Chereads / Broken Mate / Chapter 39 - Twins' Secret

Chapter 39 - Twins' Secret

Staring out the window and confirming it was dark enough, Vee hurried back to her backpack on the bed and quickly zipped it up. With everything going on in the pack at the moment, she knew it was time to leave. She needed to go find her best friend. That was the only mission she was interested in at that moment, saving Tessa.

Though she had no idea where to start from, but to her anything was better than sitting on her hands and watching Derek's father destroy the pack. She picked up her backpack and hurried out of Tessa's room, heading to where her car was parked.

Less than two minutes later she arrived at her waiting ride. She swiftly threw her backpack in the passenger seat and then immediately jumped into the driver seat also. She was panicking and hoping no one would come out to stop her. She knew there was no way she could forcefully escape out of town.

She turned the key in the ignition and then turned on the headlights, warding the darkness away. But that wasn't all. To her surprise, the lights fell on Nate who was standing in front of the car. Vee swiftly turned off the light and killed the engine before jumping down from the car with a puzzled and questioning look.

"What the hell are you doing?" She questioned, walking up to him.

"I should be the one asking you that. What do you think you're doing?" Nate asked

"What does it look like? I'm leaving, I'm going after Tessa. I'm gonna find her and make sure she's safe" She whispered her reply.

"Alone?! Are you insane? Do you have a death wish or something?"

"You don't understand..."

"You're right I don't understand. Did you even think this through or are you that eager to throw your life away? You have no idea what to expect. The Black Lotus are the most unpredictable group anyone has ever met. Firstly, you have no idea how to track them down. Secondly, even if you do find them, there's no way they're going to give in to your demands and there's no way you could fight them for it" He explained, trying to make her see the reality of things.

"Of course I know all of that, I'm not stupid"

"Then why are you still going through with this suicide mission?"

"Because Tessa is more than a friend to me. She's my sister, my family...and right now it seems I'm the only one she has on her side. I'm not going to give up on her, even if it means I have to put my life on the line for that. Of course I know that all you just said is fact and all but I just want to make sure she's alive and okay. That's the most important thing to me right now" Vee explained with teary eyes and face full of concern.

Nate could see the genuine love and care on her facial expression as she explained. "Okay..." He bobbed his head.

"What do you mean okay?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"That's all I wanted to hear. Let's go find her" He replied

"Wait, you're coming with me? No, I can't let you do that. This isn't your fight and I can't drag you into it. Plus I've told you before, you don't have a chance with her"

Nate scoffed lightly with a smile on his lips. "I'm not coming with you because of my feelings for fact I have given up on that for a while now. I'm coming along because of you Vee..."

"What?" Vee muttered with a confused look, staring directly at him.

"You're one of the best persons I've ever met. With how you genuinely care for your friends and your pack. You're a pure and good wolf and I've gotten used to being around you these past few days...."

"What..." Was the only word that kept coming out from Vee's mouth as she was still deep in shock.

"You're trying so hard to protect everyone, your friend and in all of that no one is protecting you. Which is why I'm here and why I'm going with you. To help you, and to protect you let's go" He concluded.

He saw how surprised and shocked she was looking as she stood frozen to the floor. He proceeded to close the distance between them and then took her hand in his. "We have to go before someone else comes" He shook her back to reality.

"R...right!" She stuttered and shook her head, getting her thoughts in order. "Let's go" She turned to get into her car when they heard footsteps.

"I'm sorry I can't let you guys leave" Derek's voice drew their attention.

"Shit" Vee cursed under her breath on setting eyes on him. "Come on Derek, you have to let us go. You're one I would expect to take my side on this. You must want Tessa back as much as I do"

"Yeah you're right. I do want her back....but right now we have other things to do and it's my father's orders to not let anyone leave the pack and town. I'm sorry Vee" Derek explained, standing some distance in front of them.

Nate let go off Vee's hand and moved to stand in front of her. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful but you're not going to stop us from leaving" He stated with a serious expression.

"Hey Nate..." Vee called, tugging on his jacket from behind. She knew it was a bad idea standing up against Derek who was the strongest Beta of their pack. "Stand down Nate" She whispered to him.

"I would listen to her if I were you and step aside" Derek warned.

Nate scoffed lightly. "Like I said, if Vee wants to go, then we are leaving and you can't stop us. Let's go Vee" He grabbed her hand again and dragged her to the direction of the car.

Just before he could open the car door, he felt Derek grabbed his shoulder and immediately without warning, he turned and landed a punch on Derek's face, causing Derek to bend down from the effect. "Nate!" Vee called with widened eyes.

Derek stood upright with a pissed off look. He glanced over at Vee who had an apologetic look. He looked away from her and immediately returned the punch, landing a heavy one on Nate's face. He swiftly grabbed him by his jacket, pulled him into him, nodded his face before he could get used to the punch and then threw him across the open space. "Please stop" Vee begged, looking worried.

Nate spat out blood as he slowly got up to his feet. He dusted off the dirt from his jacket and jean. Just then he heard quick footsteps approaching. Derek swiftly got to where he was, throwing a punch at him but was surprised when Nate caught his fist mid air. He tried to pull his fist free but couldn't. He then shifted his gaze to Nate's face and saw a smirk planted on his face, a smirk which immediately disappeared as he began applying pressure on his grip, squeezing Derek's fist hard.

Groaning from the pain he was feeling from his fist being grounded in Nate's grip, Derek became pissed and decided to go all out. His eyes began glowing yellow and his fangs and claws came out. Seeing this Nate decided to go all out too. His eyes began glowing yellow and his fangs and claws out too.

With a sudden burst of energy, Nate pulled him closer, throwing a powerful punch. His fist connected with a resounding thud, sending his opponent reeling backward. But Derek, though still recovering from the pains, refused to back down.

As Nate pressed his advantage, throwing a flurry of punches, Derek skillfully dodged and weaved, evading each blow with precision. With a lightning-fast counterattack, he landed a devastating blow, catching Nate off guard, he immediately followed with slashing across his chest with his claws.

Nate staggered backward, bleeding from the claws wounds. He growled angrily, ignoring Vee's cries and pleading. Thinking he had the upper hand now, Derek dashed toward him but Nate seized the opportunity. With a swift combination of strikes, he unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each one landing with calculated precision.

Derek felt overwhelmed and confused. Surprised at Nate's speed. He was suddenly too fast for him. All he could do was try and block all the attacks being thrown his way. He wasn't being given a chance to counter. He began shielding his face. Finally, Nate threw a jab at him which was blocked as expected by Derek but what he wasn't expecting was the kick that followed immediately, landing on his chest, sending him off the floor and crashing against Vee's car.

Nate leapt after him swiftly and before Derek could crash to the floor, he caught him by his neck and pinned him against the car. Derek who was bleeding from his mouth and nose, tried to ram his claws into Nate with what strength he had left but Nate caught his hand and twisted his wrist, pulling it out of position.

Derek growled in pain but that wasn't all. Before he could get used to the pain, Nate had jammed his claws into Derek's ribs, drawing more painful growls from him. He tightened his grip on Derek's neck, pulled out his claws and then threw Derek across the open space to the floor.

Vee stood in awe, watching the shocking scene that was playing right in front of her. There was Derek on the floor, beaten and bruised by Nate. It was a rare sight, one she was trying to understand how possible it was.

Nate was about to approach Derek again when they heard his father's voice. "Enough!" Alpha Maynard ordered, walking over to where they were with Cassie beside him.

"Derek!" Cassie called on seeing the state Derek was in. She rushed to him to assist him.

Angry and embarrassed, Derek forced himself up and was about to go after Nate again when Cassie forcefully held him back. "If you go up against my brother, trust me, you will end up worse than this" She pointed out.

Alpha Maynard walked over to where his son was, stared at him for a few seconds, shook his head and then turned toward Vee and Nate. "Vee?" He called.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean for any of these to happen. We were just trying to go after Tessa. To find her and bring her back. Derek tried to stop us and things escalated pretty fast" She explained worriedly. She knew with the Beta involved now and aware of her plan, it's all canceled. There was no way he was going to let her go after Tessa.

"What the hell are you doing asshat?" Cassie questioned her twin angrily. "You're being stupid and trust me, father won't be pleased. Let's go" She instructed.

"I'm sorry Cassie but I promised to help Vee and that's what I'm gonna do. As long as she still wanna go after her friend, then I'm going with her" Nate replied, zipping up his jacket, covering the claw mark Derek had inflicted on him.

"What the hell are you saying?" Cassie questioned.

"You want to go after Tessa huh? Alright then. You're both free to go" Alpha Maynard stated, taking everyone there by surprise.

"What?" They all expressed their shock simultaneously, including Derek who was still clutching his wounded rib.

"Do you really mean that?" Vee inquired, staring at him with hopeful look.

"Yes. Go and find her" He concluded and began walking away. "Come with me son" He ordered Derek who reluctantly began following him.

Cassie stood there, staring at her twin with a confused and puzzled look. "What do you mean you're going with her? Do you know what you're saying? What this means?"

"Of course I do. Like I said, I just promised her and I intend to keep it. I'm going with her Cassie" Nate replied

"What about Father?"

"You can tell him whatever you wanna tell him. I'm not leaving the pack or family. I'm just helping someone dear to me..." He paused and looked over at Vee who had her surprised eyes on him too. "We'll be back when we are done. Hopefully before the war" He added

"I can't cover for you with father and if you leave right now with her, I'll take it as you choosing her over your own family and pack" Cassie pointed out, looking more pissed with every passing second.

"Whatever you say Cas. Let's go Vee" He concluded and got into the car.

"I'm sorry...I'll make sure he comes back in one piece" Vee said to Cassie before getting into the car too. Cassie stood there in awe, watching as they ignited the engine and drove off. She couldn't believe what just happened. How they had managed to turn her brother against her was beyond her.


"Why would you agree to let them go? I thought that was against your plan?" Derek questioned, plumping down on the empty chair by his father office desk whilst still clutching his wound.

"Not at all. It is in our best interest for Vee to actually leave. You know her and you know no matter what she's going to stay loyal to Tessa. Having someone who can betray us at any moment is not in our best interest" Alpha Maynard explained

"Fine" Derek replied, looking down at the floor with an angry and embarrassed look.

Alpha Maynard noticed this and decided to talk about it. "I know you're embarrassed about how your stupid fight went with Nate. You shouldn't feel that embarrassed that you lost to him"

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm supposed to be the strongest Beta of this pack but it seems lately, all I do is lose. Losing to someone as weak as Nate in the presence of Vee and Cassie is more than embarrassing. There must be something wrong, I find it impossible that I lost to him" Derek lamented

"You're right... But firstly, you're wrong. He isn't weak. Secondly, you're right. There is a reason why you lost to him. I have had my suspicion for a while and your fight with him just confirmed it" Said Alpha Maynard

"What is the reason?" Derek asked curiously.

"There has been a rumour since the cleansing about Alpha Daemon..."

"What rumour?"

"A rumour that during the cleansing Alpha Daemon secretly took one of the she-wolf from the Direwolf clan for himself. A she-wolf he kept hidden in his pack for years and used as his personal sex toy. Well almost a year after the cleansing, he has twins, a boy and a girl....rumour has it that they were birthed from the Direwolf she-wolf. Of course no one knew how true those rumours were, that is until your fight with Nate which just confirmed it for me" Alpha Maynard explained

"Wait, so you're saying the twins are from the Direwolf clan too?"

"Yes. Part Direwolf. Hence why Nate seems so strong, stronger than you"

"If that is true then this changes everything"

"No it changes nothing. We need to continue and carry on like we know nothing about the truth. At least for now. This is a card that gives us advantage over Alpha Daemon so we have to choose the proper time to use it. Now isn't the time. So let Nate go with Vee and keep an eye on Cassie for now" The Alpha stated.

"Fine" Derek sighed

"Good. Now go tend to your wounds. We have a battle to fight tomorrow. Tend to your wounds then check on Damien and the others and make sure they are ready for the attack against Alpha Ammon tomorrow" He ordered with a satisfied smile.