Chereads / Reincarnated as a doll [Revised] / Chapter 5 - Locked up.......

Chapter 5 - Locked up.......

(The girl's POV)

My name is Diana Foltier, a daughter of a noble aristocrat in the kingdom of Latveria.

I am already 11 years old and I have black hair that I inherited from my late mother and blue eyes that I got from my father. 

Although I said that I am a daughter from a noble family, I wouldn't say that my life is any better. 

In a matter of fact, It was the worse...

I am always locked up or should I said trapped in a damp and dim lighted room. It was never a clean room too since the room is full of dust and dirt on every nook and corner around.

In this room, my only source of light is a small rectangular window in the upper part of the wall where the light of the moon and sun could enter.

My room has a crude bed used for sleeping, a desk for reading and writing, an old shelf where a small number of books are line up, a drawer where a comb and some paper are stored and then a cabinet where I can put my few clothes that I can wear which are just clothes that are ragged, torn and dirty.

So different from a typical noble right?

From what I know base from my experience in this family , noble people usually have beautiful and elegant dresses or sometimes a cute indoor outfit, however, in my case, I was never given that kind of clothes.

But not only clothes... I..... A child was never given the proper treatment...I was not given proper food.

I starved and yet I endured it. Although I was somewhat given food, it was never tasty as it only tasted awful.

I think it's much more better if it was tasteless.

And thats not all, Usually, most of the food given to me are really hard to eat.

For example is the bread. it was so dry and cold and usually, it was hard to bite. 


It's bad....

I was never loved by father and they other people inside this house. they treated me like some prisoner.


Taking a good look on my body....

My body is very skinny and it also had a lot of marking of bruises on it, and whenever I tried to touch it, a sudden feel of sting will always come torment me.


The people who are mainly responsible for my body to be like this is my so called family.

I will always be subject to the beatings of my father and especially my mother who is much worse.

And I won't lie..... It hurts..... It's very painful.....

They didn't consider me as a part of the family, They gave me hunger and suffering.

And because of this, I decided to try sneaking out and take a look outside to see how can I escape this hellish place.

I only know that our house are surrounded by big sturdy walls. And I know that there will be people on guard around the gate.

But still, I was looking for a way out to see if there is a hidden exit that I could use.

There had been times when I was brought outside so I used that time to examine the place but of course it was useless since the place where we walk to is only limited to the specific area to where I should be.

However there came a chance where I managed to sneak out because the door wasn't locked. I don't want to waste that chance so I used that opportunity to find an escape route but while I was searching around the house, I was caught by one of the servants patrolling the area and was brought to my father after being caught.

Once the servant brought me and explained where I was to my father, he angrily stood up and walked towards me.


I already knew what will happen, with only that single word, I already knew what to expect to what will arrive next.

I closed my eyes and I was punched on my cheeks causing me to fall to the ground. After that, he then grabbed the back of my clothes or the part of the cloth where my nape was and started dragging me back to my room. And when we arrive there, he kicked me to get inside from behind.

I once again fell to the floor and my angry father just looked at me.

"I told you countless times to not leave the room!!"

I tried answering back but.....

"Enough!!!! if I say that you can't, then that's it!!!."

I quickly shut my mouth and didn't speak anymore. There is no use speaking here... He won't will never listen to whatever I say.

It's useless to say anything...

"You better not do this next time!! If you do... "

My father then glared at me , and it immediately shook me because of fear.

It's terrifying, Its scary, I want to run away but I can't..... No matter what I do... It will only be me being beaten up again and again.

"... "


Soon after that my father was done and went back outside with the door sounding a loud bang as he close the door behind him after stepping outside.

Once he was already outside, I again took a look at myself and sighed.

I'm hopeless huh...

I stood up and felt a bit dizzy. I turned around and walked towards my bed.

So tired... I want to take a rest....

I tiredly walked towards my bed and once there, I looked at my doll given to me by my late mother.

It's a doll with white hair and yellow eyes. It was dressed in a small black dress with ribbon and frills.

Come to think of it....

Even though it's only a doll, It was dressed up pretty nicely. It's also not that dirty too, well the reason for that is because I'm the one who is taking care of it carefully.

I lifted the doll up to my arms and sat on the place where the doll was sitting a while ago.

I looked at the eyes while touching its hair. I then smiled bitterly as I recalled my life in this place.

"So unfair....."

I can't do anything at all...

I'm stuck in this worst place. I'm always hungry and I'm always being beaten up, I'm always being on the side that suffers more.



I felt something wet running down on my cheeks.

I then used my hand to wiped it and was stunned.


Once I noticed it.... I was releasing tears coming from both of my eyes, and everything started to get blurry after that.

"Am I..... really hopeless?...*hic*.."

Did I do something wrong for them to hate me? No.... I don't remember doing anything like that..... But why?.....

And not only that..... I was locked away..... Was I not allowed to see anything outside?

"why do I need to be locked up? Why do I have to be treated like this? ....."

To be treated so poorly. To be not properly being taken care off. I want to eat delicious food. I want to wear pretty and cute dress. I want to go outside and see the world.

And yet....

"Why do I need to be left alone?..."

I want to talk with someone. I want someone that will listen to me. 

But that is impossible isn't it?

With things being like this, I'm pretty sure that it will never happen.....No one will find me..... No one will be with me.

"Everything is so unfair...*hic* unfair..."

It really is unfair. Just why do I have to deserve this kind of life.

"I've done nothing wrong and yet....*hic*... "

I then lied down on my bed with tears still flowing down my cheeks.

"Will I still keep feeling like this?.....*hic*"

I don't like it. I don't want to feel this. To be so feel like I'm slowly breaking apart... I don't want this....

I was curled up while embracing my doll very tightly.

"I just want to be happy... But why can't I...*hic*."

Why can't I receive any happiness.....I'm just a girl... I want a loving and caring family..... I want someone to be there for me.... someone to finally acknowledge me.....

"Not unfair.""

I don't like this. It's so cruel and harsh....I feel so unfortunate.....

Why is my life like this?.....I don't understand.

I only wished for simple things..... And yet it was never given to me...

I only have....One wish..... A simple wish....

"I be..... loved....."

That's all that I want... .

All that I want...

After a few more minutes.... I then.... Cried myself to sleep...


I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by a bright light making me squint my eyes.

"Is it morning already..."

But why is it so bright this time? I'm already used to mornings but it was not this bright usually. 

I then tried my open my eyes again and was then caught surprised and speechless.

Uhmm? what? 


I was stunned and confused by what I'm currently seeing right now in front of me.

Where is this place?

It's a bright place decorated by a lot of plants and flowers, there is also the sound of running water flowing over somewhere.

The floor has white tiles free of any dirt and mud. Making it so clean and neat to look at. There are also a few benches in which I saw from a picture book before.

Is this a perhaps a dream? am I still dreaming?

Honestly the feeling here is so calming and relaxing.

Everywhere I look at, The place looks so beautiful. Just what kind of place is this?

But more importantly, why am I on a place like this?.

This place is so good to be true....

No wait.... Is this perhaps heaven? If it is then I want to stay here forever.

I then started walking around the place trying to see if I could discover some more stuffs.

Hmmm, It's full of flowers and plants. 

Is this perhaps a garden? It's really pretty.

Comparing this to my damp and dark room, I would prefer staying and living here. 

I continued walking around the place and then stopped when I saw a back of a figure who seems to be staring at the flowers in front of her.


Who is she? Is she the owner of this place? Should I say something? But what if she is not a good person?.

Anxiousness and fear started to rise up from my feelings. I could even hear the sound of heart beating loudly.


Will I get hurt again? 

I need to get out. I need to hide.

While I was thinking about those things inside my head. The figure then suddenly moved and slowly turned around and looked at me.



I got startled and couldn't move.

What am I going to do now!? I then closed my eyes and hid my face with my arms.

"I uhh!!! I am not doing anything bad! I swear!!! I am a good girl!!!" 

What am I saying!!!?


"ohhh you were already here huh...."


I then quickly reopened my eyes and slowly yet carefully looked towards her.

When I saw her face, I was then caught speechless.

She has a pretty, calm face. As for the age, I can only guess is that she is older than me but not that old of an adult. She has a light colored skin and she looks very slender, her hair is white as snow and her eyes are both pale yellow. And her lips is pink.

She wore a beautiful white sleeved black dress full of laces and frills with a red ribbon on the chest of her clothes. And since the dress only reaches to her knees, I can see that she is wearing a pair of black long socks and black boots

Its changing pattern between white and black is so beautiful and also nice to look at.


Why am I sensing a bit of familiarity with this person. It's like she is someone who is very close to me. But I'm pretty sure that this is the first time that I've met her. After all, I'm Just a person stuck inside a house where is actually like a prison.

"hey are you listening?..."


"Eep!?.... I.... Uhmmm... Sorry.....I was thinking about something.... "

I got startled again when she called out to me with a calm voice. perhaps I was so busy sorting about my thoughts that I forgot that she was speaking to me.

Well... I think that what I just did was something very rude.

Will she say something bad because of me ignoring her?...

I lowered my head while trembling for a bit and waited. Ready to receive some abusive words.

"Hmmmm... Is that so?..... Its fine..."


I stopped trembling and slowly looked towards her face.

I thought she was going to yell at me but it seems like she was completely unbothered by it.

I sighed in relief internally and just looked straight back at her.

By the way. As I look at her expression more. I find her emotion quite hard to read, I mean... Her face is not smiling nor it was sad or angry. It really is confusing to look at.

Her emotionless? 

Though it really is pretty, its also kind of weird at the same time.and this kind of expression..... It also makes me feel a sense of familiarity again.


As I once again started thinking about the stuffs in my head. She then walked towards me.

Ehhh!!? Why!?

Why are you walking towards me? 

I took one step back out of fear but my eyes were still stuck on her.


As I was looking at her confused and curious... She suddenly raised one of her hands making me close my eyes out of reflex.

Is she going to hit me!!?

What came after that was a sense of light pressure on top of my head....

"Eep!. ehh?"

What is she doing??..... Uhmmm??....

I slowly opened my eyes and saw her hand on top of me. There was also her face with a new look, having the end of her lips slightly raised...

Was she perhaps smiling?

....She is not expressionless?

"I won't hurt you..... Don't worry..."

Hmmm!??.... She wont hurt me??....

Is she a good person then?. But I don't know.

Is it true that she won't hurt me? Can I believe her? Is she telling the truth or is she only lying?

I don't know....

Following that was her gently embracing me....which caught me by surprise.

"Ehhh!?? Uhmm??"

Why did she suddenly Hugged me?

"You are not alone anymore.....It will be all okay...I'm here for you....."

"Not alone?"

..... I don't know why but something struck my heart when she that. That sentence made me feel happy? glad? Is it because there is finally someone that will stand by me?

I looked at her with mixed feelings swirling inside me.... Is it okay to trust her, to trust this person in front of me?

But what if she telling the truth? What if she truly wants to help me? 

It's okay right? To trust someone even for a little bit.

"you.... Uhmmmm..... Are you really going to help me??...."

"Yes.... Didn't I already said it just now?"

"Really? You are not lying?"

"I gave you my word and it's the truth...But, it's up to you if you will trust me or not." 

I just rested my head on her chest while she continued stroking my hair gently.


"Then can I really trust you?"

"You can..."


But still. This feeling of happiness. To finally have hope that there will be someone that can help me. It's so nice.

Is this a dream?

"Is this real? or is this only a dream?"

"Hmmm, you could say that this is a dream but at the same time is also real..." 

"That's confusing...but okay..."

To be honest I don't care if this is a dream anymore...I just want to bask myself in this feeling of happiness even if it's only at this moment. 

My sights are becoming blurry again... Am I going to cry again?. But even if I do try to hold it inside.I don't think I can be able to stop this tears full of emotion. 

If this is a dream. then I don't want to wake up anymore. I want to stay here... In this peaceful and comfortable place.

"it's okay..... There there..."

My feelings that I keep supressing inside me....I just couldn't hold myself back anymore..... I cried.... With her embracing me very softly. 

"It must've been tough for you isn't it?..."

"it was painful....*hic*."


"They didn't want listened to me....they didn't care about me.... *hic*"


"I was hurt many times..... I even begged them to stop but.....*hic*."


She just listened to me without saying anything. But its okay. All I wanted was for someone to hear me.

"I cried but father.... He kept....*Hic*"


"Even when I did nothing wrong..... They kept hurting me.... *hic*"


"why is it so unfair for me... Why did I have to go through this.....*hic*.... I tried to be a good girl but still..... *hic*..... Just why...."

I continued venting. All the words that I want to say, I let them all out.... There is finally someone listening to me.... Even if this a dream..... I want to say all of my feelings to this person.

" I've grown tired of it..... I wanted someone to listen to me.... But there was none...*hic*"


"I tried to escape but I couldn't...."

"Hmmm??.... "

I then felt her hand stopped moving for a short bit as I said that, but it then resumed back a short after.

..... I then continued venting..... Everything that I've felt... I said them all..... With her just hugging me and caressing me....

And just like that..... Our time flew by as I cried within her arms.