Chereads / Life As a Support Mage of The Protagonist / Chapter 82 - An Alchemist Join the Party

Chapter 82 - An Alchemist Join the Party

 As Ian left the room, having washed himself, he spot Euralle helping preparing breakfast, along with Lisa.

 "Good morning," the pink haired girl said.

 "Good morning," he replied before claiming a chair.

 As he watched the two preparing breakfast, the others come down, with Kell being the first to arrive after him, follows by Ana and lastly Fiona, for reason that no one in the house need to guess, as they knew what happened.


 "So, are you going to join us?" Fiona asked, looking at the pink-haired girl expectantly.

 "Yes," she said resolutely. "I need a way to make money and joining you will do that. Not to mention, I shold learn how to fight, or if they attack me again, it could end up worse," 

 Seeing her shiver, Fiona give her an arm hug, to which she accepted.

 "In that case, we should get her registered," Kell reminded the others.


 "Alright, the registration is finished. So, are you going to ease her with adventure life by taking some easy commissions?" the receptionist asked, seeing the commissions they took is relatively easy for C-rank missions, with some D-ranks in the mix.

 "Yes. After all, she is not a fighter, she is more of a supporter and a helper," Kell said, making the receptionist nod in understanding.

 "In that case, good luck in your first mission, miss," she said to Euralle, who blushed slightly.

 "Thank you," the pink-haired girl replied before heading out with her new party, hoping she would be of use.


 "Having someone who knew her stuff is really helpful," Ana commented. While it might took them an hour to find and complete a gathering commission, Euralle managed to complete in record time.

 "Well, yes. I memorize a lot of theory and experience my father wrote in his book. I am merely applying them back," she said before continue walking, easily finding another herbs they need.

 "Is this the reason why you want her to join?" Lisa asked Fiona, who nodded. 

 "She is an experience alchemist. But, from how she said it, she has some experience doing things on her own, like gathering for necessary herbs. So, with her, this annoying commissions become easier," she explained.

 "Not to mention it will help us in the long run if we want to become a powerful party," Kell suddenly butted in, Ian nodding as well.

 "What do you mean?" Ana asked.

 "Both of us look into several more popular parties before. While the supporting part of the group did not get much credit, all of the famous one seem to have those members, like an alchemist, blacksmith, herbalist, and so on. 

 They are the reason why those parties able to be self-sustained, as they are able to provide what the parties need provided there are enough resources for them to work with," Ian explained.

 "So, you want her to join our party and become our private alchemist," Lisa exclaimed.

 "Yes, and if we have too much, we can see them to any party who wanted to. After all, some famous parties like the Potian Makers are made up of alchemists who can fight in the frontline and the one who can't. 

 They offer their products to those who want them and even have a contract with several different merchant groups to sell their potions and other products," he continued explaining it.

 "So, you want us to both be self-sustained and able to do deals with anyone for our funds in the future," Fiona summarized it.

 "Yes," this time, Kell answered it.

 "Ah! Help!" "I think we should help her first," Ana said, to which both Ian and Fiona dashed towards the source of scream, despite not being the front-line fighter.

 As the trio watched the two running, Kell make a fake cough, "1 gold coin on them both getting Euralle to join Ian's harem in 2 days,"

 "1 gold coin on them both getting her to join in 1 day," Ana said her bet.

 "1 gold coin on them both getting her to join in a week," Lisa followed.

 "Also," she continued, "I gold coin for their first time being a threesome,"

 "Same," Ana exclaimed.

 "1 gold coin for Ian doing it first with Euralle," Kell said. After the trio make their bets, they head straight towards the sound, planning to help their newest members.


 "I am so sorry," Euralle bowed towards them. The rest did not react. They are still speachless over the fact someone got utterly defeated by a single slime. Sure, it is a slime in Darna Forest, which make it slightly stronger than the one in Thrine Forest, but it is still a slime.

 "It is our fault for not teaching you to fight as well," Kell said, stopping the pink-haired girl from continue to bow. In the end, the two mages decided to teach her how to properly fight as trying to train her inside the forest can be disastrous.


 "Wow, amazing," Euralle said with stars in her eyes. She is watching the then entire party destroying a kobold camp like it was nothing. The most impressive in her eyes are both Ian and Fiona, who cast spells that help destroy many kobolds with ease.

 She watched as Ian's Multi Arcane Shot decimate scores of kobolds while Fiona's Flame Ground torched the earth and cause the monsters to scream in pain despite their draconic features.

 She wonder if she will be able to cast spells like those, 'Maybe not, after all, I am not a combat mage,' she thought forlornly.

However, as she was about to spiral into self-depreciation, someone put a hand on her head. She looked up to see Ian, smiling at her.

 "Don't worry," he said, "As long as you work hard, you will be able to master more spells and even able to compete with true combat mages," she nodded, still not believing his words, but at least no longer stuck in the abyss of depression.


 "All the commissions are completed. And how about your newer members? Does she deserve a promotion or not?" the receptionist asked.

 "Her combat strength is low," Ian said, trying not to say anything about her disastrous fight with the slime. "But we will train her before we take her on more missions, which mean only half the party will take commissions for now," 

 "I see. Since there is nothing else, I will not hold you any longer. Please take your rewards," she said politely. As the party exited the building, the receptionist merely sighed.

 "What are they thinking, taking a new mage? Oh well, as long as they did a good job, I will not stop them. After all, they should become a Silver Rank party if they keep on completing so many commissions,"