{General rank}
Your potential and
strength of your specialty. Although the strength of your flaw will also depend on this.
Low (Below Average)
Normal (Average)
Intermediate (Above-Average)
High (Incredibly Rare)
Noble (Less then 1000 alive)
Ducal (200 currently alive)
Royal (20 users alive)
Godly (2 users ever seen)
Astral (Theorized by power analysts)
{Numen} (Specialty)
The aspect of power you use. Often relating to your personality or experiences. Usually the stronger the {Numen} the harsher the downsides. You will not know what your {Numen} is when you first awaken. You will have to find out what it is yourself.
Vampirism or cooking.
You would have incredible cooking. Or you will gain the characteristics of a Vampire.
The energy awakened use to activate their {Numen}. There are several different types of {Aura}. I will explain it later in the story better.
Order ranks are the biggest factor in someone's strength.
Each rank you ascend, you have a chance to gain an aspect related to your {Numen}. You also get more powerful physically with more aura available.
Powers derived from your {Numen}. They could be passive like a better since of smell. Or it could be something active like the ability to manipulate blood. (All vampirism examples). Passives take no {Aura} to activate, but actives do (under normal circumstances).
A critical downside afflicted into an awakened. Typically growing with the user. An example for an after mentioned Vampire {Numen} would be the need for blood and not being able to digest any other food. They never activate until the first usage of an activatable {Aspect}.