=====Use these links to get my socials:=====
Discord: bQyrF2KSya (Put that after you type: https://discord.gg/ if you don't get it)
IMGFlip: https://imgflip.com/user/Crazed1977Memerz
Story Update Log:
- I decided to re-add Chapter 0, but will only be available on Sunday.
- Removed Chapter 0 (For now)
- Finished Chapter 0 "The John Smith Incident" Section 1.
- Plans for Other Sections of Chapter 0 are in the Making, so please be patient!
- Added some more story to chapter 0
- Did a bit of grammar-related tweaking on Chapter 0
- Removed Chapter 2
=====||22/07/(20)24||===== "The Rewrite & Return"
- Not a complete re-write of the Horror Series, just some minor perspective-based changes, because I realised that in Chapter 0, I was teasing a Character that would have never seemed to have existed in the first place, so I re-wrote the introductional paragraphs along with a few others because I wasn't too proud of how it originally was, yours truly: Crimson