In an endless void, our protagonist, Ananta, still floating in space, contemplates what he should do next. He knew he had to start making his universe, but to achieve that, he had no clue. Then, as if instinct took over, he raised his hands.
A glorious light shone, blinding even him, but that only lasted a second before the light started to dim, leaving a colossal sphere of the earth rotating as pride surged from his very being. The sphere that would be the start of his world was fifty times the size of Earth, which was roughly 6.92 billion square kilometers. Who wouldn't have a sense of pride in creating something like that?
While I was staring at the wonder I had just created, a blue screen suddenly entered my field of vision: "You have just started your journey toward infinite glory; however, you're still just a weak newborn creator with not even worth anything in the endless expanse known as existence."
"Damn, you just had to ruin the mood, didn't you," He could only sigh at his predicament.
Looking at the gigantic sphere rotating in endless space, I couldn't help but wonder what to do next. I could make some animals or vegetation, so many options to choose from but how would they survive without a sun? "Wait, a Sun. How could I be so stupid? All I need is the sun. How would anything survive without the warmth and light that the sun provides for a planet? How could I not realize this simple yet one of the most important things to do?"
So I raised my hands, as this time I consciously moved my divine energy to pour out my own hands, closing my eyes in the process, so I could better envision the celestial body I was making, as this was one of great importance.
Golden light buzzed as it illuminated my vision, and I could feel magisterial energy beginning to flow out of me. Within a few seconds after feeling pure delight, as I opened my eyes I could see orange light fill my field of vision, I could only stare in awe at the heavenly object I had just created. The sun, the source of incandescence light for my world, even I could feel its loving embrace, but it wasn't complete as for a second time I raised my hands, golden light started to buzz around me, blocking my vision, as there again, on the opposite side of my planet, a moon had formed reflecting the light of the sun, making it shine in celestial light.
As that was complete, I stared at my world as it was rotating. Just a pile of earth with no vegetation, no life, not even water, as I knew it couldn't stay like this—not now, not ever. Using my mind, I started to envision my planet as dirt and rocks started to rise as they formed mountains, hills, valleys, trenches, long ditches, as well as various craters in the ground, as these would be turned into lakes at selected areas on my planet, as these would become the five main continents as well as some islands and archipelagos out in the future seas and oceans. This went on for a couple of hours.
As the earthly formations finished settling, it allowed for better segregation between the ocean and land. Four continents were placed in a compass-like posture, with some little deviations as they were made at north, south, east, and west positions on my planet, but there was also a central continent, which was the biggest of them all.
Seeing my world, I was satisfied as I waved my right hand, activating my powers of creation. I changed the future seabed into sand as well as created an atmosphere around my planet, for everything I planned to make would die without it. After this process, I conjured storm clouds to encompass my planet, which started to rain soon after as it continued to fall for two more weeks.
Third POV
As Ananta saw the result of the storm, which would be known as "The First Storm," he could see his oceans, lakes, rivers, or any other type of water formation that may have formed; however, his planet wasn't complete as there was no vegetation yet. With a snap of his fingers, trees, grass, bushes, flowers, corals, and more started to grow on the planet at an amazing pace as the once-barren planet became full of life, but it wasn't complete as Ananta did something that would put everything he had made into motion. He started to radiate with power as small, white, translucent orbs with a small golden light shining within them were created in existence all around him. These orbs were created for miles before finally coming to a stop as if one could see that they could only be described as souls. Satisfied with his actions, he pointed towards the planet as the souls flew into everybody they could find.
The world was almost complete, as what was left was for him to do one of the greatest things he could think of, 'mana'. Reaching into his chest and taking a part of his soul, he poured his power of creation into the said piece. As he pushed it toward the core of his universe, it would take the energy of the omniverse and use it to produce invisible golden-like strings that entered every golden point in the souls in the universe, as this would allow the plants and his future creations to access this omniverse's energy to form power for him children. This, in turn, changed the geographical features of his planet as it formed deserts, wastelands, forests that beamed with life, and more, as it also increased the power of volcanoes on land or storms that had formed at sea.
Looking back to outer space, one could see Ananta with his arms wide open, laughing happily, "Haha, Genesis, I now name you Genesis!"
Ananta feeling the gratification running through him, started to grow tired. "Damn, I guess this is what it meant by the usage of divine energy was dependent on your capacity" Ananta said as his eyes closed from exhaustion allowing him to recuperate his energy as the universe could only wait for its master to awake from his peaceful slumber.