Chereads / vectors in marvel / Chapter 1 - chapter 1

vectors in marvel

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Chapter 1 - chapter 1

Somewhere in the bustling city of New York, he found himself in a dark dusk illuminated only by the moon and nearby buildings.


In a dark alley, a young man with pale skin with blood-colored eyes, similar to a ghost, was seen walking slowly towards an unknown direction, too late, unconcerned by the dangerous criminals, he followed his walk.


Behind him, followed by a hooded man for a while, getting closer and faster with a quick step, he was already less than a meter away. He stopped the boy with a touch on the shoulder.



"Stop," the stranger said, proceeding to take a gun out of his pocket and, pointing it, demanded that he hand over his belongings.


The shadows of the neighboring building hid the sinister scene; the albino seemed to express surprise at the gun.



"Give me everything you have," the thief repeated with his finger on the trigger.


-First dead- the white-haired man expressed his composure and fearlessness in front of the barrel of the gun.


 "Do you want me to shoot you?" said the exasperated man.



"Stay still," he continues saying, while the young man turns around to leave.



"Damn it!" the hooded man shouted, pulling the gun's trigger and firing at point-blank range with a gun.






Echoing through the alley and the sound of a body falling to the ground. It was the same thief who shot a moment ago, pierced by the bullet that pierced his abdomen and internal organs, bleeding inside his tissues, lying in a state of shock because he was unable to see how the pellet seemed to bounce upon contact with the albino's skin, bending its direction returning to the barrel of the weapon and go through it completely reaching its body.


The weak-looking teenager continued his march through the gloomy streets of New York, oblivious to the chaos he left behind him. The bullet that had ricocheted off his pale skin left no trace of injury, defying the conventional rules of physics.


On his way, he crossed paths with a couple of thugs who, terrified, observed the supernatural scene. Whispers spread through the city about a murderous mutant.


Meanwhile, the body of the fallen thief lay on the ground, his gaze reflecting amazement and terror at the inexplicable phenomenon he had just witnessed, ending his panic as he fell unconscious.








In the quiet of his mind, he detected a telepathic presence nearby. A psychic whisper that urged him to go to a specific place. With determined steps, he entered darker alleys, guided by the telepathic connection that propelled him towards an unknown destination.


The consciousness of someone peeking out from his shoulder. The young man turned slowly, his crimson eyes flashing with curiosity as he dove into the stranger's mind.


The hooded man, whose face remained hidden in the shadows of his hood, spoke in his mind in an eerie whisper.


"I have heard about your abilities. A unique combination that can be used for good or evil- without revealing his thoughts, he replied calmly,


-Who are you and what are you looking for?-


The hooded figure smiled enigmatically. "They call me Magus, and I have an intriguing proposal for someone with your talents. A mutant alliance to end the persecution of our kind."


An aura of mystery surrounded the conversation, as he seemed to consider Magus' words. The teenage mutant, overwhelmed by his thoughts directed toward "Magus" and his connection to mutant secrets, was about to make a decision in the dark alleys of New York.


The so-called Magus seemed to simply wait for the response of the albino, who was unaware of the constant psychic energy directed towards him. In an instant, his condition began to weaken and he was overcome by oppressive pain, mentally defeated until he fell on the asphalt. Magus, using his telepathic power, slammed the albino's body to the ground.


The stormy mental struggle continued as the albino struggled to resist Magus' telepathic assault. Every attempt to defend himself was met with a stronger and more ruthless response. On the ground, the albino writhed, trapped in a battle that went beyond the physical, unable to use his vector ability.


Magus, with a sinister smile, intensified his attack, exploring every recess of the albino's mind. However, in a flash of determination, the albino channeled his own psychic abilities to fully awaken his x-gen, fighting back with surprising strength.


The psychic fight created waves of energy that resonated in the environment, attracting the attention of those hiding in the dark alley. As the battle intensified, both fighters seemed to be on the brink of a mental abyss, where victory would not only mean physical dominance, but total control over the other's psyche.


In the midst of the mental battle, the albino, still twisted on the ground, clings to his determination. Despite the inability to use his vector abilities, his psychic resistance became an indomitable force.


Magus, surprised by the ferocity of the counterattack, was momentarily forced to retreat. However, a sinister smile did not leave his face, indicating that the fight was far from over.


The waves of psychic energy continued to resonate in the alley, creating a supernatural spectacle that did not go unnoticed by those present.


As the intensity of the psychic battle increased, a mysterious presence emerged in the alley. Magus, regaining his composure, unleashed a new wave of power, enveloping the albino in a dark aura.


In an instant, a group of hooded individuals emerged from the shadows. They were Magus's henchmen, and their task was clear: take the albino as a prisoner. With precise movements, they grabbed him and dragged him into the darkness, as waves of psychic energy dissipated into the air.


The triumphant smile on Magus's face indicated that this was part of a larger plan.


The stranger, with a cold and merciless gaze, supervised every step of the process. The henchmen, stealthy and efficient, carried out procedures beyond the albino's understanding to restrain him.


 The alley, now empty and silent, hid the horrors unfolding within.


The albino's fate hung in the balance, plunging into an abyss of uncertainty as he became the subject of experiments that would forever change the course of his existence.








I still remember the morning, less than a year ago, that they awakened my latent power for me, bad luck I was a mutant, the unbearable pain in my head fighting to get out, it was not the first time dealing with powers.


It all started with being born with albinism, alerting my parents to being a possible carrier of the prescribe the necessary medicines for me when they observed that none had a real effect on my eyesight and skin, the recommendations of not being exposed to the sun with inappropriate clothing for my safety stopped mattering when they realized that I could be exposed for a long time without Nothing will happen to me, at the age of ten I entered school without covering every inch of my body with clothes.


At the age of fourteen, discovering my psychic powers over vectors, in physics classes when calculating the trajectory and magnitude of my eraser that soon became a flying one, I could feel how my brain made constant calculation after calculation to be able to achieve it for a few seconds. . My psychic abilities remained hidden until that fateful morning less than a year ago.


I kept my abilities a secret, fearing the reaction of others. Loneliness became my companion as I tried to understand and control my new powers.


I experimented with small objects, gradually developing my skill in manipulating vectors. School became a challenge, but also a place where I could hide my abilities while continuing to explore their scope.


That morning the pain in my head persisted, but the curiosity and desire to master my skills were stronger. Telepathy on a fifteen-year-old is too tempting not to use on anyone who passes by.


However, telepathy was a new and disconcerting chapter in my mutant life. The throbbing pain in my head as I tried to filter out other people's thoughts was unbearable. I learned to control this ability a little to protect myself from the constant invasion of other people's thoughts by not knowing how to use my new x-gene ability.


As time went by I felt the need to use my power to the limit but the inexperience and instability of my telepathic power on the streets led me to use my vector control to hit gang members like a vigilante.


My life took a dark turn when, in a desperate attempt to protect myself on the streets, I let the thirst for power and control take over me. I redirect blows and bullets with my vector control, feeling the momentary euphoria of revenge. However, my descent into darkness culminated when I was captured and taken to an unknown location.


Now, I am locked in a sinister place, where the walls echo with whispers of experiments and the ominous machinery that surrounds my existence.


The psychic, the one responsible for my capture, seeks to unravel the secrets of my powers for his own dark purposes.


The irony is not lost on me: from seeking revenge in the streets to becoming the subject of experimentation. My inexperience and misuse of my skills led me to this abyss of uncertainty, where the promise of power has been transformed in a nightmare from which I cannot escape. Now, I face the ultimate test of endurance, as my body and powers are put under relentless scrutiny.


In the dark cell where I am a prisoner, time blurs between the shadows and the echo of my thoughts. With each passing day, my determination to escape and take revenge on those who seek to suppress my powers grows stronger.


I look at every detail of the cell, looking for any weaknesses in the structure that I can exploit. Whispers of nearby experiments constantly remind me of the danger I face, but also fuel my determination to free myself from this nightmare.


Every opportunity becomes a ray of hope in my monotonous cooped-up existence. I meticulously plan my escape, waiting for the right moment to defy the oppressive machinery that seeks to understand and control my powers.


Although uncertainty and fear surround me, the flame of revenge burns within me. As each day passes, my training and mastery of my abilities grows, preparing me for the inevitable confrontation that will decide the fate of those who have toyed with my powers. The promise of power that once plunged me into darkness now becomes the force that guides me toward the light of freedom.












Every day locked up strengthens my determination for revenge. In the shadows of my cell, I fine-tune my vector control by not being completely suppressed by the anti-mutant machine, molding it into a sharp tool ready to cut my chains. The promise of power that once plunged me into darkness now becomes the force that guides me toward the light of freedom.


Training in secret, I feel my skills become sharper, more precise. The cell that was once my prison becomes my training ground. Every movement, every breath, is one more step towards liberation.


My thoughts focus on the inevitable confrontation. I imagine the surprise in the eyes of those who thought they could control me. Vengeance mixes with the thirst for justice, and every fiber of my being longs for the moment when I can break the chains that bind me.


With each day of training, my vector control of the environment requires enormous amounts of calculations, due to the fact that even invisible, inaudible and imperceptible forces are taken into account, or else it can cause enormous damage. From simple to more difficult uses, the vector manipulation process requires no more effort than performing simple arithmetic operations.


The moment of inevitable confrontation finally arrives when I decide to challenge Magus and his henchmen. I emerge from the shadows of my cell with my vector control active, unleashing every machine and chain from my path.


With a powerful blow, my stretcher flies through the hallways, knocking down the guards. The surrounding air is responsible for keeping everyone in place; Making calculations after calculations, my brain considerably increases the pressure in the hallway, awaiting his arrival.


The surprise in Magus's eyes is palpable as I confront him with my power. An accelerated air lance, aimed at killing only my target. However, reality hits hard. Magus, skilled and master of the telepathic arts, uses his powers to counter my attack and fierce attempt at release. I again use the air pressure against him and compress him into stakes, easily stopped again by his psionic energy shield.


Despite my training and determination, I find myself once again subjugated by his power and mental dominance, making me fall exhausted and useless, with my limbs asleep.


Irony hangs in the air as my attempt at revenge turns into another defeat. I am dragged back into the darkness of the prison, with the chains tighter than ever, lying on this stretcher with no powers. The promise of freedom fades, leaving me mired in frustration and helplessness.