The fae realm was the kingdom of the Fey and a world completely separate from Emily's home.
Here there were no boundaries of time and space, for the land itself flowed around them constantly in waves and currents of energy, rippling around them like water, constantly flowing, changing and morphing shape.
It was filled with magical creatures from unicorns to dragons, giants to ogres, manticores to hydra, basilisks to minotaurs. It was truly an extraordinary world and while beautiful, it could just as easily turn deadly for any mortal caught unprepared.
A mortal should never find themselves in this realm at all.
Yet there were exceptions.
Few mortals resided in this realm; those who lived here permanently were half fey or else servants of a specific Fae Court.
It was a world of constant flux; a world where the fae manipulated reality to suit their whims.