Chapter 26 - The Next Step

As Nerissa and Emma were busy with their own thoughts, Malacai and Mara climaxed again. 

She then pulled Malacai toward the bathroom. "Let me clean you up, hubby."

Nerissa felt a strange sense of relief because Malacai hadn't done anything to her. 

But at the same time, she started feeling worried. 'Does he not like me anymore, now that he already has Emma and Mara?'

Nerissa knew she couldn't hold a candle to Mara's beauty, nor was she as popular as Emma. 

She began to feel fear. 

'What if he leaves me now? What will happen to my mother? But if his command works, that should mean my mother is already healed.'

Then she shook her head. 'No, that's impossible. He will never let me go free. Not just because he has said it before, but because I know too much.'

As Nerissa's imagination ran wild, Mara was now straddling Malacai in the bathtub. 

He rested his head on the thick, comfortable foam while Mara caressed his face. "Are you sure you want to do this, hubby?"

Malacai's eyes were still closed, and he had never felt this relaxed before. "Which one do you mean, Mara?"

"What else? Your plan to deal with the Moroi family." 

"Isn't it better to avoid them for now? Until you become stronger? You know my ability is still sealed." 

"If we really confront them head-on, we will lose, hubby."

"Don't worry, as long as we don't provoke him too much, he won't kill me." 

"We will also do it as subtly as possible. We need more information about them." 

His eyes then opened. "It's just a matter of time. We are destined to be enemies."

Malacai then looked deeply into Mara's black eyes. "Forget about them for now. What about you?"

"What do you want to do with them? Should I kidnap them for you?"

"Oh, them. Just kill them or do what you want." 

Mara looked at Malacai lovingly. "That is part of my old life as Reina. What matters to me now is only you."

"Well, if you say so. But I can feel some of your lingering hatred, Mara. I will leave the main culprit for you to deal with later."

Mara moved closer and kissed him on the lips, then hugged him tightly. "Thanks, hubby. I can at least sacrifice them to appease my brother."

"Your wish… When it's possible for me, I will make it come true, Mara."

"I gave you a new name not for you to discard your past but for you to know you have a new chance at life now."

Hearing Malacai's words, Mara felt her heart fluttering and warm. 

She had a wish, but she didn't dare to ask Malacai for it. 

She knew it was possible for him to fulfill it later, but it would require a sacrifice from him.

Feeling Mara's gratitude, Malacai smiled. 

"Don't think too much about it. If you want something, just tell me. You know I can find it myself even if you don't mention it, right?"

Mara nodded as the couple started moaning loudly again in the bathroom.

After they came out, Emma ran inside, taking a bath again. 

The butler was already waiting for him outside, holding a savings book, some documents, and a phone.

The butler bowed her body with a polite gesture. 

"Master, it has been completed. You can check the money in this. I also bought a phone for you; it's already linked to your bank account."

Malacai turned his gaze to Nerissa, who was still sitting on the bed, seemingly lost in thought. 

"What are you daydreaming about, Nerissa? Take the account from her."

His words brought her back to reality. It took a moment for her to grasp what she needed to do. 

She then took the documents from the butler and handed them to Malacai. 

He responded, "Transfer a quarter of it to your account and give it to Mara."

Nerissa didn't think much about it at first, but when she opened the bank account, her mouth fell open in shock.

There were around 3.8 million dollars inside. 

"Are you sure? A quarter is almost a million dollars... Malacai. You're going to give that to me?"

"You are mine, so what is yours is mine, Nerissa. Just round it up to a million. You can use the money as you like," Malacai said with a smirk.

Nerissa didn't hesitate. She had worked hard and done a lot of questionable things to earn money before. 

Receiving such a large sum meant she wouldn't have to worry about expenses again and could even pay off her apartment debt.

Seeing her happy, Malacai looked at Mara, and they silently discussed their next move. 

Soon after, Emma came out and started dressing up. Nerissa had finished transferring the money and handed it over to Mara.

Malacai felt indifferent towards the money. His mind was busy pondering his next steps. 

He addressed the butler, "You should follow every order from Mara as if it comes from me. Go follow her for now."

The butler nodded, and Mara then looked at Emma. "You come with me too. I'll tell you what you need to do, and then you can go home."

Hearing the word 'home', Emma felt relieved. It had been so long since she had returned home, and she could finally feel safe again after such a long time. 

They then left the mansion. 

Nerissa looked puzzled as they went their separate ways. 

"Where are we going now? And why are you bringing me instead of Mara?"

Malacai raised his hand, causing Nerissa to flinch. 

She thought he was going to slap her for asking too many questions, something that used to happen to her in the past. 

She closed her eyes, bracing for the hit, but it never came. Instead, she felt something warm caressing her cheek.

"Let's go buy a car now. After that, we'll go to my house."

Nerissa opened her blue eyes, shimmering with confusion. "Why? Won't you just pinch both my cheeks again and tell me I just need to do what I'm asked?"