A man who got in the wrong place at the wrong time became Tetsu's snack, and his refueled car became Shin's next vehicle.
'We got away from the police in the town, but there will be more of it ahead. I can't tell how quickly Aratanawaru will spread its influence, but either way, we only won ourselves a bit of time,' Shin thought to himself and Tetsu. 'We can't slow down until we reach our goal.'
'Right! Those humans can get pretty annoying, my friend. If only I had all my power… I don't remember, actually, what I'd do—but I would absolutely wipe them all out! Anyway… Will you tell me, what is it we need in Kyoto, boss? Is that another treasure that will make us stronger?'
Shin shook his head. 'No, we don't have the time for treasure hunting. What we need in Kyoto is a place.'
'A place?'