Chereads / Reborn as a dragon RC / Chapter 3 - Information the most important thing???

Chapter 3 - Information the most important thing???

The couple introduced themselves as Leon and Larissa (they appeared to be around 27 or something), and Leon seems to be a king of a rather big country and Larissa is also a princess of the confederate which is made up of 12 state....

Leon and his wife (btw they're married to each other) were on there way to seek refuge in the confederate since his kingdom was invaded by the Kaisar empire which is the biggest country in this continent.

They are very intimate and thoughtful which made me kinda uncomfortable.....not in a bad way. The country Leon rule was called Kale Kingdom and is located just north of the place where I was born (btw the place where I was born is called Gard Mount and is in the middle of the continent) and the empire is in the West, and the confederate is in South and there are many small Kingdom and state between the confederate and the Kaisar empire.

Kale kingdom was famous for its castle which is said to be impregnable but the empire managed to pierce throught their defense due to unknown reason.

They made camp just outside the door to the cave and I didn't know where's that knight who survived my sneeze, Leon seems to take him somewhere and returned without him. After they made makeshift tent Larissa chants some spell and surprisingly I know what she said even though the language is weird. She chanted some words about protection and camouflage. The reason they treated me well was because I kinda save them and dragon are seems to be well respected and are creature , and they told me that one of their ancestors who is also the founder of the Kale Kingdom was friends with Dragon.

After they shared me some info they settle down and eat bread and hasted soup ,which they offered to shared with me and I declined it cause I didn't feel hungry due to strange reason and they fell asleep...

I stared into the sky and watched the star spangled sky and thought what the heck will I do .....which way will i go??? I can just live in this Gard mountain... though I can wander around the surrounding forest which seems kinda boring.

My headache which always torment me time to time start to fade as I was pondering for a while and my eyes started to see some blue tinged smoke arises from the door of the cave and from various points in ground and in the atmosphere too. As i followed the smoke and their intricate ways of flowing I start to understand the origin of it. They were always present but i forgot or was unable to see them until my headache cleared up. They were the energy source of all the living beings, almost all of the living beings absorbed but Larissa and Leon absorbed even more and had stored inside their body upto their middle stomach. Now i know.,...that energy was called MAGIC. Cr@p ..,... it's magic!!!!!!!! Isn't it bad??? Can I also use it?? Well I must be able to do it too!! Isn't it???.....

I start to absorbed the magic smoke into my body and stored inside my body which filled up quickly maybe because I have small physique??, And as i stopped absorbing it i wonder how I will use it I thought about fly literally. Lo! and behold! my body started to feel weightlessness.