Chapter 19 - Shield.

Chapter 19

A bracelet came out of the treasure box, I think it will go well with Maria, she defends her and Talita attacks from behind her.

Power shield: a bracelet that, when mentally activated, creates a resistant shield, passively increases strength and vigor.

As I approach the girls, Maria is speaking softly to Talita, who is visibly calmer.

" how is she? "

"She stopped crying but still doesn't respond"

I put the bracelet on Maria's arm and crouched down in front of the talita, and lifted her face so I could look into her eyes.

"I want you to focus on me, don't think about anything for now, you can cry all you want, but you won't leave my side or Maria's, ok? "

She simply closes her eyes and presses her face into the palm of my hand.

I'll have to ask Maria to tell me if she notices anything worrying about Talita's behavior, her physique is quite fragile.

"Are you with me Talita? "

"yes", she responds softly.

"Can you finish the zombies I left for you? "

She looks away from me and looks for them, I point to the heads moving in the corner, leading me to pull her along until close to the zombies and I see her finishing them off without much trouble.

I was a little relieved, because it is at least functional.

As soon as she finished the killing she came back to my side and held one of my hands, I'll leave it for now.

You can see that Maria is still worried about her friend checking in on her from time to time, but now she's looking at what's going on outside.

Maria: "it's very calm out here, I only see a zombie passing by in the background"

"I want to keep going to the parking lot, I don't want to stay here when it gets dark, we don't have much of a view of the surrounding area, everywhere you look there are buildings"

Maria: "after we get the bike, where are we going? "

"It would be nice to have a farm or farm on the outskirts of the city away from this cluster of buildings"

Maria: "I looked good, and you, Talita? "

Talita: "I just want to get away from here, okay? "

As we went out into the street again, Maria took Talita's hand who was holding mine.

On the way to the parking lot I saw some people in the buildings watching us, we are still at the beginning, most people still have a moral sense so I'm not too worried, but in a week the story will be different.

"in the previous battle I reached lvl 10"

Maria: "being the protagonist must be good"

"I'm not the protagonist, I'm more of a background character", I replied jokingly.

I'm going to help the girls get to lvl 10 as quickly as possible to see if they get a class, even if they don't release it now there must be another way to release it.

"back to what I wanted to say, when you reach lvl 10 there is a chance to unlock a class"

" ohh, did you release any classes, huh? "

"Yes, I released it, so the system explained that it is not guaranteed to unlock a class, and the probability is ok", I am not going to say that based on talent, the girl is already inconvenienced.

Just as Maria was about to say something, a person with several zombies behind him came running towards us.


He apologized as he ran past us, I was already drawing my sword to kill him for putting us in this trouble, when Maria grabbed my arm.

"We're not ready to see this yet," she said, her voice shaking a little.

"I'll let it go for now, you owe me an order without question", I'm a little irritated with her for stopping me, but I'm going to get something out of it.

Hearing me, she just gave an affirmative nod and returned to the talita's side, who was looking at me scared.

There are six zombies, all lvls 1, I took down two of them without killing them while Talita killed one and Maria had killed one too, the last two I just swung the sword cutting them horizontally at stomach height, well I shouldn't have done that, I got my shoes dirty with guts.

" sorry "

I apologized to the girls when I saw Talita vomiting and Maria struggling not to join her too.

A mask would be good, think of something that stinks and is decaying.

After the girls' vomiting session ended the zombies, we continued heading towards the parking lot after going into a nearby clothing store to change shoes.

In the parking lot, after dealing with a few more zombies that seemed to have come out of the buildings, we arrived at our destination.

When we entered, I started to get angry because I saw that my motorcycle was lying on the ground, it's not the best motorcycle in the world, but a three hundred cc motorcycle doesn't see many of them where I live.

I live in a city with a population of close to two hundred thousand people called Luiziana in Brazil, it is more or less close to the capital of my state which has more than four million people. (this city may have but a fictitious name)

"If I catch the idiot who knocked over my bike, I'll throw him so the zombies can eat him alive, in the estuary I'm serious"

I notice Maria laughing a little behind me, I even see Talita with her shoulders shaking.

I go to my motorcycle and lift it up, apart from some scratches I don't see any apparent damage apart from one of the broken mirrors, I get on it and start it with the key I had in my pocket, I was thinking about leaving the city since I saw the first zombie.

"come up"

Talita mounts first and hugs me, then Maria climbs up, squeezing her friend against my back even more, the only one with a backpack and Maria more to show than anything else, I kept mine and Talita's on her belt.

"Can one of you hand me your cell phone to put it on the GPS… I forgot to bring my cell phone", I'm still human.