Chapter 50 - Chapter Forty-Eight: Sieg

The next morning, everything remained normal. Sieg was once again practicing his swings on the practice dummies in the courtyard of the mercenary guild as he did most mornings. However, there was something different. The masked mercenary was also practicing that morning. His sword was completely different compared to that of the knights and other mercenaries. It honestly made Sieg curious; it looked like a foreign weapon, like one you'd see on the other side of the continent. 

This person behind the mask was without a doubt strong, but he was also extremely mysterious. Sieg was eager to learn who the man is.

"Uhm, hello?" Sieg asked the man.


The masked man remained silent, leaving Sieg confused.

"I was just wondering...what kind of sword is that?" Sieg asked the man.

The man sighed. "It's a katana."

"A katana?" Sieg asked.

"Yeah." The man said.

"...Thanks." the masked man said.

"'re a mercenary, huh?" Sieg asked.


"That's awesome; I want to be a mercenary when I grow up!" Sieg said.

"Is that why you're out here training?" The masked man asked.

"Yeah! I have to get stronger after all!" Sieg said with excitement.

Sieg then struck the practice dummy again.

"Bend your legs more." The masked man said.


"Your legs are too stiff. You should bend them a little more to allow yourself to be more mobile." the masked man advised.

"Really?" Sieg then bent his legs slightly and struck the dummy again with an overhead strike that knocked him off balance.

"Don't do that" The masked man handed Sieg a small dagger. "Use this."

"A knife?" Sieg asked.

"A dagger." the man said. "You're too small to use a full sword; use the dagger. It isn't as damaging, but since you're smaller, it should compliment your speed."

"Oh..." Sieg said. 

"Just try it." Sieg then stabbed the dummy in the stomach with the knife, and suddenly a small bit of an ice burst appeared right where Sieg stabbed.

"T-This is..."

"A dagger imbued with ice magic." the man said. "I got it during a job; I don't really use daggers, so it's yours."

"Really?!" Sieg said excitingly.

"Yeah. Remember, this isn't a toy; it's dangerous." the man warned.

"I know. I promise to be careful." Sieg said.

"Alright. Well, I got a job to do; see you later, kid." the man said.

"Wait! What's your name?" Sieg asked as the man was walking away.



In a dark room only lit by dim torches, a man covered in darkness was sitting on the throne with three people kneeling in front of him.

"Sir, your orders?" one of the people kneeling asked.

"There is someone you must eliminate. He is a very dangerous target, and you will need to use everything you have learned to have a chance." the man said.

"What's his name?"

"His name is Alex Blackwood. He's currently in the town of Haven in the southernmost territories. You will use the resources you have on hand to eliminate him. By any means necessary." 


AN: Shorter Chapter but that's because this week I am getting laser eye surgery which will take me out of action for a few days(Should have already gotten it by the time this drops. I do have plans for a longer chapter next time though

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