[Please, Igor. Don't do anything untoward.]
She loved the man to death but sometimes, his stubborn head made it hard to predict his reaction to any shows of power and dominance over him.
But just as quickly as the time-stop came, it vanished, along with a very familiar sound.
"We need to talk. Now."
Aurelia was smart. That was an undisputable fact. Her decades resulted in major breakthroughs in sealing and favourable political conditions for the Shinto, especially the yokai. So Igor knew for a fact she was aware of Shuri fancying him.
He had no qualms in dragging his woman home to sort this out. He'd technically solved this by rejecting Shuri, but he wanted no hard feelings to remain. There would be no stopping the awkwardness, but maintaining a friendly relationship would be best.
Now the problem was…how to start all of this? Igor, Aurelia, and Shuri sat around the table in the kitchen. Both women sat opposite him next to each other while he was alone on the other side. Asia and Akeno were left in the park with Lina, Cleria's Queen.
There was a somewhat uncomfortable silence between all three of them. This wasn't a situation he could bulldoze like always. It involved touchy-feely squishy stuff he always hated.
It'd be nice if it was some random woman. He wouldn't bother giving them the time of day. But this was Shuri and bloody HELL did she pick the worst time to confess.
It was best to get this over with. He didn't know how, but he'd try someth--
"I won't give up on you, Dimori-kun."
Shuri was the first to break the silence. Her head was lowered, not meeting anyone's eyes. But after she uttered her controversial yet daring words, she repeated them again, this time meeting Igor's eyes.
"No matter what you or anyone says, I won't stop pursuing you."
Shuri's words were beautiful and mesmerising, but she said them to the wrong person. For a moment, Igor's thoughts strayed. Her words…he didn't like them. To others, they might sound as proof of her heartfelt affections, but to him, they were no different from her excercising control over him--
"My Lord. Shuri-sama's words were out of line, but she didn't mean them in that manner."
Aurelia rushed to control the situation. Igor's expression didn't change, but she knew how prideful her man was. Shuri's words were a threat to that pride. *
"What she meant is she cannot bear to let you go. Please do not underestimate how much she cares for you."
Igor's frown eased slightly, something Aurelia was grateful for. It was a bit embarrassing acting as a mediator for the very woman who wanted her husband, but she owed it to Shuri.
"My Lord. Before we proceed any further, I would first like to confess."
She looked at Shuri from the corner of her eye. The woman appeared calm, but her hands were clasped so tightly around each other the grip alone could crush steel.
"Just before our first night together…"
Her breath hitched slightly, but she continued.
"Just before our first night together, Shuri-sama confessed to me her feelings towards you. Back then, I promised her I would help her earn your affections."
Aurelia knew what her words entailed. It was an extreme way of putting it, but she essentially admitted to treating him as a political piece to further ties with the Shinto. He would not interpret this any other way.
Igor stood up, a completely neutral expression on his face. His gaze was hollow, almost unfeeling when he looked at Aurelia.
"Two-point-two kilometres East. Meet me there."
He then faced Shuri.
"I will give you my final answer once I return. Do not dispute it once I give it to you."
"Do not dispute it."
Igor vanished just like that, not even giving Shuri a chance to speak. Her composure was cracking at visible, her breaths increasing rapidly.
"A-Aurelia-san! Aurelia-san, please help me! Please help me!"
She tearfully grabbed her by the shoulders, her eyes pleading deeply.
"I-I can't…I can't lose him!"
Aurelia slowly stood up. Things were turning out for the worst. Igor's reaction was not the best and if this kept up, Shuri could forget about reaching him for once he made a decision, reversing it was nigh-impossible.
Nonetheless, she had to try. Shuri's second life deserved some light after the first one.
"Shuri-sama. Please don't follow behind whatsoever. I promise I will do my best to salvage this situation."
Two thousand kilometres east of Japan was vast expanses of ocean. The time was slowly approaching evening and just a few-hundred kilometres off, Igor could spot a container ship heading for America by his estimations.
Sometimes, he wished he could have a simple life, but then he remembered ordinary people had their troubles too.
He missed the Heavenly Realm. He missed fighting with Atid and he missed training like he had no mind. Those things were much more desirable compared to dealing with…whatever this mess was. If Atid heard of this mess, he knew the idiot would laugh at him 'til kingdom come.
Nonetheless, this was a mess he had to get himself out of. But first, he had to see what Aurelia had to say for herself.
She appeared behind him through a magic circle. He wanted to spank her for planning his life without his approval, something she knew he hated. But considering it happened almost a year ago, he wouldn't hold it over her.
What he wouldn't waive off however was how she'd kept this matter secret for months.
"Aurelia. I trust you."
He slowly turned to face her, his feet barely touching the water's surface.
"I've always trusted you. That's why I never cared if you used my name and influence for your own reasons. I don't care if you start pulling strings or meet certain people. I know you have plans in that head of yours and I know at some point, they require my name. I never asked you about them not because I don't care, but because I trust you. I don't like politics, but I value my name more and not once have I stopped you from using it."
He slowly stretched out his hand.
*Grabs Shoulder*
"...if it comes to personal matters and I'm sure you know this by now, but do consult me. I do not like how you never told me your plan regarding Shuri. Look at where we are now. A matter that could've been solved months ago before it had time to fester now has to be cleared quickly. I'm leaving on the 1st. This is not nearly enough time to wean Shuri out of her current feelings."
If there was one thing Igor was clear about, getting together with Shuri was impossible. The love she had for him was strong, but it's basis was in that he saved her life. She fell for him because of the 'Hero Saves the Beauty' nonsense.
He'd stepped in, avenged her whilst risking vengeance from gods, was willing to protect her from a god much stronger than him, and he accepted her for who she was. He was like those stupid superhero figures who wore underwear over their pants to her.
In short, what she had was an enhanced form of admiration she confused for love and deluded herself into believing for months. Fascination could quickly turn into obsession if left unchecked.
Shuri was a kind woman at heart. She didn't truly know the kinds of atrocities he's committed and was willing to commit. She had no clue of the number of bodies he had. She didn't know his true personality, of how cold he could get when in war.
Mothers, fathers, siblings, children---he'd killed many without batting an eye. Aurelia was no different from him. They both bathed in the blood of many and understood each other. If Shuri knew his true dark side, she'd never be able to stay with him. They were too incompatible and it was best for everyone if she stopped liking someone like him--
Aurelia cut off his inner thoughts.
"Please don't underestimate Shuri's love for you."
Wean her off? It was impossible and she knew it. The eyes never lied and Shuri would never bury her love for him…unless she herself was buried.
"Let me tell you everything…"
She waved her hand and two couches formed behind them, steadily hovering above the ocean waves.
"...from the beginning."
Love---a topic he found so annoying and embarrassing he swore to never speak of it. Everytime he watched those cheesy romance flicks, he felt like dying everytime he heard those three words repeated over and over and over again.
Yet who knew just a few years into this world, he found his own cringey "soul-mate". He still didn't know what came over him that night. He could've gone to sleep like usual but for some reason, his liver experienced a shot of adrenaline and just like that, he said those three words he swore he'd never say in his life.
He was very sure of his love for Aurelia. He had years to delude himself out of it, but found himself falling in all the same. He cherished and trusted her completely, to the point where he willingly let her into his soul.
So when Aurelia said…
"My lord…Igor. Please believe me when I earnestly tell you, Shuri Himejima loves you."
He was rendered silent.
[1.] Aurelia rushed to control the situation. Igor's expression didn't change, but she knew how prideful her man was. Shuri's words were a threat to that pride. *
Explanation: I found it a bit redundant how Igor could intentionally misinterpret her words. It was childish until I sat down and thought about it.
The power difference between Igor and Shuri is so vast it isn't even a joke. He might treat her as an equal, but she's lower than him on the scale. It's like the relationship between a father and son. The father might treat the son like a friend, but there are some things a son must never say, even in a joking or lighthearted manner. That becomes disrespectful.
My comparison doesn't do much justice, but that's how I broke it down after thinking about it. You're free to provide your take on this…pride thing.