Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 45 - Chapter 45 Languages

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45 Languages

After Liah had finished packing the items from the bags, she did dragged him back into his room. She told him she wanted to taste him again, the strange thing was he wanted to taste her as well, so she introduced him to a position in which they could taste each other at the same time, and wow, holy one up in heaven that was freaking awesome.

Even though his inner voice was screaming at him about how wrong it was for him to be with her in that way under this roof, he still couldn't stop himself. He wanted her, and she really wanted him, so he just went with it.

He told her that he wasn't a virgin but how exactly did he know that, what if he was a virgin? Has he ever done anything like he just did with her before? He really wished he could remember something, anything from his past. Does he have a girlfriend or wife or children? And where were his parents? Were they even still alive? Did he have siblings? If so, how many? Why couldn't he remember anything? Would he ever get his memory back? And most importantly, could he build a relationship with Liah without knowing who he was?

What they shared in his room an hour ago was, mindbogglingly amazing. The pure raw energy he felt coursing through his body, wow, now that was a feeling he wouldn't forget any time soon. His body tingles just thinking about it.

Liah was asleep in her room and he was currently sitting before the television watching a program about an athlete by the name of Usain Bolt. Whom they were saying is currently the fastest man alive and he was from this Island. Had he met this man before? His face seems very familiar.

Great, something else he couldn't remember. He sighs in frustration.

He was still watching the program and eating a snack when her sister rushed inside soaking wet, as it was still raining heavily outside. He did however find the rain on her roof very soothing. He thought observing her sister with curiosity as she kicked off her shoes and pulled off her wet socks. "hi," She said in a shivering tone. "Hi." He replied. "Oh, I need to ask you something but oooh, I think I should change first." She said her voice trembling. She then runs to her room and he turns his attention back to the television.

A few minutes later she came back out wearing a long white dress and sweater. She walked over and sat next to him. "Has Liah been here the whole day?" She asks without looking at him. "Yes," "Did you ask her to stay?" She asks. "No, that was her decision." "Oh, I see." He had an idea as to what was going through her mind but decided not to comment on it.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" He asks in an attempt to steer her thoughts in a different direction. "Oh yeah, wait, let me get a snack first." She says running in the direction of the kitchen. Within moments she was back beside him.

"Okay, so I was thinking, oh and you're a celebrity by the way, you're all the kids at school were talking about today. You're like a God to all of us, after what you did to the other side and yes, I know that you didn't go there willingly or meant to do any of what you did but for what it's worth, you rock," she said smiling at him, his only answer was a slow nod.

"Yeah, so I was thinking, this morning we established that you haven't been here very long which leads me to the conclusion that you didn't get that rich golden tan here." She said turning fully towards him. "Okay, so I don't think you're an American." She said thoughtfully. "What brought you to that conclusion?" He asks.

"American people are white, as in really white, but you're not and your accent doesn't sound like an American. Your accent sounds more like a mixture of Australian and Russian." She laughs. "And how would you know what that sounds like?" He asks.

"Dude, I got cable." She said pointing to the television. "Right, sorry." "Okay, so with a tan like yours, I'm guessing you're probably from somewhere near the desert, you do look more like an Indian than an American." She said biting her lips thoughtfully.

"I did some research at school today and found out that the Thar desert is located in the northwestern part of India, and there is also the White Rann desert on the western border, so maybe you're from somewhere between those," she said sounding hopeful.

"I also researched a few famous people from India but you were not among them." She said sounding disappointed. "Thank you for doing all that for me." He says with a warm smile. "No problem, I want to help you, and I've only just begun, there are many more places to search." She laughs.

"And while we are on the topic of where you might be from, I can't help but wonder, where would someone have to be from to have eyes like yours? Your eyes are as black as charcoal, and your Sclera is almost non-existent, can you even see me clearly?" She asks moving from side to side.

"A lot clearer than you can imagine." He replied. "Wow, I know this might sound strange but a part of me thinks you're an alien that fell from outer space but let's not get into that." She laughs.

"Alright. Now that we have established that you're from some sunny part of the world, let's see how many languages you speak," she said taking up the remote. She then began scrolling through the channels, she then stopped at one and looked at him.

"What language is that?" She asks. "Spanish." He replied almost immediately. She scrolls again then stop. "And this one?" "French," She did it again and immediately he recognized the language. "Latin," A few minutes later he had identified over eight different languages.

"And you can speak all of them?" She asks. "I can." "Christ, you're like a computer." She said trying to find another channel. She was still looking when her mother entered the house.

"Mama!" She shouts hopping off the sofa and running towards her mother. Where was his mother? He wondered observing Zoey's excitement. "What is going on? Are you alright?" Her mother asks in a worried tone as she glances from him to her young daughter.

The statement, if you have acted inappropriately towards my daughter, I'll kill you with my bare hands was written all over her mother's face. He had acted inappropriately all right, just not with this daughter. He sighs turning his attention back to the television.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine." She reassures her mother. "I'm just glad you're home safely, by the way, mama, Moses can speak over eight different languages," Zoey says as he approaches them. "May I?" He asks indicating to the bags on the floor. "Yes please, thank you." Her mother smiles gratefully.

"Be careful, they're heavy." Her mother says massaging her upper arms. He nods, takes up the bags as if they weigh no more than two pounds and heads towards the kitchen. "He's strong." He heard her mother say and both she and Zoey began giggling.


"Hey man, is Liah the reason you've been in a foul mood all morning?" Jack asks. "Not everything in my life has to do with that woman." David snaps angrily. "Whoa, you don't have to bite my head off," Jack says backing away. "Shit, look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you," David grumbles. "Do you want to talk about it? You know I'm always here to listen."

"I know man and I appreciate you but this one I have to work out for myself, alright?" "Alright man, just know that I'm here if you need me." "Thanks, man, I'll see you tomorrow," David says forcing a smile.


Liah groans and stretches as she enters the kitchen. "Where's Moses?" She asks. "He went to get some rest." Her mother says pouring peas into a pressure cooker. "Oh okay, what are you cooking?" "Stew peas." Her mother replied.

"With meat? Remember he doesn't eat meat." Liah says walking over to the sink where she washes her hands, then walks towards the stove. "Relax, it's vegan stew, he'll love it." Her mother smiles. "Oh, okay," She says taking a snack from the cupboard and taking a seat at the counter while listening to Zoey telling her mother about all the things she heard the kids at school saying about Moses.

"Maybe I should go wake him up," Liah says an hour later as they were about to sit down to dinner. "Uh no, let him sleep, he has been through hell, he needs the rest." Her mother says. "By the way Liah, why didn't you go to work today?" Zoey asks in a suspicious tone.

"What, you skull work? Why?" David asks entering the house. "How's it you're able to just walk in here?" Liah asks narrowing her eyes at David. "Your mother gave me a key when you were at Razor's house. So again, why did you skull work?" He asks in a tone that says, as if I really need to asks.

"Well after the scene you made this morning, I stayed just in case you came back and start something you can't finish." Liah says in a dry tone. "Scene? What scene?" Her mother asks. "I'll tell you about it later mama." Liah says.

"Oh, so you missed work because of me?" He asks disbelief evident in his voice." "Yes." "Oh, sorry about that, but don't worry I won't tell anyone that he's here and after thinking about it I realize that it was wrong of me to attack him like that, it won't happen again, so you can return to work as schedule tomorrow." He said with a scornful snort before turning to her mother.

"Um, mother, did you get the things I asks you to buy in Kingston for me?" "Yeah sure, follow me, they're in the kitchen. Will you be staying for dinner?" Her mother asks. "Yeah, I mean if it's okay with your highness over there." he said glaring at Liah. "Oh stop, go sit while I make you a plate." her mother says waving him away.

"So where is our guest?" He asks looking around. "He's resting." Zoey says promptly. 'Tire him out did she?" He grumbles. "Excuse me?" Liah asks hearing him clearly. "What? Oh nothing, nothing, thanks mother." He says as her mother place a plate before him and took her seat again.

"Liah, would you mind saying grace before we eat?" David asks with a smirk. "I would love to."She said sending him a fake smile.

Thank you all for reading

words of encouragement

God is going to allow you to recover everything you lost plus gain some extra blessing you didn't even qualify for.

Riddle from the last ch: who never gets his hair wet in the shower?

Ans: a bald man. No hair, no problems right? ha- no problems man.

Alright here's another. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back to you? Good luck guys.