" You clearly have a great figure, it's too bad that you can't be mine like those girls. "
The man's voice, reaching her ears, sent shivers running down her spine.
' .. I'll be yours as long as you can satisfy me... '
While she couldn't gather the strength and courage to even speak that thought out loud, at the moment, with how crazy for a sweet relieve she was, she definitely was thinking about it, a thing she never even imagined before.
Thud thud thud-
The man's footsteps, being the only sound that filled the room at the moment, stopped when his legs came into her sight along with his right arm that aimed at her prideful breast.
His palm, pushing it up from below, almost as if weighting it, quickly transformed into a grasp that she couldn't escape from, nor did she want to.
" M-mm.. "
A whining sound, coming out from her mouth, as the man showed such rough movements towards her, apparently treating her like some kind of toy, a feeling that she couldn't lie about, but loved it.
' More.. Please use me as you wish already... '
Willing to be bent down immediately and to receive his rod the next moment, the teasing of the man awakened a deep desire from within her body as she was forced to feel his right hand knead her left boob, and his palm caressing her hardened nipple as he did so.
" Now that's what you call a mature woman's charm.. "
His calculating, cold yet fiery, eyes that seemed to pierce through her desires, along with his burning and firm touch.. Before she knew it, she was already completly aroused, more than she probably ever was in her life, from such a torture.
The man's second hand, which wasn't lifted, moved down and subtly grabbed her butt, starting with a soft touch before cupping her cheek using his large fingers, a feeling she almost forgot with time.
Being played by both of his hands, she could feel herself dripping, the insides of her thighs already wet, as more of her precious juice was flowing out of her exhausted body.
- !
And suddenly, a feeling of sharp electric pain, that filled her body with the sounds of flesh being clapped against.
Sensing the pain that was subduing rapidly from her ass, she knew she was just spanked, a feeling that no woman could hate, but she was still surprised about it, yet, the words of the man transformed that feeling into pure excitement the next moment.
" Alright, enough with that small play, get on your knees already. "
Not possessing the will to even go against his words, her body plopped down the moment his touch disappeared from her body, trying to catch her breath as she didn't realize that she had been keeping her breathing short since earlier.
Her chest feeling tight from the lack of air, even her boob which the man has been using as his plaything presented a slight pain from his rough actions, but instead of being mad at him, she just wanted more of it.
His touch was so different from her small hands and slender fingers, that even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to reproduce such a feeling that spreaded on most of her breast.
The single sound of his belt that he was untying, was followed by his pants going down, and before she knew it, something was dropped on top of her head.
It was heavy, and the warmth spreading to her hair as well as the expectations for a certain thing, made her look up to him and the thing she had been dreaming about for the past two days.
" -... "
She was sure of it, but he should have heard her saliva being swallowed as she stared at the thing that should be considered a monstrosity.
' Why.. Is it so big ?.. Did his maid took that every time ? And she was still fine after it ?.. '
Starting to doubt wether he was really a human, or to know if her past experiences were just all jokes, just the lenght of his could cover her face, from her forehead to her chin, with ease, having her question how big it was.
" What are you waiting for ? Suck it already instead of just staring at it, isn't that what you wanted ? "
The man's words, which lacked any kind of tact, exposed desires she completely forgot when she saw his more than remarkable weapon, able to even shock others.
Lightly opening her mouth, she didn't even know where to start, should she stick out her tongue and lick it first ? Try to play with his balls ?
Anything seemed out of place inside of her head, and her guest, which saw her hesitation, only sighed as he lowered his hands to grab her head.
His fingers sinking in her hair, the next moment, she felt a pressure unlike anything she knew before as she was forced to stay in that position, like something was coming for her, and she surely was right.
With the man moving his waist backwards, his manhood caressed itself against her face as it pulled away, until his soft tip remained against her parted lips, before he suddenly shoved it in her mouth.
" M-Mmmh.. ! "
Instantly being gagged by his crotch, she couldn't even muster a single word out of her mouth or let out a complaint about it, but little did she know, that he wasn't done with her.
Starting by filling her mouth, he kept advancing, showing no intention to retreat, as his manhood penetrated her throat so effortlessly despite it's size, that even she was surprised.
Her eyes tearing up at the feeling of being spread open that way from her mouth, rapidly, a sense of pain and soreness came from the hole he used to penetrate her, and she guessed that he didn't go in effortlessly, but forced his way in, piercing her with his spear.
Such a pleasurable pain, considering the situation she was in, was only a way to arouse her even more, as she could feel her core tremble with excitation.
And with that thing inside of her, and his hands holding her head firmly, his next move was to start moving his waist once more, back and forth, making rough thrusts able to stop her from breathing.
Her throat being completely opened by such a wild guest, using her mouth as a way to please himself without thinking about her state, was enough to send her to the edge of the ultimate pleasure she's been searching the past few days, her masochist self being unable to resist it whatsoever.
" -Mmmh.. "
Needing just a single stimulus to reach it, she could have used her hands, like she usually did, but a part of her knew, that if she just kept herself like that, it would naturally come at the right time, so lifting her arms lacking straight, she put her hands on top of the man's legs.
This mouth of hers, being penetrated endlessly and roughly, her breathing, that became so scarce she was almost passing out, and her wetness dripping out to her thighs and the ground below her knees, she felt so many things at the same time, but her brain couldn't comprehend half of what was happening to her.
In a state as if she was in some sort of fever dream, the next thing she knew when she was somewhat able to think properly from a sudden change, was when the man stopped his thrusts, having her swallow him whole, and with his manhood throbbing violently inside her throat, a warm liquid was being expulsed by it.
- !
Forced to swallow everything of it before he would actually pull himself out, she almost felt like cumming just from it, but as if blocked or desiring something more, her body wouldn't give it to her, the sweet pleasure she desired.
" ...- "
Did he just speak to her ?
Unable to hear his voice in such an unfocused state when she just regained her ability to breath, she tried looking up to him, but even the figure of his face seemed foggy as she was dizzy from such a rough usage of her body.
But she was sure of one thing, seeing the hands that lowered themselves to her body, she wasn't ready.
How could she resist him in the first place, and even more now of all time ?
If he wanted to just use a single finger on her, she didn't know how hard she would cum from it, yet, fortunately for her, it seemed that he had others plans, as the hands that reached down to her body, suddendly lifted her from the ground, before he carried her to the bed where she would be put in a more embarassing position.