"Alright! Taming's over! Keep it moving! Scram!" Sera said, waving her hands as if waving away cattle. "Call us whenever!" Lily said turning away. "Wait!" Sera said, "The weapon! You know the thing you're here to hand over, THE ENTIRE POINT." "Alright! Keep your hair on, Sis." Lily replied as she put her hand and moved it around as if looking for something. "It's got to be around here somewhere" She mumbled. "Just for the record, I'm not fighting with giant lice, I'd rather drop out," Amy said though she felt like she was more likely to drop dead if she saw Lily pull out a giant white bug from her hair. "Excuse me! I haven't gotten lice, giant OR normal." Lily said offended.
After a few minutes of fumbling around, she finally pulled it out. It was ... gorgeous. It was a bow and it was the blackest thing she had ever seen. It seemed to eat up the light around it. It had a scaly pattern on it yet it was still so .... so smooth and so black. She didn't think she could even see it at night. And... Was she imagining it?... It seemed to give out a purplish glow.
"Nightshade." Lily said, "Only the best for our mistress!" Lily said proudly. "Well! We're off." They all said their goodbyes and disappeared through the star. Well... Lunch on me everyone!" Caleb said.
A few minutes later they were sitting at a restaurant that was..... fairly normal. A few people had weapons but other than that everything was fairly normal. Even the menu was what you would expect it to be. "So.. you guys don't eat like monsters and stuff? Alex asked, He had ordered a chicken sandwich and a mango milkshake. "No, We're not ferals. Plus bad monsters disappear after they're defeated." Caleb replied. He had gotten Alfredo and a carrot pudding called "Gajrela". Amy had never heard of it but Caleb saw her eyeing it and let her have a bite and it was delicious! So sweet and soft and crunchy." Gramma and Sera had ordered the same thing and were sharing it. it was a large plate of rice called "Biryani" and it was also REALLY good. " What's with all the foreign food?" Amy asked, She had re-ordered what everyone else had ordered. "We have food from all around the world in every restaurant. The biryani and Gajrela are Pakistani."Amy, are you sure you want to eat that much?" Sera asked. " Is it any trouble?" Amy asked Caleb, flustered. " Of course not!" Caleb said indignantly, "You're my only niece! and you guys are... kind of my only family..." He said pausing slightly, " So.. EAT ALL YOU WANT." Caleb said grinning again. "Tough luck, man," Alex said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Amy asked. "Well, My parents were killed by monsters and I was raised by your great-grandfather, He trained me all he could but I was never a hunter by heart. Yet he never treated me differently. Your gramma and I even had the same room!" Caleb said. "Wait.. so you and Gramma are ADOPTIVE SIBLINGS!" Alex said shocked! " "Adoptive" isn't a word, Family is just...FAMILY." Caleb said, " Took me my entire life to teach him that." Gramma said proudly. " Why didn't you ever visit?" Amy asked, hurt that she had never seen her grandfather. "Don't call him grandfather!" Sera said. " OK that was cool at first but now you're just being mean. seriously... stop." Gramma said. "Call me whatever you want," Caleb said winking.
"Why did you never visit?" Amy asked again, looking Caleb right in the eyes. "It's not that I didn't want to! Your Gramma didn't let me or Sera visit after we sent you to space!" Caleb said defensively. "And we never heard the end of it!" "Don't even start on how that ended," Sera said exhaustedly.
"What about you? You said those dragons were your COUSINS!" Alex said. " Oh... About that. I'm actually only half human." Sera admitted. "So you're half dragon?" Amy asked. " Yes my father, Fern was a dragon. Those dragons were the daughters of his brother, Fen
"So.... Where does your father live?" Amy asked. " With us, obviously he has a human form too! Sera said. " So.. was your father your mother's familiar? Alex asked." Yes" Sera replied.
" Do familiars normally marry their masters?" Amy asked. " Most familiars don't have human forms but in the ones that do, it's not uncommon now but it was really rare in the past and people thought it was really horrible and stuff," Sera explained, "I was even bullied a lot because of it. Your Gramma and Caleb always stuck up for me though."
" Well , we should head back now it's getting late" Gramma said. As they all sat in the car and said goodbye Amy felt really excited now. As they made their way home Amy wondered,
"What adventures awaited them next?"
Amy's space adventure
14 years earlier
Sera and Caleb stood at their best friend's door laiden with gifts. Estelle openef the door and frowned at them." Remember! No funny business, My daughter will kill me." " We promise" they both said in unison. As they saw the baby, they instantly melted. "She's sooo cute!" Caleb said. " Any effects on you today?" Estelle asked " Just innocently color blind, don't worry." They talked for a few minutes
"Ok I'm going to the bathroom for a few minutes, Don't do ANYTHING!" Estelle said .
As she went outside Caleb pulled out a black bow. "What's that" Sera asked. I crocheted it myself. Isn't it cute?" "You keep on believing that buddy." Sera said.
Caleb rolled his eyes and put it on her. "It looks lovely." Sera said.
" Any ways I have got to tell you about this new invention of mine." "Do tell" Sera said rolling her eyes. "It's a spell that sends people to space. They can still breath and stuff but they just keep floating and floating and it's sooo cool." Caleb said. " Wow , so how does it work?" " I just put a transportation spell on a bow.... But don't worry it was a different color." He quickly said to Sera. "The pink color must suit Amy right? Anyways the spelltajes a few minutes to activate." " It does look cute" Sera said, " Wait did you says pink." She said turning towards Caleb. " Yes" Caleb said confused. That bow is black...." Sera said . The color draining from both their faces as they ran towards the cot. Just before their hands touched Amy. She vanished into a black glittery cloud.
"....Shit" They both said at the same time.
Estelle came back and saw the empty cot. Understanding the situation, she simply asked," where?" Sternly. They both gulped and said " ....S...Space" in unison.
" I left for 6 minutes" Estelle said. " We have the same amount of time to find her the spell isn't perfect." Caleb said white as a ghost
" Well the we better run!" Sera said panicking. They all ran to the door and Estelle screamed ,"YOU TWO DIE AFTER THIS"
1)They managed to get her back
2) No children were hurt making this episode