Cassandra bit her lip.
Her heart seized up in fear thinking of the way Bruce had caught her right before she'd walked up to agents guarding the VIP Parlour the day before.
He'd lashed out so hard that she'd been so sure he'd pull out a gun at any point to kill her.
She had been terrified.
The atmosphere of being near such a heavily guarded room had added to the overall fear and she took a deep calming breath.
Sitting down on a step of the staircase on one of the floors of the hotel, she bit her lip.
From what she'd heard from one of the people close to Clara Kane, the young heiress was meeting with her father and brother for tea.
Cassandra knew her boss wouldn't frequent the hotel as much as she'd like for the next month. It would be the only chance she'll ever directly see him though.
He was notoriously private even to his own agents and she had never seen him in person.