Chereads / Busty boy in a all-futanari family / Chapter 17 - chapter 17

Chapter 17 - chapter 17

So, Storm then woke to then sun hitting him he then got up and took a shower without disturbing his lover he then got fresh clothes he then put on his inventory belt along with his wand holster he put his wand in his holder making sure it don't slip out he then got second year schedule for the new Hogwarts year and the shopping list to he then went to Diagon Alley where he met up with Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati these was friend that Olivia made during Hogwarts along with Blazen because he found out the Tonks had Graduate this year and she need to focus on Owl exam to and they also met the Weasley family shopping to where they begin to pick up the book they need this year.

So, Storm and group then looking all over Diagon Alley getting the book they which was The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2, by Miranda Goshawk, Break with a Banshee, by Gilderoy Lockhart, Gadding with Ghouls, by Gilderoy Lockhart, Holidays with Hags, by Gilderoy Lockhart" Travels with Trolls, by Gilderoy Lockhart" Voyages with Vampires, by Gilderoy Lockhart" Wanderings with Werewolves, by Gilderoy Lockhart, Year with the Yeti, by Gilderoy Lockhart and today was Gilderoy Lockhart was going to be doing a Book signing today they then arrived at the signing event where Storm made illusion making it where Olivia was not recognize by people only them that when Lucius Malfoy came with his son Draco Malfoy where they begin to insult Arthur Weasley about him being muggle born fan talking about how poor he is to his family that when Arthur punch Lucius afterward it became brawl and Storm join sucker punching Draco and Kicking Lucius in the face that when Hagrid came and separate them and Lucius the made himself better and that when Storm went up to one book Lucius drop and Place it in his backpack making sure nobody saw it.

So, After they got finish shopping that went on their Separate way Storm went back to Ranger Mansion where he found Eden, Tammy, Hinata, Sakura and Temari in the Ranger Mansion he even saw that Elva had been doing a good job making sure the Ranger was in good shape he even saw Eden holding a black book, Snake, Locket, Ring, Cup and Storm knew that Eden was able to get all of his Hogwarts heir item back one was Slytherin Locket, Hufflepuff Cup, because he Rowena Diadem was giving back to her and Storm also found these item hold Voldemort soul so Storm absorb all of Voldemort soul and he knew the last soul piece was Olivia potter and after absorbing the soul Storm gain all of Voldemort memory along with all the spell he know he also was told by Eden how they got Hufflepuff Cup from Gringotts wizarding Bank by tell them Orla that sense one Hogwarts heir item in this place and that how they got Hufflepuff cup along.

So, Orla told them that his account is doing good in the muggle world and Wizard world he been earning over 300x-Billion-Galleon from muggle world with all the invest and business he making and in the wizard world to with selling material for wand and potion along with pet to he even being making 200x-million-Sickle and over 900x-billion-Knut in both world to making him the riches person ever he even had his lover take care of the business in both muggle world and Wizard world to making them Happy he even check with Orla again and she told that all of account are doing fine and nobody haven't tried to pretend to be him along with not stealing from either to.

So, Storm then begin to train for second year in Hogwarts with no problem after he got rid of all of Voldemort Horcrux except the one in Olivia potter head and he also found Gaunts Ring had the Resurrection Stone in showing him that all of the deathly hallow are real he knew he got other deathly hallow from Albus having the Elder wand to Olivia potter having the cloak of invisibility he know who ever get will become the master of death but Storm don't believe in the master of death part and Storm master all of the second year spell from charm, Transfiguration, to Defense against dark art spell to potion, Astronomy and Herbology and History of Magic to and So Storm then begin to see can he upgrade his wand Jenna he ask his lover to see can they get more material for her because he want his wand Jenna to be strongest wand ever the Elder wand would have to bow to her making them nodded at their darling idea so all went to get material to upgrade Jenna making wand glow in happiness for how kind her holder is so Storm then got ready for Hogwarts now he then to the train station where Storm saw Olivia Potter just standing there and Storm realize that someone had seal up the train up place to the train station.

So, Storm with wave of his hand broke seal and walk with Olivia to train before it takes off making sure she is not late and so then arrived in an empty cart where they place suitcase in there that that when Storm and Olivia saw that they friend have arrived in there cart to and they were even a new student who name they got was Ginny Weasley the sister to Ron Weasley and they got along fine to and told each other how they vacationed went everything to and so Storm then left the cart and got dress in his Hufflepuff robe and put on the hat and Storm then went back to cart where all of their friend dress to and Storm was also 13-year-old this now to and so Storm then arrived in Hogwarts the great hall where all first year students was sorted and second year Hogwarts feast begin and there was nothing to worry about this year because Storm had the Basilisk was sent to Universe Sage Lust realm and they name the Basilisk Betty and now she can enjoy hunting and having happiness to where they just got to figure out tell the wizard is that Gilderoy Lockheart is fraud because his lover meet the real people and have them get there memory back to now.

So, after they second year feast was finished, they all went to room where Storm saw, Kay, Bella, Coco, Daisy he saw they grown to because his lover been taking core of them to making them stronger to help in many ways to and so Storm then fell asleep to enjoy his second year in Hogwarts and so Storm then felt sun hit he then got ready to go have breakfast to get his second year schedule today to and it was professor Sprout who gave out the Schedule this year to and so after they was finished eating Storm then read schedule he nodded at it he then went to his first class which was potion he was with Slytherin in this class and Potion they was going to work on was Fire Protection Potion and Storm partner was Susan Bone and they begin to work on the potion together Storm made potion while Susan Bones deal with the ingredients to which was Bursting mushrooms, Salamander blood and Wartcap powder.

So, after Storm and Susan Bones got the ingredients and Susan prepared all the ingredients Storm then begin to start working on the potion and it only took Storm about 30-minute the finished making the potion and potion was pure red giving off intent of everything and Snape gave Hufflepuff house 50-point because of the perfect potion after that next class was Defense Against the Dark arts which had Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw together and Gilderoy Lockhart had cage and Storm saw it was full Cornish pixies and that when Gilderoy Lockhart said: today we be learning about Cornish Pixies which was freshly caught at that and Seamus Finnigan said: well they're not-very-dangerous, are they and Gilderoy then said: Don't be sure! Devilish tricky creatures they can be now you see them in full light now and that Gilderoy let unlock the cage and Cornish Pixies then went wild.

So, Storm saw Gilderoy run away since the Cornish took his wand and toss it outside window and making them have to deal with Cornish Pixies now and Storm just wave his wand Jenna stun all of the Cornish Pixies sent them back to Cage and lock it to earning 30-point to Hufflepuff while that happened for the next class, they had transfiguration with Gryffindor and lessons was going to be turning Beetle into button and Storm was able to turn his beetle into a button and he earn Hufflepuffs 10x-point and he went around to help his fellow Hufflepuffs earning him another 10x-point for his help of a fellow student he then went back to his desk where he begin to turn Beetle into different buttons along with color button as well to earning him 20x-point for Hufflepuff for his efforts in the beetle buttons transfiguration and Storm transfiguration class ended now the next class was now Herbology with Slytherin and the plant they was working on was Mandrake plant the student then had to put on earmuff for Mandrake because of it cries.

So, Storm was now wearing earmuff, and his partner was Hannah Abbott this time the quickly took care of the Mandrake and Placing it in another pot earning Hufflepuffs 20x-point and they begin to help their fellow Hufflepuffs who was having a hard time with Mandrake earning another 20x-point for Hufflepuffs making Professor Sprout proud and the Herbology class was now finished and next class was History of Magic where they learn about Medieval Assembly of European Wizard and after that class was over the last class was Charm where they learn the Spell Skurge-Charm and Storm got the spell already he earn Hufflepuffs 10x-point for getting Skurge-Charm spell done already he then begin to help his fellow Hufflepuffs with spell earning him 30x-point for helping his fellow student class was now over and Storm then went to hall where they had dinner after dinner Storm then put all of Hogwarts heir item in show case making the Hogwarts sprite happy to have founder item back where it belongs now to and Albus saw this and granted him 100x-point for finding and bringing back all of Founder heir item.

So, Storm nodded Albus for reward that when Rowena Ravenclaw and Salzar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff show up in sprite form surprising Albus and that when they told Albus that Storm is now the heir to Hogwarts now making Albus shocked at this, but he nodded at this showing he understands, and Storm then told Albus that he destroyed all Voldemort Horcruxes and the only person left is Olivia potter who is the last Horcruxes making Albus nodded at this and Albus then left Storm in Hogwarts show case with the Founder Sprite and they told Storm how proud that heir found they item and put dent in false Slytherin heir making Storm nodded at them they also told Storm they know about his Submissive bloodline because they got bloodline well from the bank but they made sure burn the paper to make sure no pure blood found out about their hair being a submissive person because in the wizard they are rarest thing in this world to making Storm nodded at this he then went back to his room where Kay his owl was flying around he know that all of dog and puppies are at Ranger mansion now enjoy his Company now to.

So, Storm then feed Kay some owl food mix lightning essences making her feather becoming Purplish white afterward Storm then fell asleep, and Storm then woke up to knocking on his door he then open, his door to Professor Sprout who told him how proud she was and happy they Hogwarts heir choose her Hufflepuff House and Storm nodded at this he then gave Storm today schedule for today and first class he was Herbology with Gryffindor and today they was learning about Leaping-Toadstool and Professor Sprout then explained Leaping-Toadstool once everything student got it down they then begin to prepare the Leaping-Toadstool did it just right earning his class over 40x-point because he then help his fellow Hufflepuffs and the class was now over the next class was defense against the dark arts and they had Slytherin with them today they be learning about Banshee Gildeory Lockhart then explained what a Banshee was and how he defeat it.

So, Class just ended now and next class they had was now Potion with Ravenclaws and today they are learning how to make Strengthening Solution and Storm potion partner was Hannah Abbot and Hannah then prepare the ingredient while Storm then begins to make the potion and Potion came good earning Hufflepuffs 20x-point and Potion class was over and the next class was Transfiguration with Gryffindor and today they be learning how to do Rabbit Slippers and Storm got the spell down earning 10x-point to Hufflepuffs and earning another 20x-point to Hufflepuffs for helping his fellow students and class was now over and last class of today was charm and they be learning how to do the Dancing-Feet Spell and Storm got it down on the first earning 10x-point for Hufflepuffs and he even answer some question earning another 5x-point he even earn 10x-point for helping his fellow student with Spell class was now over and Time was now 8:00 clock pm where they dinner at the Hall real quick afterward Storm went back to room where he feed Kay and begin to all of the homework that sign to him for all classroom and finished them all good.

So, Storm then fell asleep and Storm the woke up to Kay waking him and Storm then took a shower and got dressed and got in his school uniform and he then went to Hall where he had Breakfast he then meet up with Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati where they told about Gilderoy Lockhart had started Dueling club and Storm just nodded at this because he knew that Gilderoy is fraud and will soon caught soon because of his lies and Storm then told them it time to go class and Storm class was in History of Magic where they begin to learn about International Warlock Convention of 1289 and Storm just read book the quick after class was now over and for next Class Storm had Potion and with Slytherin and today they be learning how to make Swelling Solution and Storm partner was Susan Bone and Susan then prepare the ingredients while Storm then begin to make the Potion and they earn 10x-point for Hufflepuffs for getting the potion right and Storm after they put the potion in glass and where they extra Professor Snape told they can take extra with while keeping the only perfect potion and Storm and Susan bone nodded at this.

So, Storm then took extra Potion back to room where he places all of his extra potion in potion lab, he created in chest room and the next class they had was Defense against the dark arts where they learn about Ghoul now to Gilderoy explained how he defeat Ghoul and Storm just read through the book and he earn Hufflepuffs 10x-point and class was now over the Next class was now Charm with Ravenclaws where they learn how to do Disarming charm and Storm listen to professor Flitwick and Storm hen got the spell down earning 10x-point for Hufflepuffs and he then went to help his fellow student earning 20x-point Hufflepuffs and Class was now over the next 10-days Storm learn how to do Memory Charm, Tickling Charm, Freezing Charm, Engorgement Charm, Shrinking Charm, General Counter-Spell, Slowing Charm, Fire-Making Spell (Revision), Levitation Charm (Revision) in charm earning over 50-point for Hufflepuffs after he show it to Professor Flitwick and on the next 10-more days Storm had master his Transfiguration class where he learn how to do Vera Verto, Re-parifarge, Softening Charm, Porcupine to Pin Cushion, Avifors Spell (Revision), Transfiguration Spell after Storm show this to Spell he master to Professor McGonagall he earn Hufflepuffs another 50-point now.

So, on the other 10-days Storm master how make Wiggen-weld Potion (Revision)

Hair-Raising Potion, Girding Potion which shocked Professor Snape which earn 40-point for Hufflepuffs and on the other 20-days Storm had read through all off Gilderoy Lockhart book which was Hag, Troll, Vampire, Werewolf, Yeti, Imp (Revision), Gnome (Revision), Disarming Charm, Homorphus Charm, Verdimillious Duo Spell, Vermillious Duo, Vermillious Trial Tickling Charm, Full Body-Bind Curse, Fumos Duo, Softening Charm and Storm read through all book and master the Spell which earn 50-point for Hufflepuffs.

So, on last 10-day Storm had Master all of Herbology and learning everything from professor Sprout and the plant he learn about this year were Abyssinian Shrivelfig, Fluxweed, Puffapod (Revision)[4]

Spiky Bush (Revision), Venomous Tentacula (Revision), Severing Charm (Revision), Incendio Duo Spell (including how to use it to kill slugs) after Storm show his talent in mastery the Herbology he earn Hufflepuffs 30-point for mastering the spell and Plant to,.

So, 2-year of Hogwarts was now over, and Storm did all test this year which his score was Outstanding through year surpassing even smart kids to and when they check this year score, they were shocked at Storm score so while they were eating many Auror came along Susan bone aunt who name was Amelia Bones who then arrested Gilderoy Lockhart for being a fraud and taking away the true people hard earn work along with Obliviate the people to and Gilderoy than had hand-cuff put on his arms and he was walk out Hogwarts and so when that Happened everything went back to the way it was and Albus then begin to say who won the House cup and in 4-place with 599-point was Ravenclaws in 3-place with 699 was Gryffindor, in 2-place with over 730-point was Slytherin and in 1-place with 775-point Hufflepuffs and the Hufflepuffs crew yell in excitement for winning again this year and 2-year was now over and Storm then pack up everything he then hug Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and they all got on train and they made sure to be write to one another.

So, Storm then arrived back to Ranger Mansion where meet ups with Lola, Anko, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura and Rin Nohara and Mikoto Uchiha and Mito Uzumaki he gave them all kiss on lips and told how his second year went and they nodded at this show they care about they darling school year and they sense their darling becoming stronger in each year he also told them about how the Founder of Hogwarts know he is submissive male and they nodded at this showing they understand and Storm then went into his true form where he SSJ4 hair style still Purplish orange and his eyes where purplish orange with Height of 5'11 he was still 13-year-old and his orange lipstick is back and his color his eyes lashes were back now to being Pinkish orange and his Septuple-O-cup breast is back showing being back in Submissive form all of house elf now what his true form his.

So, Storm then got dressed in his true he put red sport bra and blue jogging pants and pink shoe with black shoestring and he then put on his wizard robe which he changes to into witch's robe blocking all of his feminine curve to he then put on Witch hat and he then begin to walk around getting back being in this form to he then saw his Jenna moving around he felt the emotion of happiness see her user true form making Storm laugh in delight and Storm created over 50x-thousand shadow clone where he had them all train in 1-year and 2-year spell and potion, Transfiguration, Charm, Defense against the dark arts, Herbology and History of Magic to these was spell that Storm shadow clone train in along with his ability to making sure he doesn't rusty in his ability and Storm went to his room where he Tsunade in there she was happy to see her darling in his true form because it been 2-year now since she saw his true form and everything was still so good about from juicy lips that cover in orange lipstick and eyes lashes that pinkish orange his breast which massive so squeeze able and she can just hear sloshing of breast milk in his Septuple-O-cup breast and release Kay from the chest room making her able to go play with Coco, Bella, Daisy, Betty and Storm then watch as his pet play together as one.

So, Storm who was now in his true form wearing witch's clothes without the hat decide to ask Rose can he create his own familiar like how Albus got Fawkes and how many powerful wizard got familiar to and Rose nodded at this so Storm then decide to use God-Omni-Absolute Life creation and God-Super-Omnificence to create and red and blue egg that was size of Waste-bin after he show the egg to Lola, Anko, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura and Rin Nohara and Mikoto Uchiha and Mito Uzumaki, Tsunade and Rose the Egg he ask his lover can they bless the egg along with Tsunade summon can they also bless the egg and nodded yes because this Egg was going to be there darling Familiar even Kay, Coco, Bella, Daisy, Betty put their bless in egg even though pet and Storm thank his lover and his pet gave each of them a treat for bless because they gave egg some of their blood to make their master proud and Storm bless each with better bloodline and huge magic pet talent making them stronger to.

So, Storm also gave his pet inventory backpack for size and in their favorite color and inventory backpack can store over 50x-thousand item and stack same item together to and for Christmas he going give girl he made a friend perfect gift for them to by making wood Sculpture of them to be able to fight beside them to and giving them crystal base on their favorite color along with the teacher for Christmas and for rest he going by some candy and Storm in his true form got wood from his Universe Sage lust realm which were different color wood and Storm then went to his crafting room and suddenly Storm felt rush of knowledge from his shadow clone training in all different spell and potion and they even upgrade all potion they learn in Hogwarts using Storm Septuple-O-cup breast milk making potion even stronger now to and he even save over 200x-gallen of his breast milk to use in the presents and before Storm can get work in his crafting room he then hang out with his lover while checking on the House elf to even talk Elva to see how see doing and she doing good she even confess to Storm to making her happy to.

So, Storm then had dinner with Lola, Anko, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura and Rin Nohara and Mikoto Uchiha and Mito Uzumaki, Tsunade and Rose and after dinner Storm went to his crafting room where begin to Start making gift for Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Pomona Sprout, Severus Snape, Sybill Trelawney, Rolanda Hooch, Rubeus Hagrid, Aurora Sinistra, and Storm begin to get busy now he first created fire in favorite color of his friend he started with Olivia Potter which her favorite color was Emerald green he made fire have holy light aspect and purifying effect and healing effect and burning effect to enemy and he then made wood sculpture of her and add many enchantment to it from shrinking-charm to Enlargement-charm and fighting charm and multiple protection on it to and even wrote on how bind to her to be her guardians angle he did this for all wooden sculpture to and for fire he did same thing for fire as well on in the favorite color of his friend and teacher and even gave them gem in their favorite color with Multiple protection and defense on it to along with mind protection and potion protection and ward against harmful potion he did this for all of gem and even the fire as well.

So, Storm then created green fire, emerald gem, wood sculpture for Olivia potter he then created a purple fire and purple gem and wood sculpture of Hermione, he then created yellow fire, yellow gem and wood sculpture of Susan bone he then created blue fire, blue gem, wood sculpture of Daphne, he then created sky blue fire and sky-blue gem and wood sculpture of Tracey, and Storm did this for 10-hours and he was done he put all item in Kay backpack and he even gave her owl food mix with lightning essences and even lightning owl treat as well he then told Kay to deliver these to all people on list for Christmas day and Kay nodded at this she then took off flying ready to Deliver all of the item and Manul to his Professor and best friend and the candy to all of Hogwarts students to and it only took 4-days and Kay then return with backpack empty of item that Storm created and had all of gift professor gave him all along with all of item his friend gave and place it inside of Kay inventory backpack he then took out all of the item he received for professor and his friend to.

So, Storm then makes a Christmas tree that greenish blue and decorated with many Christmases item to and Storm then place all of the wrap gift under the tree he then also created some gift for House elf to and Storm then took off the witch's robe and hat and then got dress in regular clothes he was now only wearing red sport bra with green jogging pants and white shoe for Christmas to he then adjust his Septuple-O-cup breast real quick causing them jiggle and bounce real quick and Storm then went to his room where Tsunade was there to and Storm then fell asleep with Lola, Anko, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura and Rin Nohara and Mikoto Uchiha and Mito Uzumaki, Tsunade and Rose cuddle up to him Storm the felt the sun on and he knew today was Christmas day and Storm open all the presents he got from Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Pomona Sprout, Severus Snape, Sybill Trelawney, Rolanda Hooch, Rubeus Hagrid, Aurora Sinistra.

So, Storm then begin to open up present for Olivia potter the present he got was chocolate from Hermione he got book of feather, from Daphne he got potion kit, from Susan bone he got wizard law book, from Ginny sweater, From Tracey wand cleaning kit, from Lavender Brown he got small broom, from Katie bell golden snitch, from Hannah Abbot candy kit, from Cho Chang he got candy pack, from Angelina Johnson he guide book for Quidditch, from Padma and Parvati Patil he got spell from first year, from Luna Lovegood he got book on creature and from the professor he got all of his school thing back from the teacher and along with cleaning kit from Professor Snape to and the each wrote letter saying how they enjoy the item they got from along with them giving thank when they saw fire appear read the letter on how the fire work and Storm nodded at he then got finished opening all of present he got from the professor and his friend and lover to and Storm had a Christmas dinner with Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya Otsutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, Alice Maresato, Asami Nakaoka, Kawamoto, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kyoko Hayashi, Shizuka Marikawa, Matsushima, Miku Yuuki, Misuzu Ichijou, Naomi, Toshimi Niki, Rei Miyamoto, Rika Minami, Saeko Busujima, Seto, Saya Takagi, Yuriko Takagi, Taniuchi, Eden, Ai-Lisa, Elva and they said: merry Christmas to Storm for gift he gave them to.

So, Storm then begins to eat the Christmas dinner that his lover and House elf mad to he then drunk the Eggnog that his darling prepares for him and it over 300xgallen cup of Eggnog, and he drunk the cup of Eggnog and he enjoy the Eggnog to because it was super-sweet and full of love it made his body tingle from taste alone to so after dinner they begin to watch some Christmas movies together and also Storm kept checking on his familiar egg and he saw it doing fine because it was surrounded in a fur nest with super straw mix with it and Storm then soak the egg in his blood to make it stronger to just like Kay, Coco, Bella, Daisy, Betty to and Storm then went back to Watch Christmas while he watching Christmas he did notice Tsunade getting ready to fondle his Septuple-O-cup breast which he didn't mind he let Tsunade fondle his breast gently while also rubbing his hard nipple gently to causing small squirt of breast milk to leak out and Storm just moan quietly.

So, Tsunade then stops fondle her darling breast and went back to watching the movie after the movie was over it was time to go to bed and Storm then fell asleep with his lover all sleep beside him now so Storm then felt the sun hit he then woke up got into his manly form and got dress and waited for the 3-year owl to give shopping list and he get to choose his two Elective which where care of Magical creature and study of ancient rune and Storm even able to use Expecto-Patronum which summon a silver light guardian and his was a 4x-head -Snake and 4x-head dog and female angle with fire spear standing 9'13 in height and she had on silver orange armor and he name them to he then name the 4x-head-Snake-Evra, he name 4-head-dog-Stella and female angle name is Dina and his Expecto-Patronum nodded at him vanished telling Storm he can summon them anytime to.

So, Storm and Rose, Eden and Tammy went to dragon Alley to pick up the third-year resource and so Storm then got the book he need for third-year while also reading newspaper of famous Azkaban prisoner escape and is hunting down Olivia potter now who name is Sirius Black after Storm got finished reading newspaper he then waited for Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and new person who happened to be Daphne Greengrass sister who name is Astoria Greengrass shopping with them for second year and So Storm then all of thing he need which was The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3 by Miranda Goshawk, Intermediate Transfiguration by Emeric Switch, The Monster Book of Monsters (if attending Care of Magical Creatures), Spellman's Syllabary (if attending Study of Ancient Runes),The Essential Defense Against the Dark Arts by Arsenius Jigger, and it all cost him 30x-thousand Gallen and he then brought some 12-thousand-pound of pet food for his pet and Familiar that is close to hatching soon .

So, after the shopping finished Storm and Rose, Eden, Tammy arrived back at Ranger Mansion were Storm place the book he got in chest home and he then feed Kai, Coco, Daisy, Betty, Bella so 10Storm then went to his familiar egg which was now moving all over the place and Rose, Eden, Wanda was all there to they even saw crack on the egg to light shining from the egg to that when heard loud crash and saw they egg was hatch and Storm then went to egg the minute he got there he saw head sticking out he got closer he then saw purplish red wolf with 10-tailed along with orange symbol around it body the wolf puppy was newborn pup so it weight was 2-kg and that how much 10-tail wolf weight since it was newborn and Storm gently pick showing kindness it he then name the wolf and wolf was female so he gave it powerful female name Rudina and he heard Rudina yip in happiness.

So, Storm then got in his true form and show his Septuple-O-cup breast to Rudina were wolf pup then latch on to Storm Nipple and Begin to Drink his breast and this idea was giving to by Rose and Rudina can grow big and strong and have her bloodline purify to and so Storm then got finished breastfeeding Rudina and made wolf bed for that would keep her warm and cozy and place it in his room where he lover agree to he then burp Rudina lay her down and Storm then put on his nightgown and fell asleep with his darling all cuddling up to he still in true form now.

{Storm mate}

Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya OtSutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, Alice Maresato, Asami Nakaoka, Kawamoto, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kyoko Hayashi, Shizuka Marikawa, Matsushima, Miku Yuuki, Misuzu Ichijou, Naomi, Toshimi Niki, Rei Miyamoto, Rika Minami, Saeko Busujima, Seto, Saya Takagi, Yuriko Takagi, Taniuchi, Eden, Ai-Lisa, Elva