As instructed, Flower steadily consumed her meal. Not until something suddenly and promptly popped to her head, she knew that this was the right time to ask such a perplexity question, knowing fully well that there's a slight possibility of Regina agreeing to tell her about it. Simply because Flower knew Regina wouldn't want to refuse to reply her curiosity question because it's her birthday.
This was a question which she had often desired to require, and this was also a question which she had once asked Horatio but wasn't given the luxury of percepting it, solely due to the fact that Horatio was interrupted by something else the day that was suppose to transpire. So sadly she wasn't able to clutch the answers from Horatio on that fateful day.
Lowering the short ceramic spoon away from her mouth, Flower aimed down the bowl, and placed it atop the kitchen cabinet in front of her.