So, Storm then felt sun on him he then took a shower and got dressed not before he breastfeeds Rudina his Familiar that Hatch yesterday he also checks on Alina his Ender-dragon pet he then went into his manly after breakfast he then check his scroll status and it read {Ability: God -Omni-absolute survivability, God-Omni-absolute life creation, God-Omni-absolute death manipulation, God-Omni-weapon creation, God-Super-omni-element manipulation, God-Omni-superior adaptation, God-Omni-reactive adaptation, God-Omni-absolute destruction, God-Super-omnificence, God-Omni-absolute body, God-Omni-absolute potential, God-Omni-absolute regeneration, God-Omni-absolute restoration, God-Omni-absolute parkour, God-Omni-golem creation, God-Omni-absolute immune system, God-Omni-creation, God-Omni-destruction, God-Omni-insect generation, God-Omni-arthropod manipulation, God-Omni-energy manipulation, God-Omni-energy control, God-Omni energy lordship, God-Omni-absolute immortal, God-Omni-absolute regeneration, God-Omni-absolute organic manipulation, God-Omni-weather manipulation, God-Omni-nature manipulation, God-Omni-disaster manipulation, God-Omni-abnormal weather, God-Omni-disease manipulation, God-Omni-Eternal evolution, God-Omni-chakra manipulation God-Omni-chakra control, God-Omni-comic manipulation God-Omni-absolute luck, God-Omni-portal creation, God-Omni-tinker construct, God-Omni-Absolute learning, God-Omni-Absolute combat, God-Omni-Absolute condition, God-Omni-absolute burning, God-Omni-absolute freezing, God-Omni-absolute thievery, God-Omni-absolute transmutation, God-Omni-adaptive combat, God, Omni-adaptive manipulation, Absolute Technolgy manipulation, absolute Summoning, absolute weaponry, absolute darkness, absolute light, absolute weapon proficiency },bloodline{: ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni submissive male human, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni human, ultimate God Alpha Sage human, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni primordial human, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni ascendant human, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni prime superior human, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni sex demon, Ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Uzumaki, Ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Senju, Ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Hyūga, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Uchiha, Ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni tailed beast, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Amazon, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Gargarean, ultimate God element Alpha Sage Omni Dragon, ultimate God Alpha element Sage Omni Phoenix, ultimate God element Sage Omni wizard, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni virus king, Ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni wolf, Ultimate God Alpha Omni Sage Monkey, ultimate God Alpha Sage Omni Mage, Ultimate God Transcendent Alpha Sage Omni Human, speedster, Angel, Demon, Lich, Elf }, {Essences: essences of Scholar, Essences of Blank, Essences of nomad, Essences of adventure, Essences of blank, essences of element, essences of Arch-mage, essences of Luck, Essences of Master Magician, Essences of sorcerer Lord, Essences of Shinobi, Essences of Crafter, Essences of Artificer, Essences of Scholar, Essences of rob insurances, Essences Gourmade, Essences of Food, Essences of Plane-walker, Essences of Rule-breaker, Essences of mad doctor, Essences of evolution, Essences of harem protagonist, essences of ultimate potential , essences of sorcerer lord, essences of iskeai protagonist, essences of hentai protagonist, essences of Z-fighter, essences of primordial, essences of God potential, essences of primordial potential, essences of primordial wizard, essences of God wizard, essences of dark lord, essences of bright lord, essences of gray lord, essences of home, essences of Dragon, essences of phoenix, essences of Echidna, essences of Elder mage, essences of Succubus, essences of Nephalem} and Storm nodded at this.
So, Storm then got ready for 3-year at Hogwarts he also heard going on about how Sirus Black had escape Azkaban to avenge his master the dark lord he then arrived at the Hogwarts train where he meets up with Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati after they found room they then saw male teacher they read his suit case and it read Remus Lupin while their mining their own business they when felt train stop and it then begin to get cold they when Storm sense something dark coming that when know it was dementor then Storm then use the Patronus charm summon Evra, Stella, Dina for protection against the Dementor and everyone was shocked at seeing three Patronus charm glowing and even Remus Lupin was shocked to see a 4x-head -Snake and 4x-head dog and female angle with fire spear standing 9'13 in height and she had on silver orange armor and he saw how Storm patronus charm begin to attack all of dementor turning them into ash he saw how the 4x-headed-snake was sending out fire, lighting, poison, wind and he saw 4x-headed dog sending out fire, wind, ice, light breath attack he even saw the angle was piercing the dementor in the heart and burning them he was shocked that the dementor was being massacred that when he saw all of the dementor retreated.
So, after the dementor retreated Storm then patronus charm vanished seeing their mission is done he then took out case full of chocolate he then gave the chocolate to Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass and rest the of the student who was affect by the dementor along with comforting Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass about what they experiences thank to the dementor and so train then arrived at Hogwarts with no more problem that when they arrived to hall and Albus then explained why dementor here and they are going to patrol around the school yard in case Sirus black show up and student all nodded at this begin to eat to eat the feast.
So, after the feast Storm went to his Hufflepuff room where he took a shower and went to bed because he was getting ready for this year schedule and everything to his first class was potion with Ravenclaws and the potion the was going to learn was call shrinking solution and Storm partner was Susan bone for potion class and they did all of the step for the potion and professor Snape was looking around student making sure they don't get anything wrong and Storm and Susan bone potion was perfect earning 50-point-Hufflepuff after class was over with the next class was history of magic where they learn about the Medieval Witch-hunts after that class was over with the next class was defense against the dark the teacher was Remus Lupin and today they was going to learn about Boggart, Boggart-Banishing Spell and Remus Lupin then explained how Boggart take form of person worst fear and the spell is call riddikulus!" where the user can turn the Boggart into something that make them happy.
So, every student went, and Boggart show the student what was their greatest fear was that when Olivia went up and the Boggart transform into a Dementor showing Olivia greatest fear was dementor attack her again and that Storm went in front of the dementor and did the riddikulus! spell that it transforms into Olivia happy memory which was getting Hedwig and afterward and when it got to Storm the Boggart kept switching between form because it couldn't read Storm mind that when Boggart finally transform into Storm but was cover in blood with a lot body around it showing Storm greatest fear is losing himself to power and killing people no matter what because he can that when Storm use Riddikulu! spell and Boggart of Storm then transform into jack terrier dog with orange fur and black dot on it showing Storm greatest happy memory is getting a dog that his lover got him for his birthday to there was many happy memory that he could transform the Boggart into but a dog was way better to and with Storm earn Hufflepuff 30x-point for in class doing a good job in class to now.
So, class was now over the next class they had was charm with Slytherin and charm they was going over with was Cheering Charm spell and Storm was able to get it down to earning Hufflepuff 10x-point and he even earn another 10-point for helping his fellow Hufflepuff after that class was now over with and the next class Storm had was Herbology with Gryffindor and today they going to be learning about Puffapod and Professor Sprout then begin to explained what Puffapod was and A Puffapod was a magical plant that produced large pink seedpods full of shining beans, which instantly flowered when they came into contact with any solid object and afterward she then begin to explained to how to Puffapod work and what you need to take care of it and she even explained bit more about the Puffapod The spores of a Puffapod could cause dizziness, and could also be used in potion-making. Trolls appeared to be allergic to Puffapods, sneezing whenever they bloomed.
So, Storm did everything right earning the Hufflepuff class 20x-point, so class was now over with, and then next class was now ancient rune with some Ravenclaw, Slytherin and the professor Bathsheda Babbling and she begin to teach them about how rune work and explained what it is Ancient runes were a form of writing which witches and wizards used hundreds of years ago Classwork and homework involved plenty of practice translating runes, and so Storm was able to get all of the rune down earning 20-point Hufflepuff and afterward class was now over with and the next class care of magical creatures with Slytherin and Gryffindor and today they be being teach by Professor Hagrid and today they be learning about Hippogriff that when Hagrid call over Hippogriff who name is Buckbeak and Hagrid then begin to explained everything about Hippogriff and what type of behavior they have along with having pride to he said to the student: "Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know abou' hippogriffs is, they're proud. Easily offended, hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it might be the last thing yeh do. Yeh always wait fer the hippogriff ter make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Yeh walk towards him, and yeh bow, an' yeh wait. If he bows back, yeh're allowed to touch him. If he doesn' bow, then get away from him sharpish, 'cause those talons hurt."
So, every student nodded at this and each and they all went up to Buckbeak and bow to him even Olivia bow to and got to rid him that when Draco Malfoy went up him begin to insult him that when Storm and Hagrid notice that Buckbeak was going to attack Draco and Storm then wave and created an iron shield to stop Buckbeak attack and Storm then drag Draco back over fence he then ask one of Slytherin to send Draco to miss Poppy Pomfrey and one of the Slytherin did just and Hagrid come down Buckbeak and Storm earn Hufflepuff 60-point for saving a fellow student and class was over because accident and the last class was transfiguration with Ravenclaw and they be learning what is Animagi and Professor McGonagall then explained what is Animagi by transforming into a cat and also saying how difficulties it is An Animagus was a witch or wizard who could transform themselves into an animal and back again at will. It was a skill that could be learned and if they want to do Animagi they have to have teacher involve in case something goes wrong in the spell, and they all wrote this down.
So, class was now over with, and Storm then went to hall had dinner had met up with Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass after they had dinner they all went they separate way and went back to their room Storm arrived at Hufflepuff room and went into his room where he then took a shower and put on an yellow and black nightgown after he fell asleep that when heard Hogwarts alarm going off that when every student woke up and heard the fat lady screaming about Sirius Black had attack that when all student had to meet in hall together and sleep together that when Storm created some golem guard for the fat lady to protect her after she was scared by Sirius Black and also know why Sirius black is here to he is here for Ron Weasley pet rat who name is Peter Pettigrew who betrayed potter family to lord Voldemort like a coward like the rat he was he even know where he at and was going to capture him let Albus see true later.
So, Storm then got up went to the bathroom where he uses it, he then saw Ron pet rat who name is Scabbers with wave of his wand he trap the rat in cage the seal of his magic and he then made cage large enough for rat not to escape he then Peter Pettigrew revel himself by forcing him back to human form and he also made sure Peter Pettigrew magic was permeant seal off and making it small to where he would be known as squib he then lift capture Peter Pettigrew cage walk to Albus Dumbledore office he said the password and he then Hogwarts sprite to call of the professor to tell them something and that when he felt Hogwarts sprite sent accepted that when all of the professor arrived from Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Pomona Sprout, Rubeus Hagrid, Rolanda Hooch, Sybill Trelawney. Remus Lupin, Aurora Sinistra, Bathsheda Babbling when they all arrived, they saw Storm with cage when they saw what was in the cage, they shocked especially Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin because they all thought that Peter Pettigrew died by Sirius black hand now, they see alive like nothing happen only missing his finger.
So, Storm then ask snape did he bring truth potion and snape nodded at this showing what Storm plan is he then ask Albus to call Amelia bone Susan bone aunt and when she arrived, they would arrest Peter Pettigrew along with Sirius black because he can sense where Sirius black is and all of the professor nodded at this and so Storm then sense that Sirius black now beside Oliva potter and Ron Weasley him and the professor made their way toward while Albus stay and watch Peter so Storm and the professor arrived to Sirius black with Olivia potter and Ron Weasley to he had them with knife pointing at them asking about rat and Storm pull out his wand Jenna and sent disarm spell and stunning spell and he then quick created magic cancel chain to hold down Sirius black and that when Olivia and Ron saw him and the professor they then try to explained everything but Professor McGonagall already explained it to them and they nodded at this.
So, Storm and the professor arrived back Albus office with Sirius black in chain and they even saw Amelia bone with bunch of Auror that when found the truth Sirius black never got trail and the person who was in charge of his arrest was Barty Crouch Snr and they Amelia promise to give Sirius black trail and everything to and that arrested both Peter and Sirius and sent them wizard jail and that both trail will be ready next week and all them nodded at this so everyone then went to bed ready for tomorrow to happen and so Storm woke with sun hitting him he then took A shower and got dressed putting on his rob for today he then went to go have breakfast after breakfast the class Storm had was care of magical creature because of incident with Draco, Hagrid felt that he became worst teacher ever so he talk about creature call Flobberworm and none student like it but Storm because he saw all animal and none magical animal good because he felt that many people underestimate Flobberworm and he just pay attention to them to afterward class was over with.
So, Storm next class was Rune he begins to learn everything about rune and how they can help create magical spell to and Storm earn 20-point for naming out all of the rune along with explained there use afterward class was now over the next class was potion with Ravenclaw and today they be working on a potion call Confusing Concoction and they to team up together Storm partner was Susan bone and earn Hufflepuff 30-point for how perfect the potion was and then for next class they had care of magical creature with Slytherin and Hagrid the begin to teach them about Fire Dwelling Salamander and he explained everything about them from how to take care of them, what they eat and what favorite habitat they like to live and what strength and weakness to and how to breed them to and Storm was able to earn Hufflepuff 20-point for answering some the questions Hagrid had on Fire Dwelling Salamander so class was now over for next Storm had charm with Gryffindor.
So, Professor Flitwick begin to tell them the spell they be working on today call freezing charm spell and Storm was able was able to learn the spell real quick earning 20-point for Hufflepuff and another 20-point for helping his fellow students after class was over with the next class was transfiguration and the spell, they be learning in transfiguration is call Teapot to tortoise and Professor McGonagall begin to explained the spell to the whole class what the spell do so Storm was able to get the spell down even earning 10-point for Hufflepuff and another 20-point for helping fellow student after that class was over and the next class defense against the dark and today professor was Snape to and he begin to teach how identify a werewolf and Storm was able to earn 10-point for listing all of the werewolf weaknesses class was now over with and next clast was Herbology with Ravenclaw and today they be learning about Mandrake and Professor Sprout explained what Mandrake is and Storm was able to earn over 30-point for taking care of Mandrake and another 10-point for helping a fellow student afterward class was now over with and Storm then went to the hall to have dinner after dinner Storm made to his Hufflepuff room.
So, Storm then took a shower and put on his nightgown and went to bed because he got call that from Albus that they were able to get Sirius black and early trail tomorrow in the morning, so he had to be at minster of magic hall to with him and he would except for class tomorrow and so Storm then felt the sun hit him he then got dressed in his wizard rob and went Albus Dumbledore office where he met up Amelia bone and Albus together and they us Floo network to get the minster of magic office for both Sirius black trail and Peter trail to first they going to question all of Peter Pettigrew and after they going to get the truth from Sirius black himself and they then arrived for hearing to.
So, Storm then sat down beside Albus for Peter Pettigrew hearing and that when Peter Pettigrew arrived in chain he then sat down and they begin to give him question but Peter kept on lying so they then gave Peter Pettigrew Veritaserum or truth serum and that when begin to tell truth from how he betrayed potter family after becoming their secret keeper and gave the information to the dark lord after he capture by them and that he betrayed them because dark power and how strong he was and that he wanted to on winning side and so after Peter Pettigrew truth serum ran off they already got all of the information they need and they then gave Sirius black the truth serum Amelia bone begin to question everything that Sirius black did was truth or false and Sirius black then begin to the tell truth about everything how they him and James switch secret keeper everything and thank to the truth serum they know that Sirius black is telling the truth so after trail of both Sirius and Peter they vote that Peter Pettigrew is guilty for his crime while Sirius black was innocent of all crime he frame for and he compensation him for time in Azkaban with over 500x-thousand gallon and for Peter Pettigrew he sent Azkaban for life and since his magic was permeant seal for he would have bad time there to.
So, Sirius black trail was now over and that when Olivia Potter came out of nowhere and hug her godfather in magic and afterward, they all arrived back at Hogwarts with no problem to they were even able to help Remus Lupin for a while until the parent found out about his condition so now 10-days pass and Storm was able to learn all about rune earning himself 50-point and for another 10-days Storm was able to master all of potion which was the Antidote to Uncommon Poisons, Girding Potion, Antidote to Common Poisons, Wideye Potion, Doxycide, Undetectable Poison, Wiggenweld Potion and he was able to earn up 25-point in potion and for the next 10-days Storm was able to master all of the charm spell which was Seize and pull charm, General Counter-Spell, Full Body-Bind Curse, Banishing Charm, Lumos Maxima which earn him 30-point and 20-point for helping his fellow student to.
So, after they did celebration for third year Christmas together and after Storm gave all of friend wood carving with favorite color fire on them along with the teacher to so after that Storm then master all of his Herbology learning everything about which was Valerian, Mimbulus mimbletonia, Stink-sap, Nettle, how to the De-fanging vampiric vegetation, how to Making plants grow faster with magic which earn him over 40-point in Herbology and another 10-days Storm was able to master all of dark creature and spell in defense against the dark arts Red Cap, Kappa, Werewolf, Grindylow, Hinkypunk, Vampire, Nocturnal beasts, Pixie, Imp, Charmed skeleton, Freezing Spell, Seize and pull charm which he also earn 60-point for Hufflepuff and that class was with for last 10-days Storm had master all of transfiguration spell which was Lapifors Spell, Draconifors Spell, Felifors Spell, Hardening Charm, Owl to Opera Glasses, Mice to Snuffboxes and earn 20-point and 30-point for helping fellow student in need to and the 3-year of Hogwarts coming to end now and all of student and teacher are having feast for this 3-year and that when Albus Dumbledore begin to list the winning house with most point 4-place Ravenclaw with: 450-point, 3-place Slytherin with over 490-point, 2-place Gryffindor with 500-point and 1-place Hufflepuff with- 565 point and all the Hufflepuff cheer knowing they the third year again.
So, after the feast all of student got on the Hogwarts train and Storm was able to talk to Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass about the incident they all say they was fine and Storm nodded at this and Olivia did tell them how she happy to finally to away from her aunt and uncle and Storm nodded at this so after the Hogwarts train stop the got off begin to see their family that when Storm saw his Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, and Eden, Holly, Kim Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, when Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass saw bunch woman coming toward them shocked because they then hug their crush Storm and Storm hug the woman back and Storm then introduce his mom and sister to his friend in school they shocked that woman was family to Storm.
So, after Storm got finished introducing moms and sister to Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass they nodded and said: they got potential dear how about we give them ask parent about marriage contract with how much they got a crush on you and Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass all got blush on their face that when Sirius and rest parent show up to pick up their children and they wave goodbye telling to seem them next year and Storm nodded at this that Rose grab Storm teleported with him along Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, and Eden, Holly, Kim Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, they then made it back to the Ranger mansion where they saw Elva there to.
So, after Storm arrived back home he then went back to his true form with his hair still being SSJ4 hair style still Purplish orange and his eyes where purplish orange with Height of 5'11 he was now 14-year-old and his orange lipstick is back and his color his eyes lashes were back now to being Pinkish orange and his Septuple-O-cup breast is back showing being back in Submissive form he then stretches all of his body causing his big bimbo butt and Septuple-O-cup breast bounce and jiggle to you can even hear sloshing of his breast to and Storm then went change out his wizard robe he was now wearing black and orange witch robe that show his Septuple-O-cup breast cleavage he then put on red shoe with black string now he then watch as Kay and Coco, Bella, Daisy, Betty, Rudina, Alina was playing together he also know that Elva and house elves had been taking care of them feeding with element infuse pet food for Kay was lightning infuse owl food and Coco with water essences infuse dog food and Bella with ice essence infuse dog food and Daisy was feed fire essences infuse dog food while Betty was feed poison infuse snake food with evolving crystal to and Rudina was feed his breast milk infuse with water, fire and ice essences to and Alina was feed ender-pearl infuse with fire essences and poison to make her stronger to.
So, after Storm got done listening to his darling talk about what they been feeding the pet he also found out Orla they accounting had made them richer than before now to thank the investment in muggle word and wizard world to along with his darling working to making either new spell or potion or new healing technique to they even been a part of wizard battle people who tried to challenge them for hand in marriage and had them money to so now the they been more richer to where they can be consider ancient house now with how much gallon and sickle and Knut they have in all of their account combined and Orla also got promotion she was now the main accounting to bank account now she got underling that help them to and her underling was just as beautiful to with blonde hair and black eyes with height 4'10 and had figure that most girl will envy with nice big butt and slim stomach and big child bearing hips and big thigh and huge butt with double-F-cup breast to her name Silver and they also got along to and that was Rose told to Storm after he got back Hogwarts school and Storm on his garden seeing everything nice good in to.
So, Lily also told Storm that the world are doing good now other had made connections and everything is good from Naruto world, Conan exiles world, Ark survivor world, Bermuda tringle world, Minecraft world and now this world all are doing and even Universe sage Lust realm is doing good to and Storm nodded at this he then had Wand Jenna on his waist he went to his potion room he all of potion he made un Hogwarts and the one made at home with breast milk have been organize everything he talk to Hinata, Sakura and Tsunade about it and they told all of them organize everything for him gave him kiss on lips while fondle his massive breast to causing him to moan real quick he then left the potion room went to the new room which he dub is spell creation room and ancient rune room to he saw everything was good in all training room and wizard room to.
So, Storm then went to outside to his garden where he saw of the magical plant and muggle plant are doing fine and everything he then took out water can begin to water all of the plant with his breast milk that was in the watering cans and everything he then created over 200-mini rain cloud and 200- green sun that can enhance the growth speed of plant along with purifying them to and enhancing the soul to he went back inside where he then wrote a letter to Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass since 3-days had pass everything he sent Kay to deliver the letter to them now he sent letter to all of his professor to which was Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Pomona Sprout, Rubeus Hagrid, Rolanda Hooch, Sybill Trelawney. Remus Lupin, Aurora Sinistra, Bathsheda Babbling and after that Storm just walk around mansion enjoying the peace everything even in his true form, he felt peace to that when came across a room and he read it and it read milking room.
{lemon time}
So, Storm then enters the room when he enters, he saw Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Shizune, Mabui, Haku, Shizuka Marikawa, Eden, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Elva after he saw them he also saw milking machine behind them along them holding massive breast pump to milk him he even saw bed behind them to and Tsunade then told Storm it time for his milking and she know how uncomfortable having engorgement breast like him can feel and Storm nodded at so Storm then undress taking witch robe off after that he take of his orange sport bra causing his Septuple-O-cup breast bounce and jiggle real quick and Storm then got on the bed that when Eden put the milking pump on him that when he Noa turn on the milking machine and Storm then felt gently pulling of nipple thank to milking machine he then saw his whitish blue breast milk flowing in canister and that Sakura and Tsunade begin to message Storm breast causing breast milk flowing from his breast even faster because they was using charka to bring him comfort to and Haku, Shizuka Marikawa, Eden, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Elva they all took turn message his breast in the process milking causing him to moan in pleasure.
So, Noa then took off her darling panty boxer and see hard on penis that was now 18-inch big with beach-ball size ball sack cause them to blush at site to and that when Elva begin give Storm a boob job with her Triple-J-cup breast while Yang begin to message his ball causing Storm to moan in pleasure for all thing that was happening to him and all them gave French kiss to Storm causing saliva line come out from there make out session and Sakura and Tsunade join Elva into giving Storm triple boob job while Shizuka and Eden play with Storm breast like no tomorrow causing his breast milk to rush out even faster in the pumping machine causing him to moan even more pleasure to and that when Elva and Sakura and Tsunade begin to take turn giving Storm blow job along with increasing their boob job speed to making him moan even more in pleasure and this went on for 30-hours until Storm moan that he was Cuming after another 5-minute Storm cover Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Shizune, Mabui, Haku, Shizuka Marikawa, Eden, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Elva in whitish purple Cum.
{lemon over}
So, Storm then see that Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Shizune, Mabui, Haku, Shizuka Marikawa, Eden, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Elva had licked the Cum off them and Tsunade told Storm that he was able to fill up over 900x-Trigintillion canister with breast milk and Sakura then took the breast pump off of Storm Septuple-O-cup breast making leak little bit and sign in relief that engorgement is gone for a while because he know that his body is now adapting and evolving to be able to produce more breast milk he can already feel his Septuple-O-cup breast making more breast milk but unnoticed yet and he can also feel them becoming more elastic and more filler to.
So, Storm then left the milking room and took a shower after the shower the time was now 10:30 pm now he then put on orange tank top with some blue boxer panty while wearing red short pants after he got ready, he then went down stair to have dinner with all of his darling which was Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya OtSutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, Alice Maresato, Asami Nakaoka, Kawamoto, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kyoko Hayashi, Shizuka Marikawa, Matsushima, Miku Yuuki, Misuzu Ichijou, Naomi, Toshimi Niki, Rei Miyamoto, Rika Minami, Saeko Busujima, Seto, Saya Takagi, Yuriko Takagi, Taniuchi, Eden, Ai-Lisa, Elva, Evra, Stella, Dina and he also found out that Evra, Stella and Dina can summon themselves at will now to and they also join the harem to.
So, Storm then asks how they been and they all are doing good, and that wizard is lot better to because they been helping their darling get small resource for the Universe sage lust realm like magic plant seed and magic sapling tree and many more for realm to along with getting magic book to after they told they darling this he nodded at them begin to eat dinner with them after dinner he help his darling with dishes and Storm also ask Elva about the other house elf and she told they all doing good they are happy to server you darling since you treat them full of kindness and not only that you made them evolve to royal elf and I'm getting closer for my next evolution which will be empress house elf since I'm the queen of the royal house elf if I become empress a new house elf would evolve to queen house elf and Storm nodded at this showing he understand gave Elva and kiss on lips to and went to his room after he got to his room he begin to read over all 1-year, 2-year and now 3-year magic book he then created over 4x-million shadow clone to read all of book from the school year to and after they get finished he want them to train in all of spell know making the shadow clone nodded at this and all of the shadow clone went to training room where they begin to read all 1-year, 2-year and 3-years book and train in the spell to along in Herbology and potion making and charm and transfiguration, defense against the dark art, care of magical creature and ancient rune, all of his shadow train in this and Storm then created another 4x-million shadow clone to help the other shadow train to.
So, Storm then begin to meditated for all knowledge that was being sent to his brain from all of shadow training method afterward the clone then dispel themselves and Storm then went to sleep with Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya OtSutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, Alice Maresato, Asami Nakaoka, Kawamoto, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kyoko Hayashi, Shizuka Marikawa, Matsushima, Miku Yuuki, Misuzu Ichijou, Naomi, Toshimi Niki, Rei Miyamoto, Rika Minami, Saeko Busujima, Seto, Saya Takagi, Yuriko Takagi, Taniuchi, Eden, Ai-Lisa, Elva, Evra, Stella, Dina, Kay and Coco, Bella, Daisy, Betty, Rudina, Alina all in room cuddling up to him he then fell asleep while saying to all his darling how much he love them to.
So, Storm then felt the sun hit him he then went into his manly form when he heard Hogwarts delivering fourth year shopping list was this was Dress robes (only for special occasions that would occur through the year for the 94-95 term), The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4 by Miranda Goshawk and Storm nodded at this he then want his dress robe to be different to so he ask his darling Tammy and Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura can get spider silk from Universe sage lust realm and he talking about all spider that evolve to from lust spider to water spider, fire spider, wind spider, earth spider, lightning spider, ice spider and don't forget the acromantula silk they also evolve to lust acromantula, water acromantula, fire acromantula, wind acromantula, earth acromantula and lightning acromantula ice acromantula and magical acromantula and magical spider silk he ask then kindness and they nodded at this so they then went to get the silk from Universe sage Lust realm.
So, Storm then sent letter to Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass to how they were doing because they sent him letter to asking can they come to his mansion one days he wrote them back to afterward he then went to dragon alley with all of different silk he went Madam Malkin's shop look for some custom dress robe when arrived he gave all of different silk to ask for 10 custom dress robe that can fit any gender to and Madam Malkin's told him it can be done and it be done in to 2-weeks and Storm nodded he then saw that Olivia potter, Hermione, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass was there to picking out some dress robe to and say Hi to them went to go get his The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4 this year making them nodded because they all got their 4-grade year book before getting their custom robe to he then wave them goodbye went on his way.
So, Storm then got his 4-grade school book and then went to Gringotts to claim his lordship now because his darling told to it will be alright so he then arrived at Gringotts wizard bank where he met silver and then Orla telling it was time to claim his lordships and Orla and silver nodded at this and Storm then met in Orla in her offices where she then took out box told this box hold lords ring of the house heir to house of Merlin, , house of Gryffindor, house of Hufflepuff, house of Ravenclaw, house of Slytherin, house Morgana Le fay, house Pendragon, house of element, house of Ranger each ring was different to he then place the ring on each of hand and the ring glow in golden accepting him in all of the house to he then Orla told because of house he gain marriage contract to different house and the house magical contract to the house are potter, Greengrass, Davis, Bone, Brown, Bell, Abbott, Chang, Johnson, Patil, Parvati, Weasley, Lovegood, Black, these are some of magical contract we got and turn to found there even more we just got to find them and now you just need to Owl these contract to the other party and Orla also said: these marriage contract have been here a while now these contract to the other party have been and some of the party have been force to marriage after contract have already been to those party will also come to renew the accepted the contract to even the parent must show up to we will also be look for other the people on the contract and Storm nodded at this.
So, Storm heard door being open and that when he saw Olivia potter, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass along with parent and Sirius black and he even saw Malfoy family and Nymphadora Tonks and Andromeda Tonks and he saw Amelia bone there to and office door then close and Orla said: hope you all read the marriage contract these contract date over 200-year-old ago before y'all was even been when heir had claim all of his lordships the contract that have been dormient have been activate now and now we been reading to see have marriage contract been breach and some have been breach like the Black family the contract have been breach it been breach because the three female of black must marriage heir to Slytherin and marriage contract have been made for Bellatrix Lestrange or Bellatrix black Narcissa Malfoy or Narcissa black or Andromeda Tonks or Andromeda black these contract was breach because you got married to somebody else not person this contract was made by your father and the heir parent.
So, Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora Tonks and Sirius Black shocked at this they weren't supposed to married Malfoy or Lestrange but married the heir to multiple house and that Sirius black let loose a lot of cures world cursing the his mother for ruining all of sister live because of her blood purity bullshit they could been allied with stronger family and riches family but because they family only had have half-blood she force marriage contract with people the made black almost extinct and now they redo everything his mother did and annule Narcissa and Bellatrix marriage contract while bring back Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks back in the black family because he found through with Bellatrix marriage was more Imperio curse to make sure that Bellatrix do not run away from her husband and that when she became the now second of the dark lord.
So, Storm then asks Olivia potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass and Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora Tonks and Amelia bone what they think of this Marriage contract along with parent and they all agree to marriage contract and even Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora Tonks and Amelia bone agree to marriage contract since accepted already and Narcissa agree even faster now to be ride of her death eater husband and his copy because her son begin to get worst because his father now the marriage was annul void for black and Malfoy and Storm marriage contract all glow blue golden showing now the marriage contract have now activate and now they just need to Bellatrix out of Azkaban get her trial for innocent and Sirius black then pull out the Black and Lestrange marriage contract showing they can get justice for Bellatrix to along with completing the Black Marriage contract to.
So, after the everything went well with Marriage contract all of the parents ask was wait until they graduate Hogwarts before getting married, but they can move in with Storm nodded at this along Olivia potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass and Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora Tonks and Amelia bone and also nodded at say they would move in after getting all of their thing and Storm nodded at this and he also ask for Marriage contract with Orla and Silver to keep up goblin allied and both Orla and Silver nodded this so they then left Gringotts bank after everything was done while Orla and Silver stayed and Storm then created multiple golem to help all girl move in with making sure their no problem at especially at the Malfoy house he created over 300x-golem for Narcissa and Narcissa black was thankful for him because she know how her Ex-husband can be now since he is death eater after all and Storm then created over 300x-golem for each girl just in case and they was thankful for they husband protecting them and their family to each girl took golem with them to house grab there thing to.
So, Storm then arrived back home at ranger mansion he saw that mansion and land change a lot he saw that land had now become over 3-billion acres and mansion change a lot to it now had over 100x-million -bedroom, 800x-million-master bedroom, 20x-thousand-potion lab, 20x-thousand-kitchen, 500x-thousand-bathroom, 800x-thousand-green house, 50x-thousand-training room, 90x-thousand-crafting room, 50x-thousand-entertainment room, 90x-thousand-animale room, 70x-thousand-owl room for delivering, 50x-thousand-blacksmith room, 900x-thousand-defense room, 400x-thousand-warding room, 500x-thousand-library, 200x-thousand-decoration like flower bed, knight, archer, statue of different animal, 100x-billion acres lake to, 500xthousand-animal care room, 400x-thousand-medical room, 900x-thousand room regular room, 300x-thousand-spell creation room, 200x-thousand wand crafting room, 200x-thousand broom crafting room, 500x-thousand swimming pool room, 900x-thousand-cleaning room and he also now have over 900x-million female house elf and they all became royal house elf while Elva now became empress of the house all now she now look even more beautiful now standing over 5'1 now and all figure had growth spurt to she now had huge-child bearing hips and big thigh and slim body with four pack and huge butt with Quadruple-J-cup breast and she then told Storm that the queen of house elf is now is house elf name Elvina and that when house elf show she had nice purplish green hair with figure that most woman will kill for standing 4'10 in height and weighting 200-pound she had huge childbearing hips and big thigh and slim body with 4-pack and huge bimbo butt with Triple-H-cup breast and Storm knew that this house was Elvina and Storm then congratulate both of them to and also Elvina also confess her to Storm to and Storm then kiss her on lips and told ok but I have to explained everything to my marriage contract wave and Elvina nodded this.
So, Storm then waited for Olivia potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass and Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora Tonks and Amelia bone, Orla and silver to arrive to his manor after he saw them arrived he then had golem transfer their thing to all of their room and when they mansion they was shocked at how big the land is and how big the mansion along with ward them make them shake in fear to and when they was finally unpack he then call them to the living room where he introduce Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya OtSutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, Alice Maresato, Asami Nakaoka, Kawamoto, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kyoko Hayashi, Shizuka Marikawa, Matsushima, Miku Yuuki, Misuzu Ichijou, Naomi, Toshimi Niki, Rei Miyamoto, Rika Minami, Saeko Busujima, Seto, Saya Takagi, Yuriko Takagi, Taniuchi, Eden, Ai-Lisa, Elva, Evra, Stella, Dina, to them and he told them truth.
So, Storm explained to them how people they met was his other wives and children and he hope they did not want him think he was leading them on it would been hard for him to explained how he got children and wives at his age but hoping that they could along together and he have other secret to tell but not right and they all nodded at this because they know with his bloodline he going to need more wives and he also told that because of blood and magic all of the house elf have evolve into royal house elf while Elva is empress house elf and Elvina is the queen of house elf making both Orla and Silver shocked at along with the other pure-blood and half-blood in house but they accepted this to and he also told that he would give them material to upgrade their to growth type making it to where the stronger they so would the wand and they nodded at and Storm then check the time it was now 10:10 pm so they small dinner and went bed wearing their nightgown.
{Storm mate}
Rose, Lily, Yin, Tammy, Sam, Lola, Noa, Mary, Yang, Alex and Anna and Wanda, Pearl, Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, Konan, Hinata Hyūga, Kaguya OtSutsuki, Temari, Kurenai Yuhi, Kushina Uzumaki, Mei Terumi, Anko Mitarashi, Ino Yamanaka, Ten-ten, Yugito Nii, Tayuya, Karui, Karin, Hanabi Hyūga, Kurotsuchi, Rin Nohara, Shizune, Mikoto Uchiha, Yūgao Uzuki, Sasame, Mito Uzumaki, Naori Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Pakura, Ameyuri Ringo, Kin Tsuchi, Mirai Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Samui, Tsume Inuzuka, Sumire Kakei, Hinoko, Guren, Hanare, Mabui, Haku, Hana Inuzuka, Shizuka and Ayame, Nola, Lois, Wendy, Jojo, Blaze, Sofia, Marina, Kaia, Aura, Alice Maresato, Asami Nakaoka, Kawamoto, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kyoko Hayashi, Shizuka Marikawa, Matsushima, Miku Yuuki, Misuzu Ichijou, Naomi, Toshimi Niki, Rei Miyamoto, Rika Minami, Saeko Busujima, Seto, Saya Takagi, Yuriko Takagi, Taniuchi, Eden, Ai-Lisa, Elva, Evra, Stella, Dina, Olivia potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bone, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Angelina Johnson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass and Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora Tonks, Amelia bone, Orla, Silver, Elvina