As RC head towards the light hoping that 'that man' will be there he makes a mental note about what things he will ask him . And after a while or maybe forever he finally reach the light which shines in a white bright light and is around the size of a very big donut, which he try to touch it but is suck in it itself.
He black out and after a moment he regain consciousness and looks around his surroundings. He looks around once again to make sure that he's not imagining... it's his hometown. He remembers the village hall , the playground, the church which stood in the upside of the road and there are many people . They gather in the front of his house making a roof before the front door, and there's a crying sound coming from the inside of the house. He immediately knows what's going on inside the house, he recognises the voice of those who are crying. Not wanting to watch something which can traumatize him he head into his neighbour house and there he saw his friend who never cried , who try to cheer him up even when things get tough , a man who always put a strong face is crying silently while listening to the sound coming from the neighbourhood. Our MC feels different kind of emotions at once. He tried to communicate with him in various ways, but he can't do anything even after trying various things. After a while he gave up and suddenly realised that he is in a dream and try to wake up with will power ,, but to no avail.
Suddenly noticing something wrong about the whole thing, he shout out saying "Come out !!! You bastard!!! Why do you bring me here!!! ???? Why did I do to experience these things??"
After shouting for a while he slump into a floor and banging his hand into the ground and says .
" I have up. Come out now"
The whole charade stop as if pausing a video and from above his head a voice say
" Oh! So you're here. What brings you to visit me?? "
"Don't fuck with me. Explain what the hell is this ?? Who are you and what are you??"
RC got up and look around his surroundings but there's no one except his friend who is suspend in at animated state.
" Please erase all these unnecessary things "
"Why would I?? Isn't fun to watch your own funeral?? Though you didn't see it in your eyes "
"Please "
"Okay if you say so"
And the entire scene disappear like a smoke and now he's standing in a white cliff which span all the way to the side where the end can't even be seen. Then out of nowhere a man wearing a black suit pop out and stand beside him and said " The vision is nice. Isn't it??"
Without answering the man's question he asked his " Are you the devil??"
The man has a hearty laugh before answering "What makes you think so??".
"Because no one will do those things unless they are evil. And you seem pretty evil to me"
" Ha. Don't judge a Book by its cover and appearance. But just so you know I'm the one who brought you to the world where you are right now. And you should be very thankful that you've got second choice unlike many others".
"So what?? What will you do if I'm not grateful??? You'll kill me again??"
" No . But I'll makes you regret if you didn't do as I've told you to".
RC remains quiet and said " Just told me what you want me to do. I may do it or not according to the request ".
"Oh. Is that so?? That's good then. Unify the whole Gard forest and you'll know what to do when times comes. And by the way let me tell you a tip. Beastmen are prideful , and another thing...your imagination is your true power ".
And before our mc can say anything he black out again and woke up from his sleep in the treasure room sweating profusely. Meanwhile on the cliff on the English channel a man looking into the ocean can be seen whispering "That's quite a close call" before taking out earbud and listening to Stephen Sanchez song and disappear into thin air again.
Lyliana want to get out of her bed and explore the surrounding area because she got bored sleeping into the bed for almost a day without doing anything. She never meets anyone other that the old women who nurse her and keeps bringing fruit and boat meat for her saying that she need to regain her strength.
She want to know about the dragon, the harpy tribe, the old women, the bandits and everything as a scholar. In the first day she woke up there's nothing that excited her this much because during that time she was most concerned about her safety. But now she's full of questions about everything, she wanted the outside world to know about these creatures who live in the Gard forest. She want to know how many of these other nest and community of different creatures will live inside the forest. But as she's not allowed to get up from her bed she has no choice but to sleep with both eyes staring into the ceiling which is made of wood.
But after a while she who's won over by her Desire sneak out from her room into the courtyard through the window which is located down the corridor. She felt alive and fresh as she sees the open air and the clear blue sky and sun which start to set indicating that it's around 3 to 4 PM. After Staring into the setting sun for almost an hour she was startled by the sound behind her where there's three harpy comes out from behind her and start to grab her side by side and lift her up into the sky. ... didn't they say curiosity kills the cat 🐈🐈???