Bachué returns to the depths of the lake, leaving Sugunsua and me alone.
—Alright, kiddo, we need to talk —says Sugunsua.
—We need to talk indeed, Sugunsua —I reply—. Care to explain to me what the hell is going on? Why was I set free?
—Well, seems like all these centuries of lockdown did wonders for your manners.
—YOU KNOW WHAT?!... Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. Guess I still have some of my old personality left.
—As long as it's the only thing that remains from your old you…
—*sigh*… It is, I promise. I'm not Huitaca anymore… I'm just… I'm just really confused, dizzy, hungry, and blind. Sugunsua, please. Tell me what's going on. Why am I free? Where's Bochica? Did he do this?
—Bochica disappeared. A long time ago. We have no idea where he could have gone. Bachué and I can't sense his presence. He just vanished.
—He just… vanished?
—Oh… so that's why I'm here. He didn't forgive me. I'm just here because he disappeared… (Don't cry, Chía! Keep it together!) He was the one who sealed me in the moon. Maybe the lock spell he put on me vanished with him… He still hates me. (Don't cry, don't cry, you idiot!)
—Not really. Your freedom has nothing to do with that. If that had been the case, Chibchacum would have been free as well.
—Chibchacum? The god of rain? He was sealed too? Why? (Phew! That was a close one.)
—Well, remember when you corrupted the human race?
—Yes, thank you… ass.
—Well, Chibchacum thought that the only way to get rid of human corruption was to kill the entire race and start all over again. So, he tried to flood the planet. However, Bochica confronted him, and they had a fierce fight. In the end, Bochica won and sealed him in the depths of the earth.
—Oh… Bochica is so cool. Anyway, back to me. If Bochica vanished and my freedom has nothing to do with that… why? Why am I free?
—You said that he still hates you, Chía. But that's not true. He doesn't hate you. He never did. He loves you as much as Bachué and I love our children. He didn't create you, but he's still your father. If he set you free at this moment, he must have a good reason.
—And what would that be?
—In recent years, the forces of darkness have become much more active. And, to make things worse, the powers of Chaos we took from you are lost as well. Maybe that's the reason why monsters and demons are going crazy.
—Wait a minute! You kept my chaos powers?! Why didn't you destroy them?!
—You can't destroy chaos, Chía. You should know that. In order to have balance in the universe, order and chaos must exist. Bochica was in charge of watching over the chaos powers, but soon after he disappeared, the chaotic magic vanished as well. If you ask me, I think Bochica released you because he needs your help.
—My help? How?
—Simple. The powers used to be yours. You were the queen of the forces of darkness. If anybody knows where the chaos powers are and who could have them, that would be you. Maybe you can even find Bochica in the process. You're looking for redemption? Then this is your chance to do so.
—Sounds fair… except for the little fact that I'm a mere human now!
Sugunsua remained silent for a moment, like he was thinking about something.
—Hello? Sugunsua? You still there?
—Alright, Chía —says the big snake—. Bochica is the wisest of all of us. If he trusted you, I'll do the same.
—Thanks, Sugunsua. I really apprecia— WHOAH!!!
Without warning, I feel a powerful light beam hitting my body. It's strong, really strong. However, it doesn't hurt. Far from it. It feels warm and kind… Nevertheless, HE FREAKING FIRED A LIGHT BEAM AT ME WITHOUT WARNING!
—AGH! WHAT THE HELL, MAN… SNAKE?! —I say, slightly upset.
—Feel a little warmer now?
—Touching myself… Did… did that light beam give me clothes?
—It gave you more than that. It gave you your powers back… kinda.
—Listen. I really believe you're on a path to redemption. But you can't complete this mission as a mere human; you need to become a goddess again. However, I can't turn you back into a goddess just yet. You have to earn it. Every time you prove yourself to be truly worthy, you'll recover a part of your powers. Go back to the land of humans. Help them. Protect them from the forces of evil you once commanded. Find your old chaos magic and find Bochica in the process. Once you have done that and proved to the rest of the gods that you have truly changed for good, you'll become the Goddess of the Moon once more. Okay?
—Huh. Weird. I thought you would be happy about the news.
—I am. I really am… Listen, I know I can be annoying sometimes, but you have no idea how much this means to me.
I kneel before Sugunsua
—God Sugunsua: The Invisible One. I, Chía, former Goddess of the Moon, humbly accept this new chance. I promise I won't disappoint you or the rest of the gods.
—Good to hear, kiddo. I'm sure that if you complete this mission, even Bachué will forgive you… I hope. But for now, it's time for you to leave. There's a town near here where you can start looking for hints. Also, take this.
Sugunsua makes a bag full of fruit appear in my hands.
—This will calm your hunger until you arrive there.
—Thanks, man… I mean, sir.
—Good luck, Chía. Time for me to leave now. I have to cheer my wife up.
Sugunsua disappears into the lake, leaving me alone.
—Okay, Bochica. Here I come.