Chereads / I've become the horror game secret boss / Chapter 8 - Another world-H

Chapter 8 - Another world-H

"What happened...?"

The last thing i remember is a sudden burst of light and Nayuta-san trying to cover us.

She has always been like that, putting herself in the way of danger just for our sake...

I looked around but i didn't recognize the place. It wasn't the room we were in just a moment ago, instead it was an abandoned town.

The town appearance looked a lot like those small European cities that i would often see in video blogs, just of older design and in ruins. Apparently this is a small plaza surrounded by stores, there is even a little fountain in the middle.

I looked around and i quickly found the others, laying on the ground. I approached Nayuta and took her pulse, i was glad to find that she was only unconscious, it was the same for Touji and Sophia.

Unfortunately that feeling didn't last long. The sound of steps and dragging feet catched my attention and turned around only to find monsters similar to the ones that chased us before.

"I need to i can't"

My first reaction was to run, but i simply couldn't, leaving my friends behind is not an option. I grabbed my bat from the ground and stood between them and my friends.

They look the same but there appears to be a difference between this corpses and the ones that chased us, this one's didn't run, instead they just walked towards me slowly.

I stood my ground and when one of them got close it suddenly leaped towards me. Thankfully i was able to react quickly and side stepped to the right before swinging my bat towards it's head.

When the bat crashed against it i felt it's skull cracking. The corpse fell limp to the ground.

I feel disgust at the sensation i just experienced, i could even feel the contents of my stomach trying to climb up my throat but i couldn't afford to keep feeling like that. Another one launched itself towards me so i swinged my bat towards it's face, once again i felt how his skull cracked but now i got blood splashed on my face.

I repeated the same process three more times before my stomach couldn't handle it anymore and i vomited my lunch. I was distracted and i couldn't avoid the leap of another one of those monsters, i got thrown to the ground with that thing above me trying to take a bite out of my face.

Being so close to me i could take a closer look at the monster. It's skin was of a pale green color, it lacked lips and eyelids and it only had some small strips of hair.

I tried to get it off me but it was too heavy, i could barely keep it out of reach because it was only trying to bite me, if it used it's arms i would probably be dead.

While i was fighting for my life a knife penetrated the monster's eye. It's body went limp and someone kicked it off me. It was Nayuta, she had Touji's knife in her hand and looked mad.

"Don't you dare touch my friend!"

She's stomping on it's head with rage without caring about all the blood that's splashing from it....hey your uniform is stained with blood you know?

Nayuta just kept on doing that for some time until she finally calmed down. Her right shoe was completely covered in blood and pieces of brain.

"Are you alright, Haruto?"

She approached and started inspecting my body for injuries. When she found none she took a water bottle and towel out of her bag and soaked in water, she used it to clean the blood off my face.

"I'm fine...thank you Nayuta"

It has always impressed me how she can shift so easily from being mad with rage to a caring mother in and instant whenever it comes to us.

"I'm glad"

She looked relieved and portrayed a gentle smile on her face. I can't avoid thinking that i'm fortunate to be her friend.

After checking on me Nayuta woke up the others and also checked their bodies for injuries. Nayuta has always been quite shameless so she didn't seemed troubled when lifting Touji and Sophia clothes to see their bodies. The two mentioned however where flustered.

None of us had injuries, but we were sweaty and dirty so very much like she did with me, Nayuta cleaned Sophia and Touji without batting an eye.

" are naughty"

"Quite the contrary don't you think?"

Touji words just fell in deaf ears. As shameless as she might be she definitely doesn't have any naughty thoughts about the situation, and if she had them then she was damn good at hiding them.

She has always been like this. Nayuta's nature is that of a dotting mother, she cares not only for out safety but also for our happiness, though she can become pretty violent given the right circumstances.

I remember one time when some girls were bullying Sophia, it was just a little after we all became friends. They threw a bottle of dirty water at her, so Nayuta threw them into the sewers and closed the lid. If I'm not wrong she personally bathed Sophia afterwards.

"So...does anyone has any idea of where are we?"

"This looks like an Europe doesn't it?"

"Sophia, there aren't zombies in Europe, or anywhere in the world for that matter."

While Sophia, Touji and i were discussing this matter Nayuta took my bat and went to check the surroundings, we all wanted to go with her but she insisted in it being dangerous and wouldn't allow us to accompany her.

It didn't matter anyway, she returned quickly after...with more blood on her clothes of course. Did she kill another one of those things?

"I found a house that seems safe, lets go there and then we'll discuss this."

We followed her to said house. It was a simple two stores high stone building, there were traces of a beautiful garden on the front but that's no more, the walls were lacking of color and covered in dried vines, but atleast it didn't look like it would fall down.

As we entered the house we encountered one of those monsters laying in the ground with it's head bashed in. It seems this was the unfortunate one that meet my baseball bat.

Touji didn't show much reaction to it while Sophia looked really disgusted, i was just a little bothered by the smell.

Nayuta, after seeing Sophia's reaction immediately threw the body out of the house.

We all sat around a table and finally relaxed for a moment.

We just let all that happened sink in before saying anything, we all needed to organize our thoughts.

This whole thing is surreal. That strange place we ended up in, that giant tower, the zombies and this desolate city, is almost as if...

"Is almost as if we came to another world"

It was Touji who said that out loud, not that it matters, everyone most have thought the same even if it sounds crazy.

"Eh...another world?!"

Honestly, i should have guess that Sophia wouldn't, i don't understand why i'm even surprised.