"Uhmmm, are you going to change to a human form?"
Tilting her head, Diana asked me about my current appearance.
She must be curious if I can change my form, but.....
[No.... I still don't have the mana that I need to change my form at the moment.....]
"Is that so?"
[yes.....From what I expect, I could be able to fully control my body within this week and after a week, I could be able to change my form....]
"I see...."
I moved my eyes for a little bit to see her face, and then I saw her having a kind of disappointed look.
That look...It seems like you really want me to use my human form huh....Well, I kind of understand though.
"No. It's okay."
Well if things go much more well then I guess I could be able to change my body after 3 days but.....For the time being, I would like to stay in this doll form.
At this current situation.... I think having this mini doll body is much more better since I'm just waiting and hiding for most of the time. Also I won't be suspected so my chance of being found out will decrease..
"By the way... Did doll-san perhaps do something to me...."
Do something to her?..... I wonder what did she meant by that?
[What do you mean?]
"Uhmmm, whenever I got hit by those people.... I noticed that I didn't receive any pain.....Did doll san protect me?"
Ohhh that one..... Yeah I did.....I just can't bear to watch you in pain after all.
[hmmmm, I kind of did something with that...and....]
[I'm Sorry...]
"Ehhh!? why are you apologizing again??"
It's just that, I feel so bad just by watching her enduring it, Even though I always transferred the inflicted pain from her body to me. It must be still painful and scary to see someone going to hurt you from up close.
[That's the only thing I can do for you ....even though I'm right here beside you all the time..... ]
I can't risk myself to be found out.... If I move when she was getting abused... Chances are, it will get my existence exposed.... And it's not like I can freely move my body as easy as before when I was still alive. So even if I did move, There is still nothing that I could do with my tiny body to be able to protect her.
So, if I get found out by the others then this will only make things difficult for both me and Diana.
We can't risk it..... I need to wait until the day that I can finally move easily.... The both of us need to endure this..... We must.....
[I'm.... Really..... sorry.....]
I sighed inwardly and went silent for a while.
"....Its really fine you know... "
Diana then spoke while smiling as if it was just nothing to her.
I just looked down....how can it be fine?..... That's obviously a lie.
Just when I was about to say something, Diana then suddenly pulled me closer to her.
Ehhh?? Wait huh??.
I was caught surprised. How am I suppose to react in this sudden situation?
"I don't mind it.....besides, Doll-san is now here with me. So, I am already happy with that. "
She said in a voice that is so soft to listen to.
But still.... I feel guilty and frustrated about being completely useless and weak.
[Why are you saying that you don't mind it??....It's painful right? Surely, you cannot say that you completely don't mind being hurt.]
"Well I think it's because I already gotten used to it...I've been treated like that many times before, so, It became like a normal day to me."
For how long she endured this..... She said it like it's been so long already since this abusive life started for her
[how long?.....how long did you endure this.....]
"Eleven.... I think?"
Eleven!!?.... Wait what??
I looked up towards her with a slightly confused feeling
[H-how old are you....]
"Eleven...Why are you asking?"
I looked down again and started pondering.
I thought she was 9 below... I mean just look at her body.... She looks so small and young.... No wait.... I think I'm getting off track right now.
[So for your whole life....you have been treated like this?.....]
"Well yes..... That's why I'm already used to it..."
It's sad to admit but....she really will adapt to this kind of life since it was really like this for her since the beginning.
[it was tough isn't it....]
"Yes..... But.... I'm super glad to meet Doll-san.... So uhmm..... Please don't apologize for this.... "
it seems like she was getting lost of her words.... Seeing her like this made me kind of speechless as well...
[I-I see... Well then.... I think we should just change the topic for now...]
I had a sense that if we still continued with this topic then it will only be awkward for the both of us.
She nodded and the two of us went silent again thinking for a new topic.
"Can I ask something again?"
[Sure, go ahead.]
I raised my eyes to see her face from below.
"Uhmmmmm. does Doll-San know what kind of place the outside looks like??"
She nodded several times as if she is really excited to know.
[Hmmmm..Let me think...]
Let's see.....
I only have a glimpse of idea about what kind of world this is. From what I've heard from Aria-sama, this world is a place where chaos can easily happen.
War from all over the world commonly occurs so its hard to call this world as peaceful. But I'm pretty sure that this world is not always on the side of chaos because if that was the case then this world should have already been done for.
But.... I don't think that I should use this as a reference for Diana.
Hmmm.... Let me think more...
This world is like earth before the modern age, right? I mean It's like the medieval ages, right? Then this should be like a place full of greenery and forest and maybe castle and towns. Not to mention its a fantasy type with many race like elves, spirits and fairies who lives in the woods. Or there can also be dwarves and demi humans living in a village near the forest. Maybe there are also the aquatic race which lives in the ocean.
Well.... Those ideas only came out because of my knowledge from reading Isekai genre novels and such.
[Let's see..... If you go outside..... There is the castle or town full of shops and houses...and there should be plenty of people walking around the streets, playing in the park, going to school, there should also be many festivals where people can have fun and enjoy....]
"Ohhhh, that sounds so nice....."
Diana's eyes sparkled as seems excited to also see it for herself.
[There is also the forest where many different kind of animals lives in.... There are also many herbs and flowers there..... As well as fruits and vegetable for eating and cooking...]
She then slightly twitched as I said that. She then tilted her head and asked something after that.
[Yes. They should be around the forest if you go look around.]
I wonder why she suddenly asked about flowers? Is it because she likes them?.
"Is it like the garden from that dream where I first met Doll-san? The place where there are many beautiful flowers around?"
When she said the dream, I got a bit confused to what she is trying to say, but after a short, I realized that the one she is referring to is the garden of Aria-sama.
Hmmmm..... A dream huh..... Surely that must be correct for her since she was sleeping when we called her there. Also, I did say that she can consider that a dream.
[Well, you see.... That garden is a bit too special so I think we can't use the forest as a comparison for that..... But anyways, The forest should have some beautiful flowers nonetheless.....]
"I want to see them..."
She said in a soft voice that I could hear very clearly.
Come to think of it, I remembered asking myself about what I should do after we leave. She seems very interested in seeing the flowers so I think I will start from there first.
[Let's go see them then...]
[Yes... let's do that after we leave this place okay?...]
Fufufu, She's so cute.
I then imagined myself smiling after seeing her excitedly nodding while having a nice smile on her face.
"Thank you."
[It's fine.]
You know.... If only I'm using my humanoid form at the moment, I would definitely give her a head pat and then hug her right now.
As I stared her, I then remembered something that I was curious about before.
I looked at her body..... And sighed after looking at it.
[By the way, I'm just curious.... ]
[What kind of food have you eaten until now?]
She looks so fragile and weak so I'm really curious about her current and past diet.
Bread and soup are the most usual thing that I saw her ate until now. But what about other food, have she already tried other kinds of food except bread and soup.
"My food??"
"Well uhmmm....."
She then took a short moment of thinking before answering.
"It's mostly just bread and soup, and sometimes it's leftover meat."
"Yes, they are delicious, but they are usually just bones with few meat.... So..... Uh...It kind of hard to eat them...."
What the....she is being treated like a stray animal that can be found in the streets...Who they think they are to just treat her like this..... Arghhhh... I started to feel irritated again.
No wonder she is so small..... She is lacking most of the necessary nutrients for her body
Those bastard.... How dare you do this to her.....hahaha.... Just you all wait... I will make you regret this in the near future.
"Eeep! "
Distracted by a small squeal, I quickly draw my attention back at Diana, only to see her looking down while slightly trembling which made me worried and confused.
[Diana? ...]
Again?? Why is she squealing?? just what the heck happened for her to suddenly act like this?
[Diana?.... Uhmmm? .....]
[Ehhhh.... what's wrong??]
Why is she suddenly apologizing to me?, she didn't do anything right? We are just talking a short while ago....
[Why are you apologizing so suddenly?.....]
"It's just that.... its... "
[Let's Calm down first, okay?... We can't properly talk like this.....]
"R-right... "
With that, the girl then stopped shaking and once calmed down, she looked back at me with a slightly scared expression.
[You okay now?.]
[Good...now then..... Why are you apologizing to me just now?....I don't remember you doing something bad you know....]
Diana then gulped before she replied to my question.
"I uhmmm..... Scared that I made you angry....."
[Huh?..... Why will I be angry towards you?....]
Wait..... How did she knew that I was angry??, I'm not showing any expression right?
"After I said about the meat, you suddenly didn't say anything, and the air got cold.... It felt scary so I... Uhmmmmm... "
[Is that's the reason why you thought I was angry?]
I really did give her fright huh.... Ahhh just what am I doing.
Wait....now that I noticed it..... She said that the air got cold just now right?, how did that connect to me?... I was angry yes, but why did the air changed?. She said that that it felt scary so it's definitely not a normal change of temperature.
Looks like I got another question to ask Aria-sama when she comes back later.
[*ehem* I'm sorry that I scared you..... I was just thinking of something that time you see.....]
"What was doll-san thinking about??...."
Diana curiously asked again while tilting her head....
[it's about your food..... And when I heard your answer a while ago..... I was..... Kind of... Angry.....]
[But don't get me wrong okay! I'm not angry towards you, I am just angry to the people who treated like an animal.]
"So....doll-san really got angry?...."
Really... I know her treatment is worse but hearing it more just kept making me angrier..... I know I'm the one who asked it in the first place but still...
[it's not good you know... You've been eating leftovers.... They don't even bothered giving you proper food.... Just how cruel is that...]
Just as I was speaking, Diana pulled me closer to her chest again, Startling me.
"Doll-san is very kind....."
Hearing that made me embarrassed for some reason.
Good thing I don't have my facial gestures at this time... If I was in my humanoid form, I think I would've covered my face because of this.
[That's just your imagination.....]
"But still I'm kind of happy that Doll-san is angry for me...."
I wonder what expression she does have now as she said this..... But even though I'm curious, I don't find myself wanting to lift my head to see it..... But I guess she is smiling even without me looking at it.
"Hey doll-san...."
Since she called out to me, I moved my head looking towards her.
"Doll-san had a family right??"
A family?? She is asking me about that?
"Did you have a caring mother and father? Is it nice? Is it different from this?"
What should I say..... I didn't had that kind of family from my past life.... Should I lie to her?....but she really looks so curious about it.
[H-honestly I don't know....I don't really consider them as family...well not a proper one...]
"Ehhh?.... Is doll-san an orphan then??...."
[no, its not like that.....]
Now Diana is looking at me with a face full of curiosity.
[I had a family but... I didn't really got their attention that much....]
"What do you mean??..."
Diana tilted her head as she curiously tried to understand what I just said.
[We are not in good terms with each other...]
"Did you have a fight with them??..."
[No its not like that..... It's just that.... They don't really cared about me....]
Maybe because of how I said that... Diana face became sad...
"Is it just like me??..."
[Absulutely not!.... It's way too different than yours.....]
I can't say that we are the same.....because what Diana is going through is much worse than mine.
I looked back at Diana and her face is full of confusion.
Hmmm.... I'm being too confusing, aren't I??....
[Anyway.... I kind of don't want to talk about my family right now....]
[Maybe next time....]
I don't want to remember them.... And I'm really clueless about this family topic thing....
Let's just move on with another topic...
[Hey Diana...]
[You mentioned that you tried escaping from this place before right??...]
"Yes?? What about it...."
[Can you tell me about how you did it??]
Since Diana already saw what's beyond the door of this room. Then she should've at least seen the way out of this place or at least an idea of where to go to reach outside.
And now that I can't really properly move at the moment.... Hearing it from Diana who had already went outside should be a good start to get information.
Diana then started to explain to me about how she left the room and what she did after that. And I just listened carefully and took important notes in my brain.
A while of explaining... I noticed that the information was not enough... She doesn't know the lay-out of this place.... But she did tell me where she went so I guess that's my only information for now.
Hmmm does Aria-Sama knew more about this place??.... Maybe I should add this to one of questions that I will ask her later.... Yeah let's just do that for now.
And after another short moment of thinking.... I heard some footsteps coming behind the door and not long after that, the door opened. Diana then slowly put me on the side of the bed facing the door.
On the door, there was a man or should I say servant since he looks like one, and he is holding a tray of so-called food.... He entered the room and placed the tray on top of the table... After that, he just looked at Diana with a disgusted look and went back outside and closed the door without saying a word.
You bastard....