Chereads / The Redemption of Chia / Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 5: The Mohan (Part 3)

Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 5: The Mohan (Part 3)


THE MOHAN (Part 3)


Chía's narration:


The sound of dripping water wakes me up. It seems that the Mohan used more of his awful smoke on me. Wait, wasn't he supposed to beat me up? Oh well. I'm not complaining... Ugh, gods! My head is killing me. How long have I been unconscious? It feels like more than a year or something. Besides the dripping water, the only other sound I hear is the horrible snoring from the creature.


—Umm, excuse me... —says a female voice — are sumercé okay?

—Huh? Seems like I'm not the only one here. – I reply.


I move my hand around, trying to reach the other woman, but I can't find her. My senses feel kind of wonky right now. That smoke is still affecting me.


—There, let me help you. – says the woman while taking my hand.


It's a delicate hand, cold, a little bony, and weak. It seems like she hasn't eaten in some time. She sounds scared, but also kind and worried about me. I can feel she is a good woman… You, damn monster! You feel so powerful harming helpless people? I swear to Bochica I will end you and free these women! I try to regain my strength and stand up, but then I notice that my ankle is chained. Guess I'm not leaving this room easily.


—It's no use – says the woman –we're trapped here until the Mohan changes his mind and lets us return to the jail with the other women. I've been here for days now... I hope my daughter is okay.

—Oh, right. A little girl said the Mohan took her mother a couple of days ago. Don't worry. She's fine. She just ate, and the other women are taking good care of her.

—Oh, thank gods! That's a relief!

—Listen, this may not look like it, but I'm here to save you all. But I need your help. I have to make the Mohan sleep.

—Huh? Well, he is sleeping right now.

—No. I mean, deeply asleep. Pretty much unconscious. I have the power to do so (or at least I hope I still have it), but I need to touch his head. Can you help me get close to him? I can hear his snore, but I feel kind of dizzy to actually locate his position.

—Well, I could help you. But I don't think I can. He's located on the opposite side of the room, and our chains are too short to let us move.



Okay, nobody said it would be easy, but I have to do it somehow. I sit down and start inhaling and exhaling slowly. I need to calm down. I need to recover my senses... inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale... C'mon, Chía. These people need you... inhale... I smell moss, vegetation, water. We're still near the river... exhale... I can feel the big presence of the Mohan. He's in front of me... inhale... I can hear the woman's heart beating. She's nervous... exhale... Now I can hear the Mohan's. He's relaxed. He knows he's in control, and no one can escape from him. He can allow himself to sleep this tranquil... inhale... the sound of his snore. He's sleeping at sides, giving us his back. If only I could reach his head… exhale…. After some minutes, my senses are back. I stand up and try to reach him, but the woman was right. The chain is too short. It's impossible to do it. I need to get free from this shackle.


—I need to get free from this shackle —I whisper.

—It's impossible without the key —replies the woman.

—And I guess he has it.

—Indeed. Deep inside his beard.


I touch around the floor, searching for something that could help us, but I find nothing.


—There's nothing around here but branches and rocks —says the woman.

—Branches and rocks... branches and rocks... *sigh*... well, that'll do.


I keep moving my hands around the floor until I find a big rock and a long branch.


—Listen, umm...

—Andrea. My name is Andrea.

—Ok, hello, Andrea. My name is Chía. Now listen carefully. I know you're weak. But I'll ask you again. Can you help me move?

—I told you. We can't reach the Mohan. The chains are too short.

—Just answer the question, Andrea.

—*sigh* Yes, I can. But that rock and branch you just got are not strong enough to break the shackle. Trust me, I tried.

—Maybe not the shackle, but...


I put the branch in my mouth and bite it as hard as I can.


—Wh-What are you planning to do?

—"Breaking" me free —I try to answer with a branch in my mouth.


And so, with a strong and fast swing, I hit my ankle with the rock, breaking it instantly. Words cannot describe how painful this is. I bite the branch so hard, trying not to scream, that I break it in half. A sharp, searing pain courses through my body. Andrea covers her mouth in horror, eyes wide with disbelief. My hands tremble, my breath is ragged, but I push through the agony. I must. The women need me. With shaking fingers, I reach for Andrea's cheek, feeling her warm tears against my skin. "Be... ready," I whisper through gritted teeth.


I start to sweat.


Cold sweat.


My mouth tastes like mud and blood. That branch hurt my lips... Don't think about the pain. Don't think about the pain, Chía! You have work to do.


I crawl toward the Mohan, my broken foot is screaming with every movement. His stench thickens the air. Andrea's whisper guides me closer. Suddenly, the Mohan stirs. Our breath catches, but he remains asleep. A few more inches... My fingers graze his tangled beard, then something hard. The key! I slowly ease it from his grasp and toss it toward Andrea. Moments later, I hear the soft click of the shackle unlocking. She inches toward me, but I raise my hand, stopping her.


—Sugunsua, I hope you gave me this power back, too —I whisper.


I crawl beside the Mohan's head, positioning it on my thighs. My hands encircle his skull, and I whisper,


—Dream breath.


A deep exhale escapes the creature. His body slackens, muscles melting into me. No doubt—he's unconscious now.



Ofelia's narration:


The cave trembles. Branches snap in the distance...


—You heard that? —I say —Let's check!

—Wait! —one of the women hisses —If you leave this jail, the Mohan will find you and kill you!

—He said he would let us go to the bathroom, didn't he? And remember what Miss Chía said? She promised the creature would open an exit for us. Sounds like she did. Let's go!

—Oh, now you're trusting a random girl? —another woman scoffs.

—We're all random girl —someone replies —Besides, do we have a choice?


Fear grips them, but hesitation gives way to desperation. We search the cave, and soon—


—Look! —A woman points ahead —An exit!


Joy surges through us, but we silence our cheers. We rush forward, but just before stepping out—


—Wait! We can't leave my mom behind! —the little girl cries.

—Little girl —a woman mutters —. Tt's been two days. The Mohan probably…

—Don't say that! She's okay! I know she is!


Arguments break out. Some try to convince the child to escape. Some say it's what her mother would have wanted. Others leave without a word. I don't blame them, but the child is right. We can't leave them behind. Not her mother. Not Miss Chía, who risked everything for us.


The exit looms before me. My parents must be worried sick. But I can't—I won't—leave them behind. I kneel, placing a hand on the little girl's head.


—We've been trapped here so long, but we never even introduced ourselves. My name is Ofelia. What's yours?

*sniff*... Sara.

—Listen, Sara. You're right. We won't leave your mother. But I need you to escape first.

—Wait, what?! —the women gasp —The Mohan will kill you!


I ignore them.


—You mean it? —Sara whispers.

—Pinky promise, sweet child. But you have to promise me you'll escape and wait for your mom at home.

—... Pinky promise.


We link fingers. Sara takes a woman's hand.


—Ofelia, right? —the woman asks —Are you sure?

—My parents taught me that helping others isn't a choice—it's a responsibility. I can't go home knowing I did nothing. Please, take care of her.

—... We'll return with help. I promise.

—Thank you.


And with that, they leave me behind.


Time to save them all.


Chía's narration:


Andrea carries me on her back, her breath ragged, yet she moves fast despite her frailty. Bochica, you were right. Humans may not be gods, but their hearts can move mountains... Bachué, Sugunsua, I'm sorry for corrupting your children.


—Thank you, Andrea —I whisper.

—Please, don't thank me. It was sumercé who set us free. Now it's my turn. But—how did you do that to the Mohan?

—Oh, that? Well, I am... was a goddess. One of my many tricks. You'd be surprised what I can do at full power.

—A goddess, huh? —she chuckles —. Then you have my gratitude. My daughter and I will build you a shrine.


She doesn't believe me, but her sincerity is enough. I don't seek worship, only atonement. Maybe a broken ankle is a start.


We search for an exit. If my power were whole, the Mohan would sleep indefinitely. But with what little remains... I don't know how long we have.


Suddenly, a voice calls out.


—There you are!

—It's one of the women! —Andrea exclaims.

—Thank gods, you're okay! —says the woman, panting —. I didn't get to introduce myself properly. I'm Ofelia.

—Yeah, yeah, no time. —I cut in —Where's everyone else?

—They escaped, Miss Chía! You saved us!


—My daughter! —Andrea gasps —Is she alright?!

—She's safe. But we have to go—now!... Miss Chía, your foot—!

—No time! Lead us out!


With Ofelia's help, we move faster.


—Look! There it is! —Ofelia cries.


But then—a deafening roar.


The Mohan has awakened.




The exit starts to close.


—Leave me behind! —I scream. I'm slowing you down!

—No! We're all leaving! —Andrea and Ofelia shout in unison.


The Mohan's footsteps thunder behind us. The exit shrinks.


—Oh, gods! —Andrea sobs —We're not gonna make it!

—YES, WE WILL! KEEP MOVING! —Ofelia commands.


I grit my teeth. No choice. Despite my broken foot, I wrench free and, with the last of my strength, I grab them both and throw them through the closing gap.


—CHÍA!! —Andrea screams.

—MISS CHÍA!! —Ofelia cries.


Too late.


The entrance slams shut.


Only Andrea makes it out. Ofelia and I remain trapped in the Mohan's lair.


—I'm sorry, child —I whisper —. I couldn't save you.


Ofelia steps in front of me, fists clenched.


—Don't worry, Miss Chía —she says —Now I will protect you.


The Mohan grins.


—I'm going to feast on your corpses.