natsuki-chan but she wouldn't. Nagisa, well I won't have her be a target. Are you coming?"

"I don't have a dress."

"I can buy you one, if you want."

"No, it's fine, Aiba-senpai is your girlfriend and your blood companion. It makes sense for her to go with you."

"Sure." Kojou knew she wanted to go, but she isn't a child. If she wanted something she must say it.