It was 28/04/2015 when it all happened... There was once a teenager. A young scot in high school, he wasn't the greatest fellow and enjoyed watching–
On a television screen that reveals itself as a news report, it goes along the lines of
"On 28/04/(20)15, the Stirling Local Police Department was called by a mother and father at 09:33:42PM, at night after they'd reported their teenage son missing after they heard a loud smash in the living room. They went down the stairs unexpectedly just to discover a MASSIVE hole in their living room, about 8 Ft tall and 14 Ft wide. After gaining clearance, the police decided to launch an investigation after being shocked by the finding."
He was 47 years old, but despite his advanced age, he was sitting at an ancient wooden desk that was strangely positioned on him. As time went on, his ability to move around in life also diminished. The Old Man, at some point, would have even necessitated a cane because he couldn't gain enough strength to move himself 5 feet; he didn't seem to mind. He, in fact, was carefree in his weakened state and acted like he was still 23, young and still free in the world. The old man would play online games with his friends and relatives; he'd always try to do everything the young ones do just to make himself feel better in life.
The old man's name was Barney. Spencer McLyon was an elderly man, as mentioned, and he worked for HiT Entertainment, helping with the filming of various television shows and even acting as a suit actor for Barney the Dinosaur at some point in time. He started working as young as age 15; he needed to help pay for his high school tuition fee, and his parents were not in the right financial position nor had the best mental processing power at the time to do so.
He decided that if helping out with the filming of favourite television shows would work out, he'd get paid. He got the job in 1967 at 17, and he was all-ready and set to go. He'd normally help the film studio with odd jobs and errands, like cleaning up places, picking up supplies and buying goods for the actors. He got to meet many of his favourite celebrities, even ones he had never heard of or knew of.
Eventually, the Old Man retired in 2002, at age 35. What an early retirement he had made! He was proud of himself, and he was having his best moments in life working there, but now, in 2015, he regrets that decision.
The Old Man sat meekly on his old wooden desk built in a furniture factory plant in the late 1970s, built to endure 50 years of constant material stress. Unfortunately, the company went defunct in 2013, but luckily the old man bought 3 spares for if his current one's life certificate expires.
The old man had a small stack of paper. He was taking notes. He said it with a pencil in hand and a cat staring at him in the window bay. The Old Man kept on writing his notes as if he were to be documenting something VERY important… No, he didn't work for the Stirling Police Department. He was simply a local resident in that area; he was just doing his thing… However, that day... that very day had something he wasn't expecting: arriving, knocking on his door... What has arrived can only be described as a " True Horror beyond Recognition.".
The Old Man was at his creaky old wooden desk from the 1970s for a good 35 minutes, until... his daughter-in-law came... A young woman named "Sofie Madison" called the old man to go find his grandchildren, bring them to the living room, and have their scheduled sessions of television media.
Since his grandchildren, nieces and nephews were visiting, he had to be nice to them. He'd put on television shows and children's media produced by HiT Entertainment and other production companies. Most of the shows originated from UK Kids Media and Movies, with certain exceptions. (Shows like Lazytown and even The Old Man had a copy of the first 5 seasons of SpongeBob, including a copy of a few certain movies.)
However, and unfortunately, those plans would have been cut short until... he saw something... something strange... something... odd... It wasn't something normal, like a normal human individual would expect... It's not a wild animal that got lost that they'd need to scare away... It's… "complex" to describe... It looked relatively "Plain Cut'an Dry," as 'dey say...
It didn't matter what he saw anyway; Mr. MacLyon only got to catch a glimpse of the "thing," and he saw a bit of it's colors and features, mumbling that it was of a brownish-maroon-redish shade of color, and it looked very simplistic. Whatever the thing was, it didn't matter anyways because it just quickly rushed away to never be seen again within just 2 seconds of time. He didn't bother with it for another few weeks, nor was he angered by it.
He simply thought he was seeing things. That day, he asked his grandchildren, nephews and nieces if they had seen the figure at their window; however, the naive little ones hadn't seen a single thing. They were waiting and too impatient for a session of television to begin that they hadn't heard nor noticed the eerie sounds. The Old Man simply smiled, and then he set up the television and let the days roll by… The cycle shall continue and repeat and won't be disturbed...
Several weeks had rolled past... and the Old Man started getting weary of his surroundings, being extremely cautious, and being extremely paranoid. He was starting to get disturbed. The Old Man had about 3 kids; his oldest son was married to Sofie-Madison (so that would be logical on why he has these little kids as his relatives), and his eldest son had a disdain for certain TV shows. You may be aware that when you were little, at some point your parents would get extremely mad at you for looking at certain TV shows, or their friends told them not to.
Like, for example, when I was little, my mom's friend told her not to let me watch The Thomas the Tank Engine Show, and yet here I am! And when I was just 9 years old, my dad's friend told me not to let me watch South Park, which is understandable. So, we all know our parents have certain biases towards certain selections of media to allow their young ones to watch.
And just like MY Parents, I would also refuse to let my kids watch certain content. I told myself I'd never let my kids watch anime and DON'T become a part of the anime community and fanbase because it's simply too toxic and degenerate. So now that we understand the basic concept of human biases and prejudices, it'll make sense what we'll be seeing here:
(Go back to Chapter "1", I have a message for the readers)