Alex slowly advances forward, only stopping when a man rushes past him. Alex whipped out his pistol and fired twice.
It missed.
"Shit. Contact! Find him!" 7-1 screams, as Alex runs to the right, seeking cover near one of the shelves, leaning out of cover and aiming, shooting the man in the head.
"He's gone." Alex muttered, slowly moving up below a catwalk area, diving for cover after hearing a couple shots.
N quickly dashes over, shooting the man twice in the body.
"Got one." N said.
"Movement on the cat walk! Got one moving through the shelves!" 7-3 exclaims, shooting the merc on the catwalk once in the neck, causing him to fall off, hitting the ground with a sickening thud.
"[They have drones?!]" One of the mercenaries shout, as N's visor made an >< as he dashes out of cover, and into close proximity with the mercenary, twisting his arm, stabbing him with his sword, nabbing his pistol from his holster, and shooting him in the head.
"Clear!" 7-4 yells
Alex runs up to the door, slamming the red button.
"Crap, door's outta power."
"You were saying?" N said, flipping the switch.
"Oh shit. We got a problem. These guys are Russian Army." Uzi said, kicking over the dead "mercenary" near the door.
"3-1 to Watcher, Barkov's hired guns are Spetznaz. We got Russian Army KIA in this, we need to bug out, now."
"Negative. Command wants this completed. Not our choice." Laswell says.
"When is it ever? 3-1 out." Alex snarks.
"Verify this is what we came for, I'll set the trucks for egress." 7-1 says.
"Rog'." Alex says, approaching the gas, IDing it.
"Jackpot. PID on the gas." Alex says.
"Solid copy 3-1, load up and get the hell out of there."
"Roger that, let's move." Alex says, running out of the factory, spotting a batch of trucks.
"You're with me, 3-1, take shotgun." 7-4 says, as Alex climbs into the car, as N, V, and Uzi take to the skies.
"All stations, we are Oscar Mike to the RV, watch your sectors.."
"Good work, Alex. Rally at the point for egress." Laswell says, as an RPG rocket barrels towards the car in front of Alex.
"RPG!" V yells, but it's too late. It hits the truck in front of Alex, and a hailstorm of bullets come in both the drone's direction, and Alex's direction.
"Back up, back up!" Alex screams.
"All stations, we are under attack, I repeat, hitman is taking heavy contact from unknowns!"
"SHIT! ANOTHER!" V yells, as N dives down, trying to shield them from the rocket.
He was too slow.
The rocket hit. The car flipped over, right on it's roof.
Alex's ears were ringing, painfully as he regained consciousness. Next thing he knew, he was being dragged away by V.
"Who the fuck is thi-" 7-3 utters, but a bullet cut his sentence short. A man with a gas mask turns the man's body, he regained consciousness again, and V, Uzi, and N were bootlooped, as if they had Sentinels.
"[Brother! Come quickly!]" The man yells, as another runs up to him.
"[Not Russian. Marines. American. They got Drones too. Thought those were only used for work. Guess I was wrong.]" The other says.
"[We need to leave... Now!]" The man yells, as the two men run back to the truck.
"[Move out! Go, go, go!]"
Alex takes off his gas mask, panting, as he scampers over to the bootlooped drones, typing something into their visors.
Systems rebooting. You were bootlooped (dumbass).
They all woke up with a start.
"Oh fuck..." N said, trying to catch his breath.
"Echo 3-1 to Watcher,"
"Alex, what happened?" Laswell questions.
"Terrorists happened. Multiple Marines KIA. Gas stolen, we need EVAC, now! This whole operation got fucked."
"Roger, detecting multiple Russian forces heading your way, sit tight! Pushing for fast exfil. Watcher out."
Laswell walks out of the tent with Norris.
"This operation is now compartmentalized."
"The hell does that mean?" Norris questioned.
"It means you no longer have clearance, colonel."
"Those are MY Marines, MY drones. We need a QRF in there right now-"
"That's not advisable." Laswell interrupted.
"That is not your call-"
"Colonel, Laswell." Lynns interrupts.
"General, my men-"
"Norris, give us a minute." Lynns says.
"Yes ma'am." Norris says, walking off.
"Listen, we got a fucked situation. The Kremlin has suspended all deconfliction channels, the 6th fleet is pushing into the Black Sea, and chemical weapons are now in the wild. Your fingerprints are all over this, Laswell. Fix it."
"General, right now intelligence is our best weapon-"
"We've tried intelligence. Get me a better weapon." Lynns says, walking off, leaving Laswell stunned.
"Where are you?"
"I've got a problem."
"Russians?" Price questions.
"Word travels fast." Laswell says.
"Chemical weapons have fallen into terrorist hands. Could be anywhere, Paris, NY."
"London." Price said.
"When can you brief?"
"We just did."
"Good, sending in 3 drones. They'll meet you in London. Hope you like talking to AI."