Chereads / Broken Mate / Chapter 42 - Encounter in the Woods

Chapter 42 - Encounter in the Woods

Moving around the room with a mind full of thoughts and worry, Tessa felt restless. She saw how determined Kieran and the others were to go on with the war. She knew it was next to impossible to convince them against it but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. If she had a chance of convincing anyone, she knew it would be Kieran.

No matter how quite different he acts from the Kieran she originally knew, she thought and concluded both Kieran's aren't that different. She thought there was that sweet, funny, kind personality still in him. No one could fake and act that good. There had to be some kind of similarities. She sighed tiredly and with frustration.

There was a lot she wanted to protect and the brewing war was going to do nothing but take those she loves away from her. She didn't want to lose anyone else. She had lost enough already. Her friends, her pack, Kieran and her baby. Thinking about the safety of her unborn child, she realized she had been rubbing her stomach subconsciously.

Her unborn child and Kieran were the most important people in her life and the ones she wanted to protect the most, even above herself. If there was anyway to make that happen, she was going to take it. Tessa still stood by her opinion that there was still a lot of good in the world, a lot of good people worth protecting. Not only did she want to protect her side but also the other side, Vee, Derek and the other members of her previous pack.

Thinking about Derek, a thought crossed her mind and she immediately grabbed her phone. If there was a chance she could stop the war, then she had to reach out to both sides. As much as she was going to try and convince Kieran and the others there, she needed someone who could convince and calm the other side too, and that someone was Derek.

Tessa unlocked her phone and texted him, requesting for a secret meeting just between them. She knew she had to do this without Kieran's or her brother's knowledge, because they wouldn't agree or let her go see him. She dropped her phone on the bed, waiting impatiently for his reply. She looked down at her bare tummy, rubbed it gently a few times and then wrapped her arms around it.

"I'm going to do everything I can to convince your dad there's still good in our world that doesn't need to be destroyed. I'll convince him that there's good to be protected. You are to be protected" She said quietly and softly to her unborn child. She knew she probably needed to tell Kieran about the pregnancy soon but she felt it wasn't the right time yet with everything going on.

Just then her phone screen lit up. She swiftly reached for it, unlocked it and saw a reply from Derek. She smiled when she read he had agreed to meet secretly. She knew she could count on him. Now all that she needed to do was find a way to sneak out without anyone knowing.


Alpha Maynard gestured for Alpha Daemon to sit as he took his seat too. He had been expecting visits or calls from the other Alphas and Alpha Daemon being the first to reach out wasn't a surprise to him. He was the most ambitious man he knew after himself. "Welcome Alpha Daemon. I would say I'm surprised to see you but that would be a lie" He said with a smile, leaning back on his seat.

"Well you should know this visit was inevitable with your recent actions. I hear congratulations are in order....Alpha Maynard" Alpha Daemon smiled wryly.

"Thank you. Change is constant after all"

"Of course" The Alpha bobbed his head.

"I take it you didn't just come all the way here just to congratulate me" Said Alpha Maynard

"While that is part of it, it isn't the main reason. Anyone smart enough to think would know what your plans are. I'm impressed at how easily you took down Graywood pack and Alpha Ammon. There's no denying BlueBlood pack is now the largest and strongest pack right now. And so it is safe to assume your ambitions wouldn't make you stop and stay content with what you have achieved" Alpha Daemon explained

"You sound like you know me too well" He smiled. "I'm sensing there's a reason for you saying all these"

"Of course there is. We all know my pack is the second largest and strongest. Hence an alliance between us will make us unstoppable. Alpha Howard and Alpha Mason wouldn't be able to utilize their packs as best as it could be when war comes. But if we were to be in control of them, then we might just win this war"

"If I understand where you're driving at, you're saying you want an alliance between us against Alpha Howard and Mason?" Alpha Maynard inquired

"Yes. We form an alliance, take both their packs. Share their members and territory equally between us. Then it'll just be us ambitious men who's ready to sacrifice anything, heading towards the war" Alpha Daemon concluded.

Thinking about it, Alpha Maynard knew there was some sense to his proposal. Alpha Daemon was an Alpha you would want beside you in a war and Alpha Howard and Mason will be nothing but liabilities in the war. They wouldn't be able to do or sacrifice whatever is necessary to win. Though taking over their packs was what he had decided already but that meant losing Alpha Daemon who would be an added advantage to the war.

"What do you say?" Alpha Daemon questioned with an eager and sly look.

Alpha Maynard knew the Alpha's ambition wouldn't end after splitting the territories and members amongst themselves. That was a fact, but that would be a problem to resolve after the war, if they win. The idea is to focus on the most important course at the moment. "It is an enticing and logical plan. It would be an easy take if we do team up against them. Alright then let's do it" He extended his hand for an handshake which Alpha Daemon took with a smirk.


Vee exchanged glances with Nate and they both smiled. She shifted her gaze back to the road ahead, her grips on the steering wheel. Thinking about their encounter last night made her unable to stop smiling like a school girl in love. "It's nice to see you smile again" Nate complimented, putting on his jacket.

"Yeah, thanks to you. You took my mind off my worries for a while" She replied.

"Don't worry, we will find and sound"

"I hope so. Tessa told me something she suspected about the leader of the Black Lotus. I don't know how true it is, but I'm hoping she was right because that's the only way I can think that there'll be a possibility she's alive" Vee explained

"Wanna tell me what it is?" Nate inquired curiosly.

"When I confirm if it is indeed true then I'll tell you. I just hope today isn't a burst like yesterday" She sighed, leaning on her arm against the opened car window.


Tessa read through the letter once more before dropping it on her bed. In case Kieran and her brother returned before she does, she didn't want them to be worried about her whereabouts, hence the reason for the letter explaining where she was going, who she was meeting and the reason why. She exhaled slowly, picked up her jacket and left the room.

She came out of the room, tiptoing and sneaking quietly through the passage. She saw Freya on one of the couches, laying facing the roof, she seemed to be asleep. Tessa continued on her way, deciding to take the back exit. She pushed the slightly cracked door open and rushed out only to find herself in between Conan and Zamir.

"Going somewhere?" Conan asked with a smirk

"Shit" Tessa cursed quietly, shutting the door behind her.

"Planning on running off?" Zamir asked, folding his arms and leaning against the wall.

"Of course not. In case you don't remember I have nowhere to run back to" She replied

"So where are you off to?" Asked Conan

"To see a friend. It won't take long"

"That's dangerous, we can't let you do that. Kreed placed you under our care. So we can't let you leave" Conan explained

"Please. I have to go see him. It's important. I'm not gonna take long, i promise I'll be back before they return"

"No. It's dangerous for you to leave here. You don't know who may be waiting for you out there, what their plans are or what they plan to get from you or use you for" Zamir pointed out.

"None of that is going to happen. I trust him. He wouldn't do anything to harm me..."

"Then how come they were about to kill you till we stepped in to save you? Was that just a game friends play? Hide, seek and kill?" Conan quipped

"He wasn't the one that wanted to do that. I have to go see can come with me if that makes you feel better. But I'm going and you can't stop me" She argued

"Actually we can easily stop you" Conan replied

Tessa sighed knowing he was right. "True...fine...please just go with me then. That way you'll be sure nothing is going to happen to me" She pleaded.

"I don't think that's a goo...."

"Fine! Let's go" Conan cut Zamir off.

"What?" Zamir shot him a surprised look.

"I'm tired of being cooped up in here all day, everyday. This is an opportunity to stretch our legs a little. We'll be back soon"

"Yes very soon" Tessa replied happily.

"Let's go" Conan instructed and Tessa sprinted to the front, she wasn't wasting anytime.

"This is a bad idea...I'm only coming with you both because I have to keep an eye on both" Zamir stated, putting on his mask.

"Lies! You wanna take a walk too" Conan teased, putting on his mask also.


"Father!" Derek called, barging into his father's office with a look urgency. He found him to be in a good mood, putting his office in order. "Father I have something to tell you" He announced, shutting the door behind him and moving closer to his father. He had a conflicted look on his face.

"Ah just the Alpha I wanted to see. I have news also concerning my meeting with Alpha Daemon. But what is it you want to talk to me about? You seem worried and it seems urgent" Said Alpha Maynard, giving him his full attention.

"Tessa reached out to me..."


"Yeah, she sent me a text that she wanted to meet up with me in secret. That she has something of importance to discuss with me. We picked a location and we are supposed to meet in half an hour" He explained

"Well well well, isn't this day just getting better and better. I thought she had destroyed every means of communication? You said her number wasn't going through anymore"

"Yeah it wasn't. I guess she activated it again. What do I do? Do you think I should go see her?" Derek inquired

"No you're not, WE are. Damien and I will be accompanying you to see her" He replied with a sly smile.

"You want to ambush her? She said to meet alone"

"And you believe that? You think she'd come alone after we tried to end her? Why do you think she decided to reach out now after days of ghosting you. Be smart son. We have to be prepared for anything so we are going with you" He concluded and Derek nodded, agreeing, though he wasn't fully in support of it.

"But you're not going to do anything to her or kill her"

"Of course I won't. I know how much you care for her" Alpha Maynard replied

"That didn't seem to stop you before"

"Well I've had a change of heart. I'm not going to kill her. Now let's go so as not to keep her waiting" He concluded and began heading for the door.


Storming into the room, Kieran's eyes immediately fell on the letter on her bed. He could already tell she wasn't in there and neither was Conan and Zamir. He was worried already. He picked up the letter and began reading through it. The more he read, the more worried and angry he got. He squeezed the letter in his hand, thinking of what to do next.

"Where is she?" Silas questioned, coming into the room also.

Kieran handed him the letter to read and then picked up his mask. "We are going after her right now" He ordered. With no argument from Silas, he immediately put on his mask also and followed Kieran. After reading the letter his fear heightened. The only time he had been as worried and scared as he was at the moment was the night his parents and Tessa were ripped from him.


Coming up in front of the cabin, Vee and Nate exchanged glances. They had parked some distance back as that was as far as cars could go. The cabin in front of them seemed abadoned and at the same time occupied. "I can hear sounds coming from inside the cabin" She whispered to Nate with a hopeful look. That was the closest they've been to finding any clue.

"Who are you and what are you searching for?" A voice came from behind, startling them.

They turned swiftly to see a member of the Black Lotus. They hadn't noticed him come up behind them. They slowly began stepping back away from him when they heard someone clear their throat behind them also. They turned around quickly and saw another one of their members but this one seemed to be a lady.

"I'll ask again, who are you?" Adan asked, taking off his hood but his mask was still in place on his face.

"I...we...I..." Vee stuttered nervously.

"I know her" Kieran announced, coming out from the cabin with Silas behind him. He climbed down the little steps and approached Vee and Nate. He had Tessa's letter in his hand. He was on his way to find her but thought maybe Vee might have info too.

Vee looked up at him nervously. All she could see was his eyes through the mask. He seemed to be the leader. Tessa's words flashed through her mind and she decided to give it a shot. "K...Kieran?" She called

Kieran stared at her without saying a word for while, making her more nervous. Then to their surprise, he took off his hood, exposing his white hair and then reached for his mask, taking it off. He saw the shock on her face, as expected. "Hello Vee"

"You've got to be kidding me" Nate stated, having the same reaction as Vee. He recognized Kieran. "You aren't dead after all"

"So you really are the one behind the mask" Vee stated, still recovering from the shock.

"Have you heard from Tessa?" He asked, not wanting to waste anymore time.

"What? Isn't she with you?" Vee looked around more worried.

Kieran lifted up the letter in his hand, showing it to her. "She was supposed to wait here but she left a note saying she arranged a meeting with Derek and she's on her way to meet up with him" He explained

"What! You have to go after her Kieran" Vee stated with urgency.

"Conan and Zamir went with her. They thought I was asleep but I knew when she snuck out" Freya spoke up.

"You don't understand Kieran, Derek or anyone there can't be trusted. Things have changed a lot since the last time you were there. We have to go get her back now. Especially now that she's...." She paused, not knowing if to complete her sentence.

"Now that she's what?" Kieran urged, seeing the look in her eyes. "Now that she's what Vee?"

"Now that she's pregnant with your child" She broke the news.

"What?" Kieran muttered, losing his voice as all eyes turned to him.


The cloud seemed to be getting darker like a storm was brewing. Tessa looked around at the wolves following Conan. She had a surprised and impressed look. "So that is your visual prowess huh? Controlling actual wolves" She said to him.

"Yes. I can control any wolf I want to. It's cool right?" He said with a proud smile.

"What about you Zamir? What's yours....wait, we are here" She announced, looking around.

"Yeah and I can tell they are here already" Zamir stated

"Wait, 'they'?" Tessa asked with furrowed brows. She was expecting Derek alone.

"Yes 'They!'" Alpha Maynard called out loudly, coming out from behind one of the huge trees that had hidden. Derek and Damien came out from behind other trees too, joining the Alpha as they stood in front of Tessa and the others.

"Hi Tess" Derek said to her with a sad smile

"No no no" Tessa muttered with a worried look. "We have to go now" She said to Conan and Zamir.

"I'm afraid we can't let you leave just like that" Said, Alpha Maynard.

"I trusted you Derek" She shifted her eyes to him. You could see the heartbreak and disappointment in her eyes.

"Do you think you can stop us from leaving if we wanted to leave?" Conan scoffed.

"I'm an Alpha now and so is my son...." He paused showing them his red eyes and waited for Derek to do the Same.

"What?! How's that possible?" Tessa was taken aback by the sight before her. Derek and his father, both as Alpha was something she didn't think she would see. A dangerous development.

"Though we are Alphas now, but I know we might still be no match for you Direwolves and your visual prowess. So we might not be able to stop you, but...he can" He turned back and made way for Damien to make his way to the front and stood in front of them. "A member of your own clan who is now loyal to me and will kill you at my orders"

"What? A member of our clan? How's that possible?" Zamir questioned.

"Even at that, he can't take us both on" Conan added

"Well then let's find out. Make them suffer but don't kill them Damien" Alpha Maynard ordered.

Conan and Zamir exchanged glances and then proceeded to take off their hoods, their eyes fixed on Damien's glowing eyes. Their eyes began to glow red also as they prepared to attack him simultaneously.

Damien took a fighting stance, facing off against his two opponents. With muscles rippling and adrenaline pumping Conan and Zamir launched at him simultaneously. Damien taps into his super strength and speed, launching himself into action. His fists blur with lightning-fast strikes, dodging and weaving between his opponents' attacks. The sound of branches snapping and leaves rustling fills the air as they clashed. Their movements a blur of power and agility. Damien unleashed a flurry of devastating blows, sending his opponents reeling and stumbling back to their Initial position.

They both exchanged glances, surprised at the strength of their opponent. With eyes glowing, fangs and claws out, they decided to use their abilities, but to Conan's surprise his wolves weren't carrying out his orders. He looked over at Zamir and saw the same confusion in his eyes. Him too was trying to activate his ability but wasn't working either. Zamir looked over at Damien's glowing eyes and realized. "He's blocking it"

"How's that possible?" Conan questioned.

"I don't know but I guess we'll have to do this solely with our strength" Zamir replied, taking off his robe.

"I see" Conan added, taking off his robe too.

They both threw their robes on the floor, standing in just their rashguard inner wear, fangs and claws out. They growled loudly and without warning dashed toward Damien who was waiting on their attacks.

The tension in the air was palpable. Tessa quietly rooting for them. She looked over at Alpha Maynard and saw an evil smirk on his face as he focused on the face off.

With their combined super strength and speed, Conan and Zamir launched a relentless assault on Damien, overpowering him with their coordinated attacks.

The Conan charged at Damien, landing a powerful blow that sends him staggering backward. Before he could recover, Zamir seized the opportunity, delivering a series of lightning-fast strikes, clawing at his chest, spilling Damien's blood. Conan appeared from behind so quick Damien wasn't fast enough to react. Conan kicked his legs, sending him to his knees, Zamir immediately grabbed his hand, pulled him up forcefully and threw him against a huge tree. A heavy impact that left Damien gasping for breath as he fell on the floor.

He tried to stand up as fast as he could and block their new and sudden attacks. Despite his best efforts, He found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the onslaught.

Conan and Zamir worked together seamlessly, their movements synchronized like a well-oiled machine. They exploited every opening, leaving Damien little room to counterattack. Blow after blow lands with bone-crushing force, each strike threatening to break his spirit. The forest echoes with the sounds of their fierce battle, the ground shaking beneath their feet.

They looked around for a sharp stake or weapon they could use to end the battle. But Damien refused to give in. With sheer determination, he taps into his inner reserves. His eyes began glowing darker than before, his fangs and claws found their way out. He stood back up and began to fight back with a renewed ferocity, landing a few powerful strikes of his own. The tide began to turn, as his opponents momentarily falter under the unexpected resistance.

However, they quickly regrouped and intensified their assault, overwhelming Damien once again. Bruised and battered, he refused to back down. He spat out blood and was bleeding all over from the claw marks on his body.

As Damien clashed with them the sound of their supercharged blows echoed through the trees. The air crackles with energy as they pushed each other to their limits.

Zamir charged at Damien, his fists a blur of motion. But Damien's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly sidesteps, countering with a powerful uppercut that sends his opponent staggering backward. Conan, fueled by determination, launches a flurry of lightning-fast kicks. Damien's reflexes kicked into overdrive as he expertly blocked and countered, his movements a symphony of precision and power.

The fight intensifies as the opponents unleashed their own super strength and speed, matching Damien blow for blow. It's a dance of raw power and agility, each combatant pushing themselves to the edge. Damien ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding a devastating punch, then retaliates with a lightning-quick series of strikes that left them momentarily stunned.

But they're not ones to back down easily as they came at him again. They rallied their strength and launched a coordinated attack. They maneuvered through Damien's attacks and expertly had him locked with Conan pinning both his hands behind him and holding him in place while Zamir attacked from the front. He landed a series of punches on his face, then dug his claws into Damien's ribs, tearing it up. He growled in pain.

Zamir pulled out his claws and was about to punch into Damien's chest and rip out his heart when Damien managed to pull himself up and kicked him away. Conan kneed him from behind and then threw him against a half fallen tree.

Damien forced himself up, looked up at his opponent. Three of them were covered in each other's blood. He sniffled, spat out the blood in his mouth and then ripped his now mostly torn shirt off his body, exposing his bare body. Though his body was covered in cuts and blood but you could easily tell he was ripped, skinny but ripped.

He reached for his hair and freed it from the bun, letting it fall, covering his face. A deep and heavy growl erupted from his chest. His previously retracted claws came back out and seemed to be a bit longer this time.

Conan and Zamir dashed toward him. He found himself surrounded, but he doesn't falter. He taps into his reserves, his muscles bulging with newfound power. With a burst of energy, he unleashes a devastating whirlwind of punches and kicks, sending his opponents flying in all directions.

The fight rages on, the forest bearing witness to this epic battle. Branches snapped and leaves scattered as the combatants clashed, their movements blurring into a frenzy of power and determination. Damien's heart pounds in his chest, his adrenaline fueling his every move. His speed suddenly exceeded theirs, countering their every attack with a devastating blow and claw stabbing.

He refused to let them overpower him. With a surge of strength, he delivers a final, bone-shattering blow, sending both opponents crashing to the ground and gasping for air. "Here Damien!" He heard his name and turned just in time to catch the two stakes thrown to him by Alpha Maynard.

"No!!!" Tessa cried out.

Without paying any mind to her cries, he walked over to where they were on the floor, trying to recover his last attacks. He stared down at them for some seconds before bending down and plunging each stake into their stomach. They let out a painful growl.

Tessa rushed to where they were, hoping to help them but Damien caught her, grabbed her hands and held them behind her back, turning her to face Alpha Maynard and Derek. "Well would you look at that. That is one of the most intense and interesting fights I have seen. You Direwolves are really interesting and powerful wolves" Said Alpha Maynard, making his way over to Tessa.

"You're evil!" Tessa screamed at him.

"We all are. There's no good wolf in existence Tessa, including you. You haven't shown your true colors yet because you haven't been pushed to your limit and broken. Everyone has their breaking point and only when pushed past it will you see that no one is truly good. Just haven't had a reason to show their true sides. You will understand soon, someday" He explained and stopped right in front of her.

"He is strong isn't he? Well his name is Damien and he's a long time friend of your boyfriend, Kieran. Mention his name and he'll know. I have been thinking about what I can do to make Kieran make the first move, not just a first move but an uncalculated one. You've brought me that opportunity. Thanks to you I know just what to do to achieve this, to mess with his head"

"What are you talking about Father?" Derek questioned with a puzzled look, moving closer to them.

Alpha Maynard stared directly into Tessa's eyes, smiled and then slowly brought his gaze down to her stomach. His eyes lingered on her stomach and his smile broadened. "You're pregnant aren't you?" He pointed out.

"What!" Derek's eyes widened with shock.

"You have little Kieran growing inside of you...." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well.....not anymore" He added and immediately landed a strong punch on her stomach.

Tessa coughed from the impact. Her eyes widened when she realized what he was about to do. "No no no! Please, please don't do this....I will do whatever you want me to, please not my baby" She began crying, pleading and struggling to get free from Damien's griplock but no luck.

"Unfortunately, this is what I want" Said Alpha Maynard with a smile, landing another blow on her stomach.

"Arrghhh!!" She cried out from the impact. "No please!!!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face. "Derek!!!" She called with fear in her eyes.

"Father please stop!" Derek said, walking toward him.

"GET BACK!!!" Alpha Maynard barked at him and he immediately froze. The Alpha turned back his attention to her. "Everything is fair in war" He whispered to her and resumed punching her stomach, this time relentlessly and without stopping. Landing blow after blow with pulling them on her stomach.

"De....r...ek!!! Plea....see....arrghhh" Her voice began breaking as she felt every impact of his punches. She could barely hold herself up anymore with her legs. Her eyes widened and she froze when she felt a warm liquid streaming down her legs. She slowly looked down, her lips shaking and her heart skipping beats and pounding heavily from fear.

Her eyes fell on her blood soaked jean and she felt all strength immediately leave her body. Her body gave up as she fainted in Damien's grip. He let her go and she fell on her side on the hard earth. They heard a loud growl behind Damien and swiftly turned in time to be able to jump out of the way of the huge wolf almost pouncing on them.

The wolf began growling fiercely at them as the other one came up swiftly, picked up Tessa with his mouth and threw her on his back and both wolves swiftly zoomed off, running with outstanding speed. Alpha Maynard looked around and realized it was both Conan and Zamir who had shifted. "Let them go. We got what we came for already. But we have to be ready now. Things are about to take a darker turn" He pointed out and turned, walking away.