"Harry, House Bones welcomes you again," Amelia Bones greeted with all the courtesy of a matriarch of a noble house. She turned to look at his associates with slight surprise. "Andi, you too. And Lady Malfoy, you as well, or is it Miss Black now?"
"The latter, Lady Bones," Narcissa replied with a courteous smile as she watched Amelia and Andi greet each other with a hug.
"A very fortunate and deserved development then," Amelia replied. The three smirked at the intentional slight toward the blonde ponce. "Please join me in the living room. We shall continue our discussion over there."
Harry nodded and they followed behind the woman. He also could not help but stare at how hypnotically her plump ass swayed in that tight skirt of hers. He'd never thought about women in professional attire before but he found it very attractive.
As if knowing where his eyes were, Narcissa cleared her throat and Harry took his eyes off the redhead's rump, glancing behind at the blonde who smiled innocently. He smirked and shook his head.
"Here we are, please have a seat," Amelia gestured and Harry saw Susan was also in attendance. Her brilliant smile thrilled him and he returned it, giving her a courteous kiss on the back of her hand as custom dictated, smirking when she blushed prettily.
The redhead squeezed his hand gently and walked over, taking a seat beside her aunt on one of the couches. He sat on the other with the Black sisters flanking him on either side.
"Our previous impromptu meeting was unfortunately interrupted," Amelia began. "I hope Lady Greengrass and her charges are doing alright?"
"They have happily settled in and are doing just fine, Amelia. It's a boon that nothing happened before we successfully thwarted them."
"It certainly gave me quite an unexpected relief, to be honest," the redhead sighed, earning a curious look from her three guests. She chuckled. "Florian Avery, the one who led the raid, had an older brother. He missed the last Wizengamot meeting citing illness but he was back again in my office yesterday. You must have heard about the missing students?"
Harry nodded, expertly hiding a smirk.
"Well, Avery's son is one of them and there are still no clues as to where they might be. He's been pressuring me to hasten the searches."
"And now that his brother has been found to be a known Death Eater, you can easily rebuff him," Harry chuckled. Amelia nodded.
"What has the ministry's response been regarding the attack?"
"As expected from Fudge," she said distastefully. "He's all too eager to listen to his advisors and bury the entire thing under the rug. He believes these were rogue elements, similar to the ones from the World Cup final. Just because a few people put on black robes and masks and attacked someone doesn't mean a dead man is back."
Harry rolled his eyes.
"I believe it is hopeless to try and convince Fudge, Amelia," he intoned. "We need to prepare taking that into account."
"I'm afraid the auror department won't be much help in that regard."
"Yeah, Nym told us," Harry sighed.
"The budget cuts are a big issue," Amelia told him. "And I'm afraid the more thin-stretched the auror force gets, the more rise in casualties will be observed over a certain period of time. It won't be long before we'll start seeing vigilantism everywhere."
"Is it so bad though?" Susan asked, blushing when she felt everyone's eyes on her. She looked at Harry who gave her an encouraging nod.
"Society needs to function in a certain way, Susan," Amelia replied. "If everyone gets up in arms, no one will be able to control the chaos. Sure, some might have the intention to protect others but it won't be long before riots start breaking out. Factions form quickly when common people take up arms and it doesn't take time for it all to spill out of control."
"I'm afraid we're a little too late in that regard, Amelia," Harry said gravely. "I'd like to offer a counter argument as well. Although I agree that it is bad if people take up arms, what are they supposed to even do if the people who are there to protect them are unable to do it? You must remember the previous war. Even with the auror force at its very best, Voldemort was winning. Dumbledore gathered several people to his cause and they tried their best, and yet they were not capable of putting much challenge. Soon, things will start worsening for us. Right now, Voldemort is laying low and gathering his forces, but once he has managed to do so, Death Eaters will run rampant. The auror force is a shadow of its former self and it will be the common citizen that will have to make the choice. Either bow down to their whims, and if not, kill or be killed. It's that simple."
"That is what I fear," Amelia replied.
"And that is what Voldemort plans as well," Harry informed her. "Voldemort cares about no one. He has loyalty to nothing. All he craves is power and subjugation. He knows those who take up arms will end up dying and he is better off without those people. His goal is to rule over the weak who will never dare to challenge his rule, who will bow down at the whims of these monsters and look on at their savagery as mere bystanders with nothing but helpless tears in their eyes. All the while, he envisions himself to stand over them, smiling with his bleeding black heart. That is the world Voldemort wants, and that is why he wants to eliminate any resistance to his rule."
"I have already given you immunity from prosecution, Harry," Amelia sighed. "And I am looking away from Dumbledore's little group doing whatever they are as well. With the situation as it is right now, my hands are tied."
"Yeah, that's something else we need to concern ourselves with," Harry said with a mirthless chuckle. "Apparently, Dumbledore didn't like how you so easily allowed the killing of those animals and now he has decided that our paths don't align. The Order, as they call themselves, has left the headquarters where we live and you better believe he will be working to undermine your position as he tried with Crouch in the last war when he authorized the use of the Unforgivables."
Amelia's eyes narrowed.
"So the pacifist fool rears his hypocritical head once again," she sneered. "Figures. All he has is a small sentence of consolation for people who die in his wretched organization and once someone gives it back, he has a full agenda against them."
"His Order is made of likeminded fools who will lower their faces at an innocent's death but cry out like the Vikings of old when someone kills a Death Eater," Harry smirked humorlessly. "In his opinion, the blood of an innocent is worth it if it means furthering his cause, whatever it might be. I stopped trying to figure it out long ago."
"What is it you are planning right now, Harry?" Amelia asked firmly. "It is apparent to me that there are four sides right here. The Ministry under Fudge is a lost cause. The Death Eaters will start killing soon and Dumbledore's group will yet again posture around doing nothing worthwhile. And then there seems to be another faction which you are forming."
"My goals are ambitious, Amelia," Harry straightened up. "I have no direct quarrel with Dumbledore's Order, although I won't hesitate in taking them down should they prove to be an intolerable burden. All I want is the eradication of Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and the ideology that their entire cause is built up on. As far as this silly business with factions goes, I'd prefer if the Ministry gets its shit together and does what it is supposed to do."
"Fat chance of that happening with that buffoon there," Susan muttered, earning an amused look from everyone present.
"I'll ask you this directly, Harry," Amelia said firmly. "What do you want from me?"
"We want you to join our cause, Amelia. Fully," Andromeda intoned for the first time.
"Our cause?" Amelia asked with mirthful eyes. "So you've decided to fully involve yourself this time, hmm?"
Andromeda nodded with a glance toward Harry. Amelia looked at her with a small frown before her eyes widened in shock. She looked pointedly at her friend who gave her a small nod and looked away.
"W-well…" Amelia cleared her throat slightly awkwardly. "I see. You already know what my stance is right now. However, before I commit to something that seems to go fully against the code of ethics I have learned in my two decades of service as an auror, I'd like to know what more you want from me."
Harry smirked.
"We both know the ministry is hopeless as long as Fudge is the minister. I plan on getting rid of him."
"You plan on killing Fudge?" Susan asked in alarm.
"I gave an immunity from killing Death Eaters, Harry. Fudge, for all his shortcomings, is not one."
"I don't plan on killing him," Harry rolled his eyes. "He'll either resign or go into an early retirement."
"Better," Amelia nodded. "And how do you plan on achieving that?"
"Ousting Fudge is in both our and Dumbledore's interests," Narcissa took over. "We can be sure he won't oppose Fudge's dismissal. I have enough evidence of his corruption to force a vote of no confidence, although I would personally prefer if we went for a blackmail instead."
"Go on," Amelia nodded.
"Fudge is a coward. That is the only reason why he is denying Voldemort's return," Narcissa said firmly. "I have the proof of his corruption, thanks to me being the former Lady Malfoy, that we can use to force him to resign. If he agrees, then it's an easy enough work. If he doesn't, well, the vote of confidence is always there."
There was a moment of silence as Amelia pondered on the plan of action regarding Fudge. It could indeed work. Fudge loved his clean reputation and a threat to expose his dirty secrets could force him to resign.
"And what about after he is gone?" Amelia asked. "I'm very sure Dumbledore and Voldemort both would want to put someone in place to control the ministry."
"That is where you come in," Narcissa smirked.
"How do you feel about becoming the minister, Amelia?" Harry asked with a grin.
Amelia's eyes widened. Right beside her, Susan was also staring at him in surprise.
Harry nodded.
"You are the most respected person in the Ministry right now. It makes sense for you to become the next minister. We already know Dumbledore will be trying to take away as much of your power as he can but if you are the minister then there is little he could do. And for what it's worth, we trust you fully with this as well."
"You trust me?" Amelia chuckled. "Well, I'll try not to breach your trust then."
"I hope you're onboard?"
Amelia looked at him keenly for a long moment, fully aware that what she was going to do was something beyond what she could've ever thought of doing. She did indeed have the ambition of becoming the minister, just not in this manner. Still, Harry Potter seemed to be the most prudent choice in the current climate of turmoil. Joining forces with Voldemort was not even in the equation and supporting Dumbledore and his pacifist idiocy was outright laughable.
She looked at Andi who gave her a supportive smile and she hid a smirk. She would be having a very meaningful chat with her friend later.
Looking back at Harry, Amelia nodded.
"Alright, Harry. Let's do this," she replied.
"Glad to have you onboard," he replied, smiling at her. "However," his smile vanished and was replaced with a resolute expression. "There is something that needs to be fixed and I'd like it done as soon as possible."
"What is it?"
"Can I borrow your family pensieve again?"
Amelia flicked her wand and summoned the pensieve from her office while Harry prepared the memory he wanted to show her. Once the pensieve was there, he dropped the glowing strand of memory in it and gestured for her to go ahead.
"You can see it as well if you want," Harry said to Susan who smiled and joined her aunt in watching the memory.
While the aunt and niece duo was busy watching the memory, Harry turned toward Narcissa.
"I expected it would take more convincing for her to join us."
Narcissa smirked and exchanged a look with her sister.
"Andi's presence must've helped somewhat. Also, don't underestimate the ambition of Amelia Bones either. With you, she knows she has the best chance to not only become the minister but also to stay in that seat for a long time. Dumbledore's cause is a lost one. He doesn't have the members."
"And choosing the Death Eaters is out of the question. Amelia would rather die than side with those who killed her family," Andromeda said firmly. "Perhaps that also played a part in choosing our side. She still blames Dumbledore for her family's destruction and they've always had a rocky relationship."
Harry nodded.
"Well, it all came together to help us out. Now with her support, we can finally start taking important steps to take down Voldemort for good."
"You intend to tell her everything?" Narcissa asked meaningfully. Harry glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.
"I feel there's another reason why she agreed to side with us," he replied. "The bond. I felt it with both Susan and Amelia."
The sisters' eyes widened and they looked at each other.
"I see," Narcissa muttered. "Don't you think it's getting a little out of hand, Harry? How many are there now?"
"I get what you mean," he sighed. "But it's obscure magic at play here. No one has a concrete idea what it entails. But you know what Fleur said about our enemies."
"They will target you with more severity and by extension all of us," Narcissa replied.
"We need all the help we can get, and if it brings happiness to everyone involved, is it really such a bad thing?" Andromeda smiled softly. Harry looked at her and gave her hand a soft squeeze.
"Not at all," he replied firmly. "I never expected life would turn out like this for me. All I had in mind when I did that ritual was to never feel the betrayal I'd felt from Dumbledore when he foolishly told me everything."
"Would you make a different choice now that you know what that ritual has brought about?" Andromeda asked keenly.
"Of course he wouldn't," Narcissa snorted. "Getting to shag so many women who are also so eager to give themselves to him… he's living every man's wet dream."
"Narcissa," Harry sighed. "I seem to recall I told you that the sexual relationship we have is only a consequence of this ritual and not the deciding factor."
The blonde stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Forgive me for my harsh words but it seems to me that you've been so broken by Lucius' and the Blacks' treatment of you that you are unable to see the purity of this bond we share," Harry said seriously. He grabbed her hand firmly when she recoiled. "All the woman have suffered in some manner. I have suffered my whole life. You see it all as lust. I see it as us healing each other in every way imaginable. I won't lie and say that I don't love the sexual component of our relationship, as I am confident all of them do, but it is so much more profound than that. I truly hope you too come to see it one day."
Narcissa stared, surprised, into his shining emerald orbs that conveyed absolute sincerity. Harry gave her a small smile and with another soft squeeze of her hand, he pulled away.
Andromeda smiled sadly at her sister when she looked at her, trying to hide the surge of emotions she felt at Harry's intense words. He had indeed spoken the truth, at least that was how she saw it. She knew she did not love Harry. The only man she had ever loved was Ted. But Ted had died a long time ago and she was still hurting over it. Perhaps it was the aspect of moving on – something that she knew terrified her – that this healing was comprised of. She did not know yet, but as she replayed Harry's words in her mind, for the first time she was curious to find out.
She had seen the happiness in those women's eyes – women who had either been assaulted, used in some manner, or were treated as mere objects by society. All of them had found refuge in the loving embrace of Harry and this coven they had created, and she had seen the sheer depth of emotions that had blossomed in this relationship of theirs. He had so much love in him that sometimes almost blinded her. He cared for them and he never neglected any of them. What more could those wounded souls want?
Her musings were interrupted when Amelia and Susan stirred and emerged from the memory.
Susan's face was ashen as she stared at Harry in concern while Amelia had a severe expression on her face.
"Harry," Amelia began, earning their attention. "You have my word that Sirius Black's name will be cleared and he will be reinstated into the society with all the respect he should've never lost."
Harry looked at Amelia with such deep gratitude that the woman could not help but be taken aback. She felt a sudden surge of emotions from deep inside her that she could not make any sense of.
"That would mean the world to me, Amelia, to see my Godfather live his life the way he deserves," Harry said as he stood up, prompting them to stand up as well.
"It is justice, Harry," she said softly, unknowingly smiling at him. "And it's the least he deserves after enduring so much."
"There are a few more things about it that you should know, but I believe we can discuss them in the near future," Harry said, and to her absolute surprise, wrapped her in an embrace.
Amelia's breath hitched as she felt his arms go around her and she involuntarily wrapped her arms around him. She felt his breath in her ears and she shivered.
"House Potter and House Black will always stand behind House Bones for your support, Amelia. This I promise as the lord and heir of both houses respectively," Harry whispered and pulled away.
Amelia was suddenly filled with a sense of an immense loss that left her feeling immensely confused. All she could do was nod in gratitude as she gave him a small smile.
Andromeda looked at her friend and could not help but chuckle to herself. It seemed the bond had started to finally work on her as well.
'Perhaps I should discuss things with her before she gets too confused,' she thought to herself, chuckling. 'But before that, I have a fear of mine to overcome.'
She saw Harry hugging the younger Bones before he pulled away and turned toward her. She smiled at him before brushing the hint of soot from his shoulder and she could not help but let her hand linger for a bit.
"By your leave then," Harry said with a smile toward their hostess who nodded with a smile of her own.
"I look forward to it," she replied. "Andi, do you mind if we go for a tea this evening? It's been a long time."
Although slightly surprised, Andromeda nodded.
"The usual spot? 4 PM?"
Amelia nodded. She and Susan walked their guests over to the fireplace and watched as one by one they vanished in swirls of emerald flames.
Finally, Amelia sighed and glanced at her niece. Susan was looking at the fireplace with a longing look in her eyes.
Her voice prompted the young redhead to jolt and look at her aunt. A small blush took over her face as she smiled.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah auntie," she replied, still smiling. "Just a bit overwhelmed. A lot happened."
Amelia nodded in understanding.
"Why don't you lay down for a while?"
"I think I should take a bath first," Susan replied.
With a small smile, she turned around and walked away, leaving her amused aunt staring at her.
Harry watched Narcissa walk away with Evelyn to work on the runic exchange with a small frown. He hoped she didn't get too upset over what he said but he had to say it. He had been constantly getting this feeling from her that she'd been seeing this as a pure sexual fantasy of a teenager and he believed she needed to hear it.
Could he have been more tactful? Perhaps. But he felt sometimes one needed to say things as they were, and that was what he did.
Hopefully, she'd understood and would behave accordingly from now on.
He'd already told Sirius about everything they had discussed with Amelia and his godfather was looking forward to having his name exonerated.
With the Order gone, the house was quieter than usual. He knew the girls must be either in the dueling chamber or in their rooms and he started walking toward the library for a short reading session.
He might have Voldemort's knowledge but the Blacks were not regarded as one of the darkest pureblood houses in Wizarding Britain for nothing.
Hands in his pockets, he walked through the library's doors before pausing mid-stride. A small smile spread across his face as he laid eyes on the blonde beauty reclined over the couch with a familiar tome in her hands.
"Fun read?"
He chuckled when she suddenly jerked.
"You prat! You startled me," she trailed off with a smile and folded her legs so that he could sit. Harry sat down and simply pulled her feet in his lap. She hummed when he began to massage her toes.
"Which topic are you reading?" He asked, gesturing toward the book in her hand. She turned it around in response.
"Elemental spells?" Harry asked in surprise.
"I have an affinity for Ice," she replied.
"I've heard," he chuckled. "How you've frozen so many guys' bits over the years. They call you the Ice Queen."
"I know," she laughed. "If a moniker manages to send a message then I'll happily take it."
"Try something," Harry encouraged. Daphne looked at him in surprise.
"Here? I might freeze these shelves," she replied.
"Try something smaller then. A block perhaps?"
Unlike usual spells which froze water, elemental spells conjured the elements out of nothing and Harry watched, impressed, as Daphne conjured a block of ice the size of a brick. He reached forward and took hold of it.
"Looks pretty solid," he remarked, and to her surprise and shock, brought it over her toes.
"Harry? What are you doiiiingggg ohh shit it's cold!"
Harry chuckled and started rubbing the block of ice over her ankle.
"I like your nail polish. They remind me of your eyes," he said softly, moving the ice around her ankle and foot, admiring her long luscious legs. She was wearing a light blue sundress that came halfway to her thighs and he had a very nice view of her long legs.
Daphne didn't reply and simply smiled at him. They sat in silence, feeling the obvious sexual tension building between them.
The lovely blonde had never experienced something like this. Any man who tried something was treated to a dose of frozen bits. She had been raised liberally, to take pride in her sexuality, and the relationship she shared with Tracey and Cassie was one of expressing herself. Yet, there had always been something about Harry that attracted her to him. She had accepted long ago that if there was any man she would allow to touch her, it would be Harry.
And here she was, happily basking in the confident touches of the man of her desires who seemed to have taken charge of the situation with an expertise she always knew he had.
She knew he had been with her mother the previous day. After having the bond explained to her, she understood why her mother had succumbed so eagerly.
'And perhaps it was also because of how desirable he is',she thought to herself as she saw his toned arms as they held her legs and rubbed the block of ice over her skin.
Harry vanished the block of ice with a quick flick of his wrist and started to massage her foot with long, sensuous touches. Daphne blushed at the way he was caressing her. Her blush intensified when he put her other leg between his, and she could feel the heat emanating from his crotch.
Did he think he needed to seduce her? Didn't he know she had been eager to give herself to him for more than a year now?
Daphne didn't know, but she was happy to feel his touch on her skin. Seeing the effort he was putting in to make it all more exciting made her want him even more.
However, if he thought she would only be a passenger in this skillful seduction session of his then he was sorely mistaken.
She expertly extended her foot and put it directly on his crotch, smirking when he twitched. Her foot began to move about in tandem with his soft caresses and she could feel something big and hard rising against her.
Her warmth began to develop between her thighs and she made herself comfortable. Her thighs slowly parted and she knew he had the perfect view under the sundress she was wearing. Only the thin fabric of her panties separated her glistening folds from being exposed to his naked gaze.
Her head arched back in pleasure as he continued to massage her feet and she stared at him through half-lidded eyes. They made eye contact every few seconds, exchanging smiles before they looked away again.
"Feel good?" He asked in a gruff voice.
"Wonderful," she replied, a little breathless.
"Want me to do your shoulders?" He asked.
"Yes please."
Harry released his hold on her ankles and Daphne reluctantly folded her legs, letting him out. She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. He turned her around, facing away from him, and she felt a gentle touch caress her shoulders.
"You seem a little tense," he whispered in her ear as he started to slowly massage her shoulders. A delicious chill ran up her spine and she smiled.
"Not for long, I hope," she replied, leaning back against him. Her eyes widened when she felt the bare skin of her upper back touch the bare skin of his chest, and she realized he had taken his shirt off.
Harry was standing right behind her, shirtless, wearing nothing but his boxers. She felt his manhood resting right on the curve of her rear and she couldn't help but wiggle slightly. His hot breath in her ear made her shiver.
"Harry," she whispered, aroused, as he continued to massage her shoulders. "I think the straps are in the way."
Harry smiled and pulled the straps of her sundress, dragging them off her shoulders and down her arms. He let them hang there and started to caress her shoulders and upper arms.
Daphne tilted her head to the side with a languid smile, letting his lips feast on the exposed skin of her neck. Her little moans made him chuckle as he kept dropping featherlight kisses on the curve of her neck.
"I'll never let you go, Daph," He promised softly and pulled the straps down her elbow. Daphne pulled her arms out of them, letting the sundress hang over her body only with the help of her tits. "We'll be together forever."
"Yes we will," she whispered in return. His hands were massaging her upper chest, slowly pushing the sundress over her tits. Inch by inch, her cleavage was getting exposed and she reached behind to stroke his manhood over his boxers.
Right when her sundress was about to fall down her tits and free them, she turned around and looked up at him with lustful eyes. She saw the same desire reflected in them and smirked.
Harry kissed her, and her sundress fell on the floor. With only thin, small fabrics covering their privates, Harry and Daphne kissed like wanton lovers. The electricity that shot through them as his lips enveloped hers made goosebumps rise over both their skins. Harry's manhood throbbed within the confines of his boxers while Daphne's womanhood warmed and dampened, making the flimsy fabric of her lace panties cling to her slit. Her nipples hardened against his naked chest and she rubbed her tits over his skin, gripping his shoulders firmly when pure pleasure shot through her sensitive nubs. Her tits were desperate for his touch.
Slowly, they pulled away, and with puffy lips, they stared into each other's shining eyes.
"The door's open," she warned.
"No one's coming. The girls are busy and Sirius went for a nap," he replied.
"And if someone comes?"
Harry kissed her again, and Daphne gasped as her slick womanhood, with a thin lace sticking to it, touched his hard-on. His hands gripped her ass firmly as he ground himself against her core.
"Then they can watch us make love," he replied. Daphne moaned at the prospect of being watched and Harry smirked.
He transfigured the couch into a bed and gently laid her down on it, admiring just how beautiful she was. She had a heavenly body with tits large enough to fit both his palms and he saw her perfectly-shaved pussy through the transparent fabric of her soaked panties.
Daphne watched him at the foot of the bed, smiling when he lowered his boxers and freed up his member. She instinctively reached up and took her tits in her hands, squeezing them in blissful arousal as his length bobbed with his step forward.
Harry climbed on the bed, leaning over her. He reached forward, grasping the powder blue lace of her slick panties by her waist and Daphne lifted her ass. With both hands, he dragged them down her legs and she watched in delight as he pulled them off her feet, depositing them on the floor right over her sundress.
"You've no idea how many times I've dreamed of this moment," she whispered in sheer happiness, blushing slightly as she spread her legs for him to take her in.
"You're beautiful, Daph," he said lovingly, hovering over her and caressing her cheek. He took in her large tits, astonishingly perky despite their sheer size. Her nipples were protruding in her arousal – puffy, pink, and perfect.
He dragged his eyes down to her pussy, taking in her damp folds and the pale, pink clit that pulsed as she breathed. Her pussy lips were framed with her wetness – the proof of her simmering arousal – and they pulsed in invitation.
"I want you in me, Harry," she moaned. Harry reached down and slowly parted her legs even more. He moved in between them, spreading her further with his thighs to get her into the perfect position to take her. Daphne eagerly cooperated, spreading herself for him. Her eyes remained fixed on his large manhood, harder than anything she'd ever seen before as it hung there dominantly. She watched him slowly lean forward and he put his length in between the slick folds of her pussy.
Waves of ecstasy shot through her as his manhood touched her naked pussy for the first time and Daphne looked him in the eyes.
Emotions of severe magnitude coursed through them as they stared at each other. The head of his cock rested right over her entrance as he hovered over Daphne with her legs spread apart for him to claim her.
She nodded, her trust in him absolute, and with a loving smile, Harry slammed the sheer length of his manhood right into her velvety folds, coaxing a loud cry from the beautiful blonde as he pushed an inch inside her womanhood and claimed her virginity.
To be continued…
Visit patreon.com/Vedros if you'd like to access chapters early or have a say in what goes. Chapters 20 to 35 are already up over there.
There are also character artworks for the ladies if you're interested in seeing what they might look like.
I'll be back soon with the next update for this fic. Meanwhile, check out my other fics if you haven't yet. Cheers!