Chereads / The Accursed, the Banished and the Regretfuls / Chapter 25 - Status update post evolution

Chapter 25 - Status update post evolution

I bet there's a few things you didn't expect, huh? Okay, let's go with those two new status.

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Draconic Demon Slime

Blessings: Crest of the Storm, Sorrow of the Star King, ?????

Title: To be announced in Walpurgis (wink, wink)

Intrinsic Skills: same than Demon Slime

Manas: Ciel ---> Incomplete. The finalisation of her evolution will require time as [Great Sage] shattered, plus an unknown condition. Thus, her abilities sharply decreased, being less than what [Raphael] would be.

Most of [Great Sage] sub-skills were salvaged, but weakened.

Ultimate Skills:

[Flesh King Asclepius]:

-Perfect body control: allow to consciously understand all body functions up to molecular scale, have control over it and reshape its own body.

-Life transmitter: allow to take/gift life force to someone. Contact is necessary. 

-Energy conversion: allow to convert a form of energy to another. 

-Incarnate Fortress: strengthen physical and natural resistances 

[Soul King Hades]:

-Soul proficiency: allow the usage of soul magic. Enhance the proficiency of souls usage. 

-Soul assessing: allow to scan someone soul and see information such as true identity, hints of possessed Skills, karma. 

-Resurrector: can resurrect a target. The cost depends on the time until the death, the race and the power of the target. Fails if the soul information was deleted from the world.

-Spirit Fortress: give various magical and spiritual resistances. 

Synergy bonus between [Asclepius] and [Hades]: reduce the burden on the soul and magicule capacity of all Skills.

Yep, no [Veldora] this time. Probably because here, the big-ass goofball share a link not only with Rimuru but also Mithra.

Unique Skills:

[Gluttony] (Without the abilites provided by [Starved], as Rimuru didn't seize it. So no Food Chain)


Arts: Battlewill; Mystic-Arts. 

Whimsical Bloodbath: a family of arts exclusive to Rimuru, jokingly named by Mithra in their former world because of the deadly results against enemies and the bloody backlash received if used for too long. Use the ability of bending and remodeling his own body unnaturally with a wide variety of magics, arts and weapons to unleash assaults nigh impossible to counter.


Physical Attack Nullification

Spiritual Attack Ultra Resistance (enhanced by both)**

Pain Ultra Resistance (enhanced by [Asclepius])*

Magical Attack Resistance (special resistance from [Hades])

Abnormal Condition Nullification

Natural Effect Nullification (enhanced by [Asclepius])*

Holy-Demonic Resistance (enhanced by [Hades])*

Poison Heal (now we know)

Life Domination Resistance (special resistance from [Hades])

*Due to Rimuru lacking half of his soul, some tolerances aren't as high as they should, with or without enhancement.

**Same as earlier, but also a scar of the past.

Legacies retrieved:

High-Legendary Class Weapon: Lightning Pike ---> A sword-spear found by Alestar (Rimuru's previous life) during one of his travels. It was half-broken, stuck next to a dragon's skeleton on the remains of a eroded mountain. After repair, it became one of his main weapons.

Low-Mythical Class Weapon: Selene ---> The greatsword he found in a cave full of ancient crystals, which origins were lost in history. It shines with the brilliance of a full-moon, and resonate with Soul magic, amplifying its power.


Name: Mithra Tempest

Race: Hell Intendant

Blessings: Crest of the Storm, Sigil of Hell, ??????

Titles: Demon of Honor, second one to be announced in Walpurgis.

Intrinsic Skills: same as any incarnated Demon. Retain her unability to coerce any Demon to servitude, cannot join a lineage neither create her own.

Ultimate Skills:

[Dreadful King Barbatos]:

-Dreadful haki: an aura of pure terror, who makes the target see the user as their worst nightmare, and reduces their mental resistance. Can be used in unison with another form of haki for explosive results. 

-Hand of Erebus: allow the user to temporarily lower the target's resistances on touch, works against nullifications for a higher cost of magicule. Can also temporarily reduce the potency of opponent Skills, even seal the weaker ones. The magicule cost depending on the strength of the targeted Skill, and the user's understanding of his opponent' Skill. Origin Skills are immune. 

-Everlasting curse: allow to cast a curse on a target which will attack it at regular intervals. The curse can adapt by itself to the target's defences, searching for new ways to do damage. The curse need the analysis ability of an Ultimate Skill to be fully undone.

[Covenant King Uriel] (transferred by Rimuru's Soul corridor after analysis of the Infinite Imprisonment, evolution of [Treaty]):

-Infinite Imprisonment

-Law Manipulation

-Universal Barrier

-Spacial Domination 

-Covenant Bound: the fusion of [Treaty]' three sub-skills, improving its potency.

Unique Skills:

[Might]: got refined by Mithra's power gain, but remains a Unique Skill.

-Peak of Will

-Magic Sense

-Thought Acceleration

-Last stand: Grant a chance to nullify a fatal blow once per month, but the user could be severely weakened for the duration of the fight and until they take time to recover.


Arts: Battlewill; Mystics-Arts.

Howling Crusher: a family of arts created by Mithra in her past life, based on her proficiency with Nuclear Magic, understanding of nuclear physics, and mastery with close combat. Was named like this by Rimuru in their former world because of her tendency of shouting warcry like a maniac when using some strong moves.

Tolerances: many depends on her mental state.

-Physical Attack (Ultra Resistance to Nullification)

-Magical Attack (Lesser to Normal Resistance)

-Pain (Resistance to Nullification)

-Abnormal Condition (Ultra Resistance to Nullification)

-Natural Effect (Ultra Resistance to Nullification)

-Spiritual Attack (Lesser Resistance to Nullification)

-Holy-Demonic Resistance

-Manipulation (from Null to Resistance)---> She can resist the effect of all Manipulation Skills, like Spacial Manipulation. 

Legacies retrieved: 

Legendary Class Weapon: Bonking Bell (she said 'a good name is a catchy one') ---> a great hammer with a bell on it, found in the ruins of an ancient crypt. It's engulfed in a faint, lingering darkness, and all traces of holy blessing it had disappeared long ago.

Low Mythical Class Weapon: Caldeira (named by Alestar to avoid a disaster) ---> the ultra greatsword she discovered when falling in a chasm, its dark and fire powers slowly returned. After centuries, it seems the rock shell might crumble and reveal its full potential, allowing this 'blade' to reach to realm of Mythical Class.