He was very sure of his love for Aurelia. He had years to delude himself out of it, but found himself falling in all the same. He cherished and trusted her completely, to the point where he willingly let her into his soul.
So when Aurelia said…
"My lord…Igor. Please believe me when I earnestly tell you, Shuri Himejima loves you."
He was rendered silent.
Igor felt he was old fashioned, atleast if he compared himself to the ideals of today. To him, taking a woman never ended at just the girlfriend stage. Marriage, children, life-long partnership---all of that were important to him.
What was more important to him was strength. The supernatural world was dangerous and he was high-profile. Partnering with someone much weaker than you was asking for tragedy in the future.
When Shuri saddled him with her confession, he was prepared to let her down, but he now found himself having other thoughts.
Aurelia was a great talker. She shut down any arguments he could've made before he said them. Shuri wasn't just looking for a date. She wanted what he wanted---a family. More importantly, her strength was rapidly rising to meet the demands of raising a family in their dangerous world.
There was no doubt if she was still High-Class, he wouldn't have entertained the thought no matter how appealing it sounded. It nearly broke him when she died, and they weren't even together.
He couldn't dare imagine what would happen if he let her in. It helped put into perspective how Baraquiel felt when he lost her. Being broken was just the beginning.
But…she was improving. He didn't want to consider it, but she was improving, rapidly at that. Aurelia made sure to emphasize that point so many times he found himself wondering if it was…possible.
[I can't believe I'm even considering this.]
Igor was alone on the ocean's surface. Two hours had passed since Aurelia left him behind. He told her he'd remain alone for now and think things through.
Funnily enough, he felt he was thrust into the role of a woman. It's usually them who have to consider a man's confession and whether it was worth accepting them, not the other way around.
His most pressing issue currently, was Baraquiel. No matter what he did, it would be disrespectful to the old man…his first teacher. Going to the Underworld and informing him of Shuri's confession would be a slap to his face.
Having your ex's prospective husband come in person to tell you of her confession would make anyone want to punch them in the face. But if he just accepted Shuri, then there'd be a very awkward visit.
"Enough. Enough, enough, enough."
Prancing around like an indecisive idiot wouldn't get him anywhere. It's been two hours and the last thing he wanted was donning the moniker of a hesitant good-for-nothing pansy.
"Alright, Igor. Let's set this straight for once. Do you like Shuri? Don't be a pansy and say 'maybe' and all that other nonsense. Get straight to the point or you're queer and your brother will shrivel."
He spoke as if there was an invisible twin standing next to him. Talking to himself like this was stupid, but it certainly would get the job done.
"Alright. Let's see…"
Shuri was a wonderful woman. She was caring, soft, and kind-hearted. She made great food, was a great conversationalist, and was fun to hang around with.
"Alright. I like her in that weird, vomit-inducing fashion. Done. No takebacks. I said it and I meant it. Now what will I do about that?"
Baraquiel and Akeno would be problems. Becoming a stepfather was not something he would entertain and he had to make it clear.
Confronting Baraquiel was inevitable, but he'd do it with as much respect as possible. Perhaps there'd be conflict. Perhaps there wouldn't be. He could only do his best.
"Just to finalise, do I agree to take Shuri?"
An important question, one that mustn't be answered callously.
"No. I like her but I don't love her."
A simple conclusion. She was nice to hang around with and he lusted after her body. That was it. Most would mistake this for love, but it was only a deeper level of attraction.
"Alright. I sorted my thoughts out. It's time to give Shuri my answer."
He didn't even let the thought of hesitation form in his head. Thinking was for smart pansies who could afford to waste daylight.
Kuoh Town, Japan
Shuri remained alone in the kitchen in silence. She never moved from her spot and waited for him. Aurelia had come prior and told her all would go well with a smile, but she couldn't shake the crumbling feeling she had in her heart.
Aurelia spoke with such confidence but…what if? She was afraid to hope. It was easier to expect disappointment than--
He was…he was too close! And why were his eyes so intense!? Igor had her rooted to the spot. His hand was on the chair, the other on the table. He'd bent over and leaned in just close enough that their noses nearly touched.
It was one thing if he was unconscious, but Shuri couldn't bear being the receiver of his gaze--
"Don't look away."
He removed his hand from the table and gently cupped her cheek.
"I want to see something."
Igor was unusually serious. There was one thing he needed to see, something crucial that would decide if he would wholeheartedly accept her.
Shuri didn't want him to bed her and be done with it. She wasn't looking for a casual fling or a temporary relationship. She wanted more and he had to know…if he could give her that.
A tense silence followed. Shuri didn't know what he wanted, but Igor knew what he was looking for. He needed to know if that vital spark would ever come to be. Could he turn that familial love he had for her into real love? Maybe.
It was better to just test it out himself. He promised her a straight answer and he'd give her one.
Beautiful amber eyes, moist pink lips, and her flushed cheeks provoked all sorts of reactions within him. Shuri wasn't just pretty. She wasn't eye-candy or 'hot'. She was simply…beautiful. That was the word he could use to describe her. Simple, yet she fit all of it's criteria.
The minutes dragged by as he looked at her, and she had the most interesting reactions. It was cute how she'd bite her lower lip in nervousness, or how her nose would twitch when she felt his breath on it.
Igor wasn't doing this to get these reactions out of her. He was doing it to see if she could provoke a reaction out of him. Could she make his heart throb? Even if it was just a bit. She may be pretty but if he saw her as a sister, then he'd have to reject her for he could never truly give her what she desired.
It was one last check, a very important one to see if they could build anything long-lasting.
"Shuri. I want to try something. If at anytime you don't like it, pull away."
Shuri was too out of it to reply, so she dumbly nodded, unaware of the keywords 'pull away'.
All of a sudden, Igor pressed his lips against hers. It was gentle, sensual, and innocent. He felt Shuri freeze, but he didn't stop. He only sought to truly understand his position, to see if he could…
…feel more than just lust and admiration for her.
She returned his kiss. Her lips were soft with a subtle taste of grapes.
He was falling in. It was supposed to be a chaste kiss, one that'd last maybe ten seconds at best. But…
He was finding it hard to stop.
He pulled away from her, but Shuri chased after him, sending the chair tumbling to the floor.
Her arms swiftly wrapped around his neck, preventing him from pulling away. He stood up in surprise, but she wrapped her legs around his waist.
She took the initiative and absolutely wouldn't let him go. Igor had more than enough strength to pull her away. But…he couldn't. If he was truthful, he didn't want to.
Shuri moved his hands from her back towards her rear, then slowly disengaged her core and let his fingers sink into them.
Igor slammed her against the wall. His fingers clenched against her rear, plunging themselves deep into her softness. Lust was taking over. He hungrily devoured her, savouring the taste of her mouth and the unique scent of her arousal.
He grinded against her pelvis and roughly clenched his hands around her derriere. She awakened the beast inside of him and he would devou--
"I said wait."
Igor pushed Shuri against the wall with both hands after she tried to forcefully kiss him. Her legs were still stubbornly hooked around him, but he had bigger concerns to worry about.
*Badump* *Badump* *Badump* *Badump*
It was getting harder and harder to restrain himself. She'd been grinding her nether on his member, agitating him and siring his instinct to seed.
*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*
His chest was heaving not because he was tired, but because he had to hold himself from taking her right here and now.
He raised his head. His eyes were red and completely filled with lust and desire.
"Not like this."
Shuri forgot to breathe when she saw that crimson gaze. He wanted her. He really…he really wanted her.
"I don't mind, Dimori-kun."
"You should. I don't love you yet."
He spoke through gritted teeth, silently begging Triny to release nature energy so he could calm himself down. Unfortunately, it seemed the old hag was intent on enjoying the show and hoarded it away.
Igor was brought out of it when he felt Shuri's tears hit his arm. But when he looked at her, she was fondly smiling at him.
"You said 'yet'."
Words couldn't describe how much joy she felt. There was actually a chance. There was actually a chance for her!
Igor's raging lust was calmed with that one look. That teary smile was so innocent and cheery he didn't want to disappoint it.
He wanted to put her down so he could explain things, but her legs refused to budge from his waist.
"Please…let me hug you, Dimori-kun. Just for a while."
He silently acquiesced to her request by removing his arms, finally made aware he was grabbing her chest the entire time. Shuri didn't mind and leaned closer.
"Thank you…"
She placed her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Now that she knew he liked her, the heavy weight in her heart was lifted.
"I'll wait for you, Dimori-kun."
He returned her hug, holding her closer to him.
"Listen. I said I would give you my answer so here it is. You are a very wonderful woman, Shuri Himejima. I do find you attractive and I do like you. I will not lie and say I love you…"
He twisted his neck to meet her eyes.
"...but I am willing to try with you."
And that brings an end to this arc. Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you enjoyed these chapters. I'm aware my writing still has much to improve on and I'll reflect on it during this hiatus I'm taking.
I'd like to give my thanks to all of you for your support. It truly means a lot to me and I would never have had the motivation to come this far without all of you.
With all that said, thank you so much for reading and until…the next chapter.