Chereads / Denial, Blood of The Fae / Chapter 48 - Chapter 48: The Strongest Combo!

Chapter 48 - Chapter 48: The Strongest Combo!

Raven had hoped that having its own being forced back together would temporarily knock it out, but clearly, that did not happen.

"Shirou, I hope you have some mana left in the tank." Raven joked as he started preparing multiple magic circles. It was taking longer then preferred due to the fact he was bone dry in reserves.

What he wouldn't give to have a dragon heart and lungs right now.

"Just a bit." Shirou joked back as he went to form his bow, but Raven stopped him and formed Malevolent into the bow form and passed it over to Shirou.

"Here, try this. It is better made then your current bow of choice." Raven said while making the minute changes to allow Shirou to wield it.

"Is this some kind of divine forged weapon?" Shirou asked shocked and Raven laughed.

"Nope, just a bow made by a person in their second year of schooling." Raven joked before he started compressing the magic circles he was casting and forming more.

"It will use a small amount of the energy unique to me, Dawn Energy, and enhanced anything shot from that bow. Give it your best shot." Raven said as Shirou felt a grin form on his face.

A golden light formed in one hand of Shirou before being compressed into an arrow of glowing gold with blue highlights.

"Caliburrow!" Shirou called out as he fired it off at Behemoth who seemed to realize the danger it was in and moved to avoid it, but a ton of shadows momentarily formed around it holding it in place.

"I may be weak, but I'm not that weak." Raven said grinning as he had thousands of compressed magic circles forming up and around him.



Raven bet that hurt for Behemoth. You know, considering half its face was missing and a whole leg had just disappeared in the resulting explosion.

"Damn, you packing some serious firepower Shirou, even with the enhancement of my bow." Raven laughed joyfully as he kept increasing the magic circle count. He was at 57,378 currently.

He needed 100,000.

"Shirou, we need to distract it for another five minutes." Raven said seriously as Shirou nodded his head and started projecting some more swords to shoot.

Confident in Shirou for the moment, Raven focused on the spell circles. Each one was unique in the composition. No one spell the same. 100,000 unique magic spell circles.

"Heavens Thunder!" Raven called out as he momentarily shifted focus to attack Behemoth to give Shirou a moment to avoid an attack.

"Grand Shadow Realm!" Raven casted his next spell that caused the ground to be consumed by dense and alive shadows that attacked a singular target of choice, or multiple if preferred.

"This should last for a minute or more." Raven muttered to himself as he fully focused on the spells.




















"Shirou behind me!" Raven yelled out as Shirou immediately jumped away from Behemoty and made his way behind Raven in just a moment.

"Divine Art, Virtue of Hope!" Raven casted as all 100,000 magic circles started spinning and flying around Behemoth, each one striking him with light, but he seemed to not be taking any damage.

"What kind of spell was that?" Shirou asked unsure.

"A spell of Abba left behind, to seal away his errant child, but it would only work on Behemoth. However, for it to work, we need to kill it. This creature is too strong to die a conventional death and would just be reborn somewhere else, when it dies, I'll be able to seal its soul in a provided item." Raven said as Shirou nodded, so it was back to step one.

However as he looked at Behemoth, he could truly see the fear in its eyes, alongside the golden chain tattoos surrounding it.

"Step 0.5, done. Step 1, in progress." Raven said cheerfully despite now being FULLY drained of all his magic. Even his circuts were burning up painfully he almost cried out in pain from it, but held it in.

Never show fear, especially in the face of defeat, or victory, always have the last laugh.

"I'd have thought he'd try running now." Shirou said and Raven snorted.

"If this was just a normal animal given power it would run by now, but it is far from that. Behemoth has the power and knowledge of God. It's far from an idiot. It knows it can't run, if just us two are dealing with it, then it knows the moment it runs from its protected land, it will find itself jumped by many supernatural beings." Raven explained.

It was common instinct at some point. Take the chance against two enemies then an army of them.

"So baser instant with common sense?" Shirou said and Raven nodded.

"Correct." Raven said with a smile before he immediately grabbed Shirou by the arm and tossed him out the way as a beam of energy flashed right where he was. Raven himself had to do a serious backwards flip to avoid the beam as it started moving towards himself.

"Dickhead, if your opponent is talking you give them time to talk, it's anime rule 101!" Raven quipped out with a smile before he started firing fireballs off using his denial of nothingness.

Using what little magic was regained by his core, he'd randomly throw in some wind to enhance his fireballs.

At this point, Behemoth was a melted dart board, but hundreds of swords instead of darts.

Raven almost felt bad, but then he remembered being smacked by several beams of energy and then thrown down into a temple breaking a LOT of his bones.

Yeah, he didn't feel bad. Payback was a bitch.

"Oh shit." Raven felt like he was say similar things a lot recently as he was smacked by a laser beam to the chest. Thankfully he's durable as fuck, but downside, he slammed into Shirou with a fuck ton of force.

"You alright Shirou?" Raven asked as he ripped off his shirt. No use wearing its tattered remains now.

"Been better." Shirou grunted as he stood up, holding his ribs. Raven channeled the bit of recovered magic into healing those.

"Same. So, we're running out of options, I've got a trump card, but I'm not sure how long I can hold it and use my strongest attack. So if you've got something also, now would be a good time to confess it up." Raven said grimly as he started preparing to do something stupid.

"I've got something, only if you promise not to share about it." Shirou said and Raven grinned.

"Knew you were holding out on me, only if you don't tell about mine." Raven said with a laugh as he kept his eye on the healing Behemoth who was shooting energy beams at them, but much stronger and faster now. They of course kept dodging them. Their shields couldn't block the attacks anymore.

"Alright, guess I'll confess first, I've gone that demonic form you've seen, alongside a special energy when combined, makes for a very dangerous combo, also I'm a magician, the first true magic." Raven said as Shirou went wide eye before he sighed.

"I've got nothing quite like that, but I do have a reality marble, and a copy of Excalibur stored in there, the closest thing in this era according to Rin that is true magic." Shirou said and Raven nodded.

"Ok, I'll start preparing myself for this, you start chanting your aria, I'll ensure you're close and in range of the bastard." Raven said as he started taking on his Dawn Trigger.

"I am the bone of my sword."

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

Raven focused himself and started doing probably the most risky thing he's done so far, he started creating magical energy inside of his core to replenish it. If he fucked it up, he'd go boom, and probably take the part of the world he's on with him.

"I have created over a thousand blades."

"Unaware of loss,"

"Nor aware of gain."

"Withstood pain to create weapons, waiting for one's arrival."

Raven could feel something drastically changing, around the world and inside of himself. Idly he transferred a bit of mana into Shirou as he was chanting, to see if he could enhance the strength of a reality marble or make it slightly more conceptual.

"I have no regrets. This is the only path."

Raven grinned as his risky plan worked out, his cores were now full, and he could make fake prana into real prana, doesn't ask him how, he just does it.

So he was up at full capacity, and based by the cracking and shaking around him, he guess Shirou was good to go too. In that moment he grabbed Shirou and flew right in front of Behemoth.

"My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works."

The world exploded in fire and they were suddenly in a new world that had what seemed like a burning sky and clouds, burnt ground and a seemingly infinite amount of swords all around which started flying at Behemoth.

"We've got about one minute to make use of this." Shirou said as a golden glow covered his hand as he gave Raven back Malevolent which just vanished away.

Raven was blindsided by the light and a moment later the most beautiful sword he's ever seen appeared in Shirou's hand, glowing slightly.

He wasn't going to be outdone though, he did try and understand the sword that was Excalibur, but found he only understood the forging process, but not the runic language on it, but he at least now knew what runic fae language was. Also, what the hell was a concept of victory?

So he flew up into the sky as multiple giant orbs of Dawn Energy started forming, like stars, their brilliant light shining down onto everything.

"Fire in five second Shirou!" Raven said as Shirou yelled back in confirmation.

For those five seconds, Raven started super charging his Dawn energy shaped suns to maximum power. He'd empty his core again, and if he tired to refill it, he'd probably die, so no biggie, go big or go home.



Their combined attacks flew at the distracted Behemoth and smashed into its side causing the biggest explosion and roar yet.

Raven created some wind and it revealed Behemoth with its side blown open showing its internal organs.

"We have to desotry its heart, now!" Raven said as he flew forward calling upon the dregs of his mana left over and forming one last move with his Dawn Energy.

"Eternal Flare!" A barrage of Dawn energy beams flew from his side into the open chest caveity and right into the heart alongside one single arrow Caladbolg from Shirou.

Behemoth let out a final roar before falling over, its heart and most its internal organs gone now.

Slowly its body started glowing and then shrinking down. Eventually it shrunk down into a small golden orb with a glowing white center. Raven picked it up and knew what it was immediately.

The soul of Behemoth converted into an orb thanks to, Divine Art, Virtue of Hope, spell circles. Unable to escape and bound to him as the castor of the spell.

Oh he had so many uses for this thing. Especially since it was unbreakable.

"I think we need some rest, back to the hotel yeah?" Raven asked as he slowly landed on the ground and slumped onto his butt as his Dawn trigger form turned off.

How he wished he had a portal ability about now.

"Oh, guess being half human is op sometimes." Raven laughed slightly as he felt his energy in the portal, and with a groan, he picked the now unconscious Shirou up and dragged him through the portal.


Arriving through the portal, Raven somewhat gently laid Shirou down onto his own bed, and then Raven jumped into his bed and let Morpheus embrace him.

"This was way to much work today." Raven muttered as he absorbed the soul of Behemoth inside of himself for storage right now.


Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm keeping these author notes nice and short, I'm super tired and need to sleep. So I wish you well and all that.

Until next time!

-Voidy, The Sleepy Insomniac

P.S. hungry.