Chereads / Denial, Blood of The Fae / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: The Clocktower/Lunch Date

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: The Clocktower/Lunch Date

Raven hummed quietly to himself as he paid attention to all the spots they went. There were actually quite a few magical spots in London.

Most were pubs, he could understand that. A couple hotels only serviced magical people only. A couple stores. A bookstore. Plus the hospital.

Now they are currently approaching the famed Clocktower. Raven thought it looked normal, for magus who studied what they did.

Raven followed Lorelei inside the clocktower and inside the museum that hid its entrance.

"This here is the entrance to the clocktower for non Lord level and above personnel. When we leave, I will show you the entrance which I use, and you may use it as well." Lorelei said as they entered.

Raven followed her in, and found it amusing that the entrance was in a museum.

"Welcome to the clocktower. Please remember the location of things." Lorelei stated as she began her tour of the facility.


Raven was amazed by the clocktower. It was amazing, but also crazy just how much people were willing to backstab each other just for the sake of barely any progress.

If he was honest, it was a bit barbaric, but he wouldn't lie and say it didn't get the blood pumping and the heart racing for combat. He'd always been an adrenaline junkie. At least he's pretty sure.

"This is the cafeteria. Food is served here. Almost anything you desire can be found here, though it will mostly serve British style foods." Lorelei said as she gestured towards the serving area with a couple orders and many chefs in the back.

Lorelei casually bypassed the line as she looked up at the menu board, there was some grumbling, but no one said a thing, after all, what were they to say to the vice director of the Clocktower. Though everyone took notice of the teen beside her. Some whispers of a secret little brother, or her future marriage partner were mumbled out.

A sharp glare seemed to silence them.

"Feel free to order whatever you wish, it will be on me." Lorelei said, and another group of whispers broke out, but in the whole cafeteria.

Raven glanced at the menu, and chose to order a pizza. He hadn't had one in… a long time. He couldn't remember when he had one last. Which was odd.

"I'll take a personal cheese pizza." Raven said as Lorelei paid for it and her food, having already chosen her meal.

Lorelei then led him to a table where they ate their food and left. Raven thought his pizza was delicious, though all the staring was annoying.

Eventually though, they were led to an office, Lorelei's office specifically.

"Normally I disdain having people in my office, but I supposed you are an exception. I have already added your magical energy signature to my protections, so feel free to enter my office whenever you are here." Lorelei said and Raven momentarily pondered on why she did so, but then remembered what Albus told him before they left while Lorelei had gone and changed.




"My boy, I know it may seem weird, but Ms. Bartemolei's family has been waiting for a very long time for a person with the denial of nothingness to appear. They swore themselves to faithfully serve and do whatever the magician wanted. So if it seems like Ms. Bartemolei is weird about something, that will be why." Albus said and Raven couldn't understand why, but he supposed it was their own personal belief.

"I should also mention, you should be extremely wary of anyone you meet in the clocktower, most magus are not good people. They will do anything to further their research. So I implore you, if you get separated from her, do not trust anyone." Albus said seriously and Raven nodded.

Now that he could understand. Magus, while not having the best reputation, are undoubtedly one of the more feared human magic users of the main three branches of official magic users.

Their ruthlessness and desire to advance their craft is legendary. It's said if you get captured by one, suicide is a the easiest way out.

"I understand Albus, thank you for the advice." Raven said as he spent the rest of the time petting a purring Izzy, and a cooing Fawkes each.

"I should also mention this, no matter what, you can trust her, for she won't harm you." Albus said as he grabbed a pen and started writing. Had to get the paperwork down somehow, yes?

Eventually though, Lorelei returned and they left via a portkey to Diagon Alley.


Flashback Over


"I understand, thank you for that privilege." Raven said with a smile as Lorelei nodded pleased.

"Now, I believe your year had a special surprise planned, yes?" Lorelei asked herself rhetorically out loud.

"Yes." Raven answered knowing full well it was a rhetorical question. He was a little shit like that.

"Your year was to receive a test to see if they had any magic circuits and their quality. As well as an origin and element test. Shall we?" Lorelei asked as she opened her office door and led him out towards a hallway. Eventually leading towards a door labeled [Revelations].

Obviously a joke towards the church against them and hating magecraft, and magic users in general.

"Professor McGonagall. I believe this student is yours." Lorelei stated as she walked up while a student moved forward to stand in a circle with runes etched in it.

"Yes, please tell me he didn't cause any chaos." The transfiguration teacher asked hopefully, as why else would the vice director be here.

"No, he has been very well behaved. Much better than those twins last year." Lorelei stated and Raven snorted as he could see the chaos the twins would cause.

"Oh, good. Might I ask why he is with you though?" The Professor asked, confused, and Lorelei glanced at Raven for a moment before shaking her head.

"Merely a bit of a mixup and confusion. That useless minister of yours demanded the headmaster's arrival and assistance. I was originally visiting Albus' on a case of colliding issues, so he asked me to take over." Lorelei lied on the spot, with ease and no one ever knew she lied. Except of course Raven.

"I see. Thank you for handling it. Is there anywhere I need to take him?" McGonagall asked and Lorelei stated she did it all.

"I see. Thank you for helping." McGonagall started with a small bow of her head.

"Yes, thanks for showing me around Lorelei." Raven said and McGonagall paled, no one called, The Vice Director of The Clocktower, her name and got away with it.

"Of course Mr. Inanis, I hope our next meeting shall be as pleasant." Lorelei stated before leaving. Meanwhile the Professor took a deep breath, and decided it wasn't worth asking about it.

"Now Mr. Inanis, there are two steps here. First you will enter the circle there, and wait. If it glows, the man there will read your magic circuit count and output. However you will feel pain, you must remember it though and think of a trigger to make them turn on and off. If that happens, then you will go over to the one beyond it which will reveal your origin and element." McGonagall explained and Raven nodded his head as he waited his turn at the end of the line.

As he waited though, Raven pondered on that. He of course had learned about element and origin.

An element could influence one's magecraft and guide them on the correct path to success in their craft. While that's not to say it limits them to a specific branch of magecraft, it makes it harder to study outside of it.

If one had an element of say, Fire, then Fire magecraft would come easy to them, but water would become a lot harder for them. If a Fire spell costs 10 mana, then a water spell costs 70 mana. It made it easier, but not impossible.

An origin though, it could shape one. Make some into a being who instinctively follows their origin. A terrifying thing, but thankfully it doesn't happen much. A rare occurrence.

As he noted it was his turn, Raven stepped onto the circle, and soon it started glowing. Raven could feel the pain of his magic circuits burning under his skin, the existence of his soul becoming aware to him.

At that moment, he had his trigger.

A spark igniting a flame and bringing about light to darkness.

"2… 2… 250 Magic Circuits of high quality, maximum output of 7500 each." The man stuttered as he gestured over to the next circle and Raven hid a grin.

He felt that was his unknown half creature heritage shining here.


In a separate space deep inside the clocktower, in a spot that could be considered not technically existing in the same dimension, a giant dragon head separated from its body glanced upwards. Yet, the body long since gone, the head alone remained. Its brilliant white scales are perfect.

Its golden eyes shined brightly for a moment before it returned to staring down.


"Ignite your magical circuits while standing in the middle and push your magic into the circle." The next man started to get bored while holding a clipboard.

Raven focused for a moment, the spark igniting a flame giving light in the darkness. Then he felt the burn of the magic circuits activating and he pushed the generated energy from them towards the circle as it glowed like the last one.

He also memorized the circle like he did the last one, he wanted to research them.

"Your elements are [Fire] and [Darkness]. Your origin is… weirdly two. The origins are [Nothingness] and [Creation]." The man said as he wrote something down and then passed a little card to Raven with said information. Then shooed him off.

Afterwards it wasn't much of a journey, they returned towards the entrance, to ensure some people saw it again, and then they left via a portkey back to Hogwarts.


Raven in his room stared at the book laying on his bed.

"A guide to magecraft, by Morgan Le Fay." Raven read the title, and saw a card below it.

"To Raven, I hope you enjoy my gift. I had Albus have it delivered to your room. I offer you an apprenticeship for the coming summer. If you desire so, please come to my office in summer. Albus said his phoenix was willing to transport you to the clocktower. Lorelei." Raven read out loud to himself.

"Huh, how nice of her. I supposed it wouldn't hurt to try spending the summer with her. It beats the orphanage." Raven said as Izzy meowed in agreement as she rubbed her head against his and he smiled as he started playing with her for the rest of the night with the cat toys he had. 


Decided just to do two parts for this one. So three more chapters for this year to end.

I also hope people understood the references I left in this chapter for some foreshadowing. If you know, you know.

I also want to mention something here, due to the fact that the gods still exist, magecraft and mystery is much stronger, but still weaker then if it was the age of gods. It's strength is stronger then canon fate, but weaker then said age mentioned beforehand.

Anywho, ima spend an hour scrolling on TikTok, then go to bed. Mesa got work tomorrow. Hate it, but need it.


-Voidy, The Writing Insomniac